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RacingManiac May 9th, 2009 12:26

G&P WOC M4 Build...
First Edition...

Got the gun used in a trade(bye bye P226). Came in the form of WOC01 + G&P SR16 URX front set....

At the moment I swap the KA CASV-EL front on it...I have a FDE KA CASV-M on order. Got Magpul FDE MOE grip, and RS Magpul CTR stock for Mil-Spec buffer tube....this will have RA-Tech Bolt group and summer buffer spring late. Came with the gun is a PDI 6.01 barrel. Shoots ~ 370+fps at the moment...

The Aimpoint M2 clone is going to be changed to a M4 clone with a lower mount for co-witnessing sight....and the broken cocking handle will be replaced too....

Might just do CAPS with this...stay tuned for that.....(need more

ILLusion May 9th, 2009 12:37

Nice! (i have mags for sale! lol)

Shirley May 9th, 2009 12:45

Sigh.... lucky dude..:(

RacingManiac May 11th, 2009 21:47

2nd Edition:

KA FDE CASV-M front....and G&P SPR cocking handle...

ILLusion May 12th, 2009 13:24

New WA M4 GBB mags just hit the market. "Only" $119USD each. LOL.

RacingManiac May 12th, 2009 14:05

yeah I saw that....getting 5 mags will be costing as much as getting a whole

I'll be waiting to see the PGC mag's price before deciding on which one to go....I have one GHK mag coming to check it out, I heard the mod to get it to fit properly for G&P is minor so if that's working(as in not lower the fps by too much and can shoot ~30+ rounds I'll probably stick to that....

I won't whats "heavy duty" about the new mags...

ILLusion May 12th, 2009 14:11

PGC is also releasing a mag, eh? Does it have any special features for it?

So far, I've been liking the Bomber mags. They've been holding up well to the propane I've been running through it, and the ball bearing on the bolt catch indicator is a nice touch.

The "heavy duty" is probably enhanced o-rings. The original WA mags were notorious for leaking on green gas.

RacingManiac May 12th, 2009 14:42

I have to say my G&P/WA mag so far is ok for leak and power(I heard the mags are reworked WA's, consider all the controls on the G&P are upgraded its not impossible). The PGC mag seems to be interesting. On the airsoft-news' blurb on it PGC is claiming more shots per mag, better cool down performance and same level power as the stock WA(supposedly GHK lowers the FPS, I guess its possible because the stored volume is less). PGC also say you can adjust the mag somehow such it will work for WA, G&P, and Ino body without modification, and will accept RS Magpul ranger plate. They also say the mag is CNCed, which makes me feel skeptical about the price, and personally I think that'll be overkill for a mag....there may also be a short 20 rd version....which will be cool for someone making a DMR setup...

dragwindsor May 12th, 2009 14:48

Looks sweet....Chris. ;)

I'm interested in getting my hands on one of those RA-Tech mags.

Anybody tried them in an Ino?

I'm also issuing Illusion a 2 point infraction for advertising outside of the classifieds.

RacingManiac May 12th, 2009 15:13

Chris who?

m102404 May 12th, 2009 15:14

I thought your name was damnned liar!

RacingManiac May 12th, 2009 15:19

Thats what my parents call me as

I was called Michael by some odd girl in high school for some reason.....:confused:

dragwindsor May 12th, 2009 15:20


Check out Chris Costa's rifle.

It's a creamie.

Black and DE.

RacingManiac May 12th, 2009 15:49

Ah, I have to say I did take some inspiration from that. I probably wouldn't have built a two-tone(wha, me not making something two-tone?!) with FDE if I can find a Mil-spec CTR stock on eBay in black. But somehow I can't so I endedup buying the FDE one. And it all kinda go that way from there....

ILLusion May 12th, 2009 16:49


Originally Posted by dragwindsor (Post 985436)
Looks sweet....Chris. ;)

I'm interested in getting my hands on one of those RA-Tech mags.

Anybody tried them in an Ino?

I'm also issuing Illusion a 2 point infraction for advertising outside of the classifieds.

1) I'm still interested in the RA-Tech mags... if they ever decide to release them. Last time I talked to them about it, they'd halted production indefinitely.

2) Retailer privileges. ;)


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 985493)
Ah, I have to say I did take some inspiration from that. I probably wouldn't have built a two-tone(wha, me not making something two-tone?!) with FDE if I can find a Mil-spec CTR stock on eBay in black. But somehow I can't so I endedup buying the FDE one. And it all kinda go that way from there....

Nothing wrong with 2-tone black & FDE... ;)

RacingManiac May 12th, 2009 16:51

The contact from is that they will start shipping new ones out soon, maybe as early as next week. The feed-lip I think was modified so it'll be less picky about bb sizes...

They are halting the shipping which is annoying, because it halted my NPAS bolt since I think they want to ship those together....

I have the KA FDE front sight too...but the one that comes with the CASV-M is lower profile...once the Aimpoint M4 clone gets here the current setup should cowitness quite well....

Only thing is that the G&P rail cover is a funny shade of Tan...I wonder if there are other ones of the same type that closer to FDE...

RacingManiac May 13th, 2009 11:37

FYI, RA-Tech have start shipping the mags again....will probably get it end of this/beginning of next week. I'll also have summer buffer spring and NPAS steel bolt carrier group coming.

For the other WA system GBB M4 user, are there any other way of loading the mag than push in BB one by one from the top?

ILLusion May 13th, 2009 11:44


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 986261)
For the other WA system GBB M4 user, are there any other way of loading the mag than push in BB one by one from the top?

I've always done it one by one. Really annoying... I'm surprised no loading tool ever came with this, and the Marui loader doesn't work.

RacingManiac May 13th, 2009 11:46

The PGC one supposely can use the BB loader(TM AEG style) with an adaptor....

The loading process now is tricky because if you push it in off angle the BB goes

RacingManiac May 16th, 2009 21:27

2 Attachment(s)

Rearranged the backup sight setup, and installed G&G SCAR style flashhider, with a CW to CCW adaptor........and got Huang's Comp M4 and stubby grip....I thought I ordered FDE grip though.....:rolleyes:

RacingManiac May 17th, 2009 17:03

To fix the G&P wobble....2 piece of thin steel shim...actually from shock absorbers....

Huron May 17th, 2009 17:43

It almost looks like your controls are in FDE as well.. Trick of the light? How does it sound with the suppressor on it? Seeing as there's no motor to worry about, maybe it actually has some effect?

RacingManiac May 17th, 2009 18:37

nope...loud as even fitted an O-ring to it.....

the controls are just as G&P made, but they are steel parts, maybe their coating/finish with the sunlight that gives it that look...

RacingManiac May 20th, 2009 22:37

No pic, but some updates nonetheless...

I got the RA-Tech complete steel bolt carrier with Aluminum Nozzle for my WOC, as well as one GHK mag to try out. The Bolt is very nice, comes in this box that looks like something for a Cross pen. Installation is just literally drop in. The weight difference between the stock G&P and the RA-Tech doesn't seem to be that great, but it definitely kicks harder. Also upgraded the buffer spring with RA-Tech's summer spring. Only thing is I am not sure about what the specification of the bolt. I ordered it under the impression that the complete bolt kit should include the carrier, nozzle, as well as the whole NPAS thing. But since they've made 2 version of the adjustable NPAS nozzle(one with quick adjustment tool, and the original without), I don't know what the bolt came with(or if this is adjustable one at all), since it did NOT come with a tool. Still trying to clarify that from RA-Tech. As it stands the gun shoots about the same power(slightly hotter) as the WOC bolt. I am at about ~380fps on .2s with the new bolt, and ~370 with the stock one.

The GHK mag. Comes in this slightly mette grey that's similar to the color of my receiver(WOC01 with the Colt marking is in a grey-ish color, not black), compare to the mag that came with the gun which is closer to semi-gloss black. It is as expected VERY tight on initial trial fit. 2 main reason as far as I can tell. First the outside "shell" is a bit wide, I had to hammer it and sand off some paint to get the mag to fit with any sort of chance of being usable. 2nd, the roll-pin which secures the shell to the innard is a bit longer than it needs to be, and is actually scraping the inside of the magwell. Need to grind that slightly shorter. The power output with the mag seems similar enough with the mag that came with the WOC that I don't think is much of a problem. The BB sits differently compare to the stock mag though. In the stock mag the loaded BB sits against one side of the mag lip on the top of the mag, where as this actually sits closer to the middle. What it does is that it allows the bolt lock mechanism to come up high enough that it will be pushed with one round left in the mag and locks the bolt...need to figureout how to sort that one out....The mag will probably need a lot of working in for it to be gravity dropable, right now its probably needed a good pull on a tac-reload....also the GHK mag has plastic loading lip vs the metal one on G&P/WA mag. Which probably is not a good thing if one were to drop it...

Got more stuff coming, including G&P tac-light, steel CQB-R length outer barrel and RS Aimpoint Comp ML3, will do a proper photoshoot when I get those...

Shirley May 20th, 2009 22:52

You need some ranger plates. :)

RacingManiac May 20th, 2009 22:53

I am actually going the route of Magpul slip on, um, Mag-Pull....:D

MilanWG May 22nd, 2009 19:46

RacingManiac, I would love to see something like this :)

RacingManiac May 22nd, 2009 23:37

I don't like the Noveske flashhider....I think I'll be going with CQB length barrel(1" shorter than what I got now) and leave the muzzle setup at that. There is no way at the moment to use a MUR upper on the G&P lower until G&P makes a MUR....I'd think about switching though if it does come out....and I should have my aimpoint next Tues...:)

RacingManiac May 23rd, 2009 13:39

Trying some different combo of flashhider and optics...with the new CQB-R barrel...

CompM4 + Birdcage
CompM4 + AAC
CompM4 + Birdcage
CompM4 + AAC

Mist3r.B May 23rd, 2009 15:55

Very nice

RacingManiac May 27th, 2009 20:05

RS Aimpoint Comp ML3, G&P Surefire Torch and KA FDE mount. I am waiting for a lower Aimpoint i can mount the rear BUIS on the lower level and use the CASV-M front folding sight....

Biggest difference between the RS and clone Aimpoint, the brightness. The clone one has like 1 stop of light taken out of it, with killflash its almost unusable in dim interior light(not that you would use that indoor). The RS one is amazingly bright....The Killflash is actually from Huang's CompM4 clone.....screws right in...

RacingManiac May 31st, 2009 22:16

Low mount Aimpoint, back to the CASV-M front sight, and low mount BUIS, G&P M3(more poweful than TLR-1), and Dytac Phantom front flashhider...

Goldman May 31st, 2009 22:23

is that the mk 18 mount for the aimpoint? also where did you get the CASV with the extended upper rail?

ujiro May 31st, 2009 22:27

Damn! That is an amazing beast. I love everything about it.

RacingManiac May 31st, 2009 22:39

Wilcox mount was a well enough....the extra long rail was a modified mid-length CASV piece.....I cut it myself....:D I like the Wilcox mount but it sits too high with the CASV...

RacingManiac June 1st, 2009 20:19

Trying out some photo technique...

Smurf June 1st, 2009 21:22

lovely gun. now i got one for the spank bank ;)

RacingManiac June 18th, 2009 22:27

Ambi safety and mag release.....I got a Magpul PTS Enhanced trigger guard too, but it seems I didn't get one that'll fit this gun....wider by probably 1/16" inch at least....wondering if I should sell it and get a proper one or try to mod it to fit...

Also had fun taking the firing group apart and putting it back together....6 times......couldn't get the trigger to return before....

ujiro June 19th, 2009 01:28

Man.. RM. Why do you do this to me?

Most beautiful AR I have ever seen. Bar none. Bravo to you, I love it.

Shirley June 19th, 2009 01:32

Cool, new Aimpoint cover. AN/PEQ-2, G&P with laser and light?

RacingManiac August 27th, 2009 21:26

New 2nd upper(and new lower), G&P VLTOR MUR + Troy Lower. I like the Colt lower, but I broke the trigger loop flange when trying to install the Knight's style trigger guard...The difference in rail sizes between makes is also kicking my butt, the Madbull Noveske handguard has wider rail, I put Huang's Tango Down short grip on and broke it when trying to take it a new RS Tango down coming for the CASV...I am leaving the KA long fore grip fo the 2nd upper....

The 2nd upper btw has a placeholder inner barrel/hop-up inside, waiting for ILLusion's RA-T order to come in. Eventually I'll get a Trijicon Accupoint 1-4x for it, but I've spent too much on airsoft for the The 16" outer barrel is from Dytac(Aluminum), came with Mid-length gas setup and it was modified to be carbine length gas setup...Might get a 2nd BCG for it(VLTOR style) from RA-Tech, but right now they are sharing the same BCG between the 2....

kullwarrior August 28th, 2009 04:43

Man you guys are bunch of rich bastards....
Heres mine so far still waiting for my 5KU Stock pipe so I can put on my FG MOE Stock

RacingManiac August 29th, 2009 11:33

Trying out the different combo.....forgot about the under-barrel hop-up adjustment....which might just be a practical reason to stick with the short PDI setup with a broken WOC hop to stay in the Noveske....

RacingManiac September 3rd, 2009 22:17

Non Credo September 4th, 2009 05:06

it was an okay gun. then you put that battery assist device on it. now it is bloody amazing.

..(how do you like the BAD? Which did you purchase? Is it as awesome as it looks? Any issues with it?)

edit: just realized i have that same Troy lower/VLTOR upper combo on my AR. you have fine taste, good sir.

KEVORKIAN September 5th, 2009 22:06

Hey Maniac...the deal was "NO PICS" until I posted my PTW & GBBR builds with the B.A.D levers first !!! I finally got mine today...just you wait!

RacingManiac September 10th, 2009 18:55

Added a Madbull RIS Fixer/Rail Riser....the Madbull Noveske rail barrel nut when fully torqued is just a tad off in its clocking....regardless how many or little shims I add to the barrel....

The mount works fine with either sight, though I think the Aimpoint looks somehow more bulky than before on also changes how the Aimpoint cowitness to the BUIS, before it was more of a 1/2 to 2/3 Cowitness, now its more like a lower 1/4...

Larue Pride Fowler Irondot

Aimpoint Comp M3L+ Larue LT152

aznpos531 September 10th, 2009 19:03

Wow...looks very sexy :)

KEVORKIAN September 10th, 2009 19:09

It still looks B.A.D.

NVC September 10th, 2009 19:14

Wow that looks awesome.. drool :roll:

RacingManiac September 16th, 2009 21:54

did some minor decoration to the 16" upper...added a mock Airsoft Surgeon gas piston...also added the offset flashlight mount to the CQB upper...

RacingManiac October 2nd, 2009 20:14

Added MUR to the CASV as well....

SHÖCK February 27th, 2010 02:01

Where did you get those mag pulls where the handle is sideways compared to the magpul made ones?

RacingManiac February 27th, 2010 02:27

same ones just installed differently....

Shrapnel[Op-For] February 27th, 2010 03:24


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 1174495)
same ones just installed differently....

Now that makes me feel like an idiot.. I've wondered the same thing for a while.

Ninja_En_Short February 27th, 2010 03:58

One word : gorgeous !

I especially like the CASV version with Aimpoint.

Not planning to try with a tan lower ?

I had a project like that with a tan Magpul lower and UBR.

SHÖCK February 27th, 2010 04:13

How do you cut your ladder rails cleanly to custom size? The rubber always is hard to get a clean edge on it afterwards. Dremel and sand?

I have a green CASV (damnit, I'll need to powercoat it DE now because of this thread) but it has that opening in the front for the A-Frame. Is that a different CASV model that is solid across the top?

FlyGuy February 27th, 2010 09:07

You have a CASV-EL, which was the first design from Vltor. The slot at the front of the frame is to accomodate the standard M4 front sight. What RM has is a CASV-M, which is slightly longer (mid-length) than the carbine or "extended length" of the EL version. It doesn't have the slot so on a carbine-length barrel, you'd have to use a low-profile gas block and some other rail-mounted or the flip-up front sight supplied with the CASV-M. Just go onto and see the differences for yourself.


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