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six4 March 9th, 2008 21:07

bigfoot games meets an actual E.R.T. and not by choice!
(sunday march 9th)

video, and explanation to follow, i just cant wait long enough to start talking about it!! stay tuned!! those that were on the field when it happened please post your thoughts! as for me,,,its not everyday you get asked by a S.W.A.T. team, in full gear,weapons,vehicles,command truck, oh and one bad a s s looking dog to escort them through your airsoft field to help them eliminate it as a threat!!! so aside from some cool games with all my friends i got to walk with a real S.W.A.T. and point out "areas of interest"

DC_ACU March 9th, 2008 21:30

well it obviously didnt end tragically.
Id like to hear the story?

six4 March 9th, 2008 21:35


Originally Posted by DC_ACU (Post 665356)
well it obviously didnt end tragically.
Id like to hear the story?

i will have some more of the story when i post the video,,,yes they let me video a little bit of the event only after i promised them that through editing i can blur the images to protect identities.

Wilson March 9th, 2008 21:47

That's pretty sweet.

bigbeef March 9th, 2008 22:02

wow sounds like I missed an exiting game!

skalnok March 9th, 2008 22:04

sounds pretty damn cool

Sinbird March 9th, 2008 22:43


Brakoo March 9th, 2008 22:54

Wait for a story before saying it's damn cool and what not..... kids these days.

six4 March 9th, 2008 23:00


Originally Posted by Brakoo (Post 665405)
Wait for a story before saying it's damn cool and what not..... kids these days.

thats my bad for making everyone wait for the video,,sorry guys. here's all that we were told by the SWAT team,,its a little vague but here goes.....

S.W.A.T. couldnt release exact details of what was going on,,,for obvious reasons. it had nothing to do with "nosy neighbors" as they all know the bigfoot family. S.W.A.T. said it had something to do with two "persons of interest" that were loose in the vicinity and that they were clearing the area yard by yard.

( footage has been blurred to obscure gear patches and nametags and for facial recognition )

video being reworked back up in a bit

Deftonius March 9th, 2008 23:26

That totally beats the time when two cruisers showed up to a gameday up here in Ottawa and the cops were actually just fellow airsofters popping in to say hey.

DC_ACU March 9th, 2008 23:26

didnt you have to blur his face??

NovaKaynE March 9th, 2008 23:31

LOL...."stop resisting!!!" "keep quiet for fucks sake, i'm trying to sneak up on this bunker."

six4 March 9th, 2008 23:31


Originally Posted by DC_ACU (Post 665438)
didnt you have to blur his face??

cant do that with just windows movie maker. so instead i used blur effects on the whole clip. thay said as long as patches and names didnt show it would be ok.

SpartanJ March 9th, 2008 23:36

is that multicam one of them is sporting?

six4 March 9th, 2008 23:39


Originally Posted by SpartanJ (Post 665450)
is that multicam one of them is sporting?

yes,,,you should have seen the swat dog. what a beautiful and majestic animal,,,he moved with a purpose in his stride and his look was all business!

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