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CDN_Stalker April 30th, 2006 18:21

Best wishes thread for Kokanee
About 40 of us played the LZ today, Kokanee was in one of the towers, third floor, spotted one of our guys (Warmonger) with a sniper rifle in the woodline, called it out, didn't pay attention to where he stepped and fell through the entrance hole from the second floor to the third floor. Injuring on his right side ribs, might have fractures or broken ribs, might be milder like bruised ribs. Kudos to TangoCharlie, Irish and Flying_Bullits (ETF team members, who are professionally paramedic trained and their profession as well) who took care of him after Rexter EVAC'd Kokanee from the base area in the Iltis, and took 100% care of him until the abulance showed up.

I called Kokanee's cell phone in hopes of leaving a message for him to give my best wishes to him, that I've been thinking a lot of him, but phone wasn't on. Figured since a LOT of us know him on here, I'd start a thread for him for you guys to leave messages for him. Been thinking about what happened since we found out it was him and possible broken ribs. More so since I got home though.

So Josh, let me be the first to say hopefully the injury isn't as bad as feared, and hope to see you up and running very soon. Added unfortuante, he just got over pnemonia last week or the week before. Poor bugger. Anyways, Rexter said he'd post updated on Kokanee's condition on the ETF forum as soon as he finds anything out, and I or another will give you all updates.


PS: Pantless Crab took a pic of Josh in the Iltis being treated by Irish and Bullits, maybe Crab can post the pic here. Josh was in a LOT of pain!!!

DuffMan April 30th, 2006 18:24

Shizzer. Heal up quick, Kokanee.

FOX_111 April 30th, 2006 18:24

Shit. I'm glad competant people where there for him.
I'd like to see the pics too.

Get well mister Kokanee!

PTE. Pyle April 30th, 2006 18:30

hope all goes well and he has a speedy recouvery. its a sad day when an airsofter gets hurt in the line of duty. glad there was people there to help him.

CDN_Stalker April 30th, 2006 18:34

Who needs greeting cards when you have ASC! (Kokanee, sorry if you laughed when you saw this comment and cause yourself intense pain!)

Dirty Deeds April 30th, 2006 18:39

Get well soon Josh, we all want to see you up and around ASAP.

thephenom April 30th, 2006 18:45

Best wishes, get well soon!

quikstrike April 30th, 2006 18:46

Ah that sucks man, hope you get better asap!

GovernmentGrant April 30th, 2006 19:14

Shitty deal there, hope you get well soon!

Best wishes from your friends out west in EAR!!

Krieg April 30th, 2006 19:15

Get well man!!

Mantelope April 30th, 2006 19:19

concept_8 April 30th, 2006 19:20

Hope it's not too bad Josh.
Hopefully the doc's score you some good pain killers to get you through.

MMMiles! April 30th, 2006 19:22

Hey Josh, we can ban a bunch of people when you get back to make you feel better.

Broken ribs suck, incidentally.

-Skeletor- April 30th, 2006 19:28

That sucks, get well man.

Aquamarine April 30th, 2006 19:28

All the best, you filthy bastard! ;)

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