Airsoft Canada

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Ozone06 April 30th, 2010 00:15

Anyone have 30 minutes and a chronie??
I think this might go under the wanted section so move it if need be but I'm looking to get my TM M4 S-system chronied.

I got it second hand and I just want to know what it's shooting at before I head out to a game an hour away and get turned away due to a hot (probably not) gun and if i need to get another for indoor play.

I'm in Mississauga and was wondering if anyone in Mississauga or western Toronto might have 30 minutes for me to come by and figure out what my gun is shooting at I'll Bring along a beverage of your choice and some cash for your troubles!!

I work afternoons which is the only catch, only available until 1, but am available all day on Sundays or Mondays!


voorhees -FWA- April 30th, 2010 00:44

shoot a coke can there are six ranges of penetration on a Coke can. In order of difficulty they are: One Side…………….290+FPS Both Sides…………..340+FPS Bottom Center………385+FPS* Bottom Edge………...450+FPS Top Center…………..470+FPS Top Edge……………500+FPS... it's an idea of how hard your gun is shooting. Make sure you use .20 gram BBs.

Thenooblord April 30th, 2010 00:48


Originally Posted by tte404 (Post 1223398)
shoot a coke can there are six ranges of penetration on a Coke can. In order of difficulty they are: One Side…………….290+FPS Both Sides…………..340+FPS Bottom Center………385+FPS* Bottom Edge………...450+FPS Top Center…………..470+FPS Top Edge……………500+FPS... it's an idea of how hard your gun is shooting. Make sure you use .20 gram BBs.

that dun work. my hicappa shooting 290 goes through both sides and my masada shooting 320 didnt even go through one side, go figure

voorhees -FWA- April 30th, 2010 00:50


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1223399)
that dun work. my hicappa shooting 290 goes through both sides and my masada shooting 320 didnt even go through one side, go figure

My M4 is shooting 1.7joules and it goes thru the bottom easy enough but it doesnt go thru the top - i have a xcortech x3200 chrono i used to see if the above was true and it is...

Styrak April 30th, 2010 01:12


Originally Posted by tte404 (Post 1223398)
shoot a coke can there are six ranges of penetration on a Coke can. In order of difficulty they are: One Side…………….290+FPS Both Sides…………..340+FPS Bottom Center………385+FPS* Bottom Edge………...450+FPS Top Center…………..470+FPS Top Edge……………500+FPS... it's an idea of how hard your gun is shooting. Make sure you use .20 gram BBs.

That method is horribly inaccurate.

Rugger_can April 30th, 2010 01:27


Originally Posted by tte404 (Post 1223398)
shoot a coke can there are six ranges of penetration on a Coke can. In order of difficulty they are: One Side…………….290+FPS Both Sides…………..340+FPS Bottom Center………385+FPS* Bottom Edge………...450+FPS Top Center…………..470+FPS Top Edge……………500+FPS... it's an idea of how hard your gun is shooting. Make sure you use .20 gram BBs.

Its not a good method for testing FPS. He has a simple request and wants to be responsible and verify that his AEG is shooting within his fields limits. If people are not posting here to offer him the chance to crono his gun then leave well enough alone.

I suggest you contact Brian McIlmoyle, he's hosting a game at TTAC3 tommorrow that starts at 8AM, it can't hurt to ask him if you can swing by and quickly crono your gun the worst he can say is no. Its not "western toronto" but its a suggestion.

Good luck.

Sha Do April 30th, 2010 01:29

Ozone's looked after.


StrikeFreedom April 30th, 2010 01:35

Any nearby paintball places?

L473ncy April 30th, 2010 11:12

You could try the poor mans chrono (NOT the "Coke can" one)

Setup two microphones a known distance away (5 meters or 15-16 feet) and get a recording program (audacity) to record as the BB passes these two microphones.

You have v = d/t distance is known as you have the 2 mics at a known distance and time is known as well by taking the difference between the "sound peaks" where the BB rushes past the mic. Then you just divide and get velocity either m/s or fps, then if needed convert your answer to something meaningful (ie. joules, or fps or whatever metric is used to test whether or not the gun is shooting hot).

Obviously this can have a great deal of error but at the same time it's a much better metric to test than the "coke can chrono" since coke cans actually have different thicknesses of aluminum between batches (especially between different regions) and can really be inaccurate whereas this is a simple test and only places for variability are mostly human error.

krap101 April 30th, 2010 11:18

Would the mic still work even if the bb isn't hitting anything? The mic test I've seen used 1 mic and like a piece of cardboard or something like some distance away. The speed of sound is like..1100fps or something, so the error should be relatively small. You can use two mics, and you'll get rid of the time needed for the sound to get back to the mic, but this can be calculated pretty easily. So it is it 10 ft away, 10/1100=seconds to subtract from the total time between the shot and the impact.

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