Airsoft Canada

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Rabbit May 21st, 2010 15:51

Why no Tar-21 in Canada?
Before everyone goes off on a get av'd rampage - its happening holiday monday :D

Now really, i've been browsing the net for days and I can't seem to get an idea of how much they are priced for in canada, let alone find a canadian site that carries them?

Is this not a canadian legal gun? I've read about it having a VERY small piece that is the only clear part on the gun - possibly making it considered a replica.

Disco_Dante May 21st, 2010 15:54

Oneworldairsoft has them. Full black.

HKGhost May 21st, 2010 16:50

I don't think there is any Canadian site that has them...yet, but there is 1 or 2 in the classified but you can only view them by getting Aved.

Disco_Dante May 21st, 2010 17:08

Oneworldairsoft is canadian. I'm not sure if they're in stock but they're in canada and they do have them for sale.

Danke May 21st, 2010 17:13

An old friend of mine ordered one from where Disco mentioned, I'll ask him what he thinks of it.

Rugger_can May 21st, 2010 17:26

Check me out

Day's eh.. How bout you go on a "don't be a nub" rampage and do a little real research.. For the love of god there is a frigging review of this gun on this very site and in that thread someone actually says where to buy it.

So before you start acting superior and calling people out for suggesting you get AV'ed you should take a step back and check your own damn footing.


Rabbit May 21st, 2010 17:40


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1240104)
Check me out

Day's eh.. How bout you go on a "don't be a nub" rampage and do a little real research.. For the love of god there is a frigging review of this gun on this very site and in that thread someone actually says where to buy it.

So before you start acting superior and calling people out for suggesting you get AV'ed you should take a step back and check your own damn footing.


Really Rugger? Why are you such an angry person? I've read several of your posts where all you're doing is trolling someone asking questions or for advice.

Take a break man! Not everyone has vast superior knowledge of where to find things like yourself.

We're all here to invest in the same hobbie are we not?

Try helping out instead of being negative. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Did you think people would actually find humour in your post? or was it just some kind of weird sense of depression you're going through where it makes you feel better to put others down.

Really guys? Is this what im going to have to deal with if im looking to invest in airsoft?

Forever_kaos May 21st, 2010 17:46


Originally Posted by FrankieCees (Post 1240117)
Really guys? Is this what im going to have to deal with if im looking to invest in airsoft?

No, there's pot holes down every road at one point or another.

HeadlessChicken May 21st, 2010 17:56

Oneworld has them but not in stock for either the TAR21 or the CTAR21, I checked with them about a month ago. I don't know what the ETA is for a refresh in their stock.

If I may ask, are you sure you want this particular weapon system? I was toying with the idea of getting a bullpup rifle, having the range of an M16 or M4 but in a smaller package enticed me when I went up against someone sporting an AUG A1 who was able to reach out and touch me before I could get him within the range of my M4. I tried reloading and found it difficult to maintain speed and consistency. Besides, I have a G36 that can probably perform the same but its not functioning right now.

Spike May 21st, 2010 18:01

FYI, that google search turned over nothing. Fail.

Tex May 21st, 2010 18:14


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1240133)
FYI, that google search turned over nothing. Fail.

FYI the fourth result is the store mentioned in this thread.

pusangani May 21st, 2010 18:19

Get av'd you will be able to figure out pricing in Canada from seeing what they go fo in classifieds.

And Rugger is right, if people would put some effort instead of just saying "help me please I can't/won't use the Asc search/google" they wouldn't have people looking like trolls for telling them to quit being babies and begging for a spoonfeeding.

There's no "vast knowledge" needed just a simple understanding of how a search engine works and the desire to help yourself.

Crying about people being mean to you is lame and makes you out to be even more helpless than you already proved by not trying to help yourself.

Spike May 21st, 2010 18:41


Originally Posted by Tex (Post 1240142)
FYI the fourth result is the store mentioned in this thread.

Whoop, I'm retarded. Don't mind me.

Rabbit May 21st, 2010 18:45


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1240145)
Get av'd you will be able to figure out pricing in Canada from seeing what they go fo in classifieds.

And Rugger is right, if people would put some effort instead of just saying "help me please I can't/won't use the Asc search/google" they wouldn't have people looking like trolls for telling them to quit being babies and begging for a spoonfeeding.

There's no "vast knowledge" needed just a simple understanding of how a search engine works and the desire to help yourself.

Crying about people being mean to you is lame and makes you out to be even more helpless than you already proved by not trying to help yourself.

Crying about being mean? Im guessing it would have been more appropriate to flame back in your opinion?

Or better yet, just sit there and say nothing.

Reading back I was accused of having a superiority complex for asking for no av replies - really? seriously? It clearly states its happening in 3 days with a fucking smiley face! As in YAY? CHEERY?

Really though, treating the new people to forums and airsoft in general the way some of the people in this post have doesn't really make for a good welcoming in a mutual hobby that we all share.

We could go back and forth all day but winning a point over the internet is like winning a medal in the special olympics, even if you do - you're still a retard.

Helping new people who might possibly one day have a passion for airsoft like some of you do on here will only help the community on here grow.

Why push people away?

Airsoft is so caught up with rules and regulations and shipping into Canada etc. Sometimes people want a quick answer - we're human - we're lazy! Things can be a bit confusing. Thats all!

Rugger_can May 21st, 2010 18:47

Oh noes Im a troll. For answering your question!!

I guess its because I didnt do all the work for you and link directly to the reviews sitting on this site about the topic in question

There ya go. And it's probably a good idea for you to drop the attitude and relax a little man, no one's out to get you. But then again you've got me all figured out haven't you.


Oh yea.. Deeds not words.

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