Airsoft Canada

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Frozen Tex April 26th, 2009 00:23

Great White North!
Some pics from today's mini-skirmish... a balmy -1C, with a wind chill of -9C (and no one's mech box broke!)

It was a wee bit cold, but fun!

P.S. If any moderator would like to set up a region for us up here (NT, Great White North, The Territories, etc) like you southerners have, like Ontario, BC, Atlantic, etc... that'd be cool.

baker_Jeff April 26th, 2009 00:27

Wow, beautiful scenery!!

zarbenglphen April 26th, 2009 00:30

Hey Tex, I just posted picts of today on our last thread... You beat me to a new one.

gunscythe April 26th, 2009 00:59

Ah yes...unlimited airsofting with unlimited land. All 10 minutes from my house...

Conker April 26th, 2009 01:07

Wow, you've got a great "field" there! I'll definitely go up there do some trekking in the future... Airsofting, well quite harder but not impossible!

Just to tease a bit, we've hit 30 celcius today after some weeks at around 8-10 celcius. Constasts a bit with your -9, lol :P
But honestly, 30 is too hot for me -- I'd prefer a good zero celcius.

MrEvolution April 26th, 2009 03:00

Does PaRkA play with you guys? if so tellem the Niagara Guys say hello.

Wilson April 26th, 2009 13:22

It looks like Sudbury! haha

Frozen Tex May 30th, 2009 21:56

Fear Not!
... for airsoft in Yellowknife has not died, it was just... hibernating.

As you can see, when the snow melts, we don't look much different...

zarbenglphen May 30th, 2009 23:09

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Here's some more pictures from todays game... lots of fun. We brought out some pallets this afternoon and made some "cars"... great for cover to augment the trees until the leaves come in.

whisper_kill May 31st, 2009 09:47

Fantastic photo's!

DefCon 1 May 31st, 2009 10:29

The terrain looks awesome!

Keep it up guys.

Frozen Tex May 31st, 2009 11:55

The terrain is nicely mixed, in a rather compact area. Perfect for a smaller group; there's (obviously) trees, some dirt trails, rocky cliffs, and a mini-desert nearby.

Frozen Tex June 8th, 2009 12:19

And then the Sun came out...
... And the land dried up.

Our best day out yet, but lo... came the mosquitoes... :(

zarbenglphen June 14th, 2009 12:19

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The "Cars" made great cover. It really opened up a lot of new tactics on the roads... instead of "stay out of the road if you want to grow old" it's now "watch out for the road...". The adrenaline really gets pumping when you're pinned down on the road behind a car and bb's are slapping and popping off the cardboard and wood, kicking up dust beside you.

Frozen Tex July 18th, 2009 21:53

We Haven't Melted Yet
But it was (relatively) warm today.... 20'C!
I love it when a plan comes together...

We brought a noob out with us (had never airsofted before) and we seemed to convert him to love (addiction) of airsoft... :D

deep in the bush July 18th, 2009 22:07

The north
My God that is amazing. I want to take a holiday back north again to just Airsoft!!!

Frozen Tex July 18th, 2009 22:14

You'll be more than welcome to play with us. The more the merrier!

deep in the bush July 18th, 2009 22:23

I used to live in Churchill and Thomspson for years :)

Frozen Tex July 24th, 2009 14:04

Too damn many bugs last night... warm, too.

You've heard of Silent Sam? Meet Beekeeper Bob...
Too hot for the field jacket...
So I ditched it (thus presenting the bugs with a smorgasbord). I also had to borrow a gun from the resident airsoft expert after mine stripped a gear or something. He's gonna try to fix it for me.
Whilst our resident airsoft expert makes us drool over his assortment of guns...

We're slowly sucking some more guys in, and have hopes to play into the fall with a steady six or so. :D

Mitchell12 July 24th, 2009 16:49

Awesome stuff, Your start is much the same as here in Newfoundland. Our small Isolated group of 5 or 6 regulars has jumped substantially in just a few years and now we even have 2 teams within among us!

Frozen Tex July 24th, 2009 16:56

That's great; news like that gives us hope here in St. John's North.

Mitchell12 July 24th, 2009 17:00

One piece of advise... establish some form of leader or system. Because when more and more players start coming you'll at times have to make choices on rules and stuff, alot of arguing can happen and nobody likes that.

Frozen Tex July 24th, 2009 17:37

We've got a good leadership core now, i.e. the tiny handful that are playing and actually own our own guns. Not that I'm all that leader-ly, but the other two are. :)

zarbenglphen July 24th, 2009 23:15

Oh, that's not a bug hat. That's a "sniper veil", and it worked great. Nobody could see me and I won every game. I don't even think I was shot once, just kept blasting you fools that were giving away your positions slapping bugs.

The leadership thing will be a big step as our group matures. It's the balance of getting everyone involved and having a good time, but kicking out the troublemakers/lawyers.

Any visitors are always welcome.

Frozen Tex September 7th, 2009 15:31

Just When You Thought We Were Done...
... I post some pics from the last month.

Yeah, most of the pictures are of me... but it's my entry, Zarb was away for most of August, and frankly, I've got the best looking rig.

"He who dies with the most pouches wins!"

Mitchell12 September 7th, 2009 15:34

Looking awesome! kool stuff guys.

Assault Pioneer September 7th, 2009 16:21

how many are you up there?

Frozen Tex September 7th, 2009 16:51

It's small, yet. Three hardcore, with another three to five sometimes/possibles/hopefuls. We're expecting the "hardcore" number to grow over the off-season, as some others aquire gear.

Frozen Tex September 13th, 2009 13:03

A little scouting yesterday... Looking for a new area of operations. As well, we tested out our new Comtac II headsets from Huang. They worked awesome.

And our first tiny foray into video...

YouTube - Cassidy Point Scouting Sep 12 2009

aznpos531 September 19th, 2009 15:44


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1027566)
I love it when a plan comes together...

Loving the tactical cigar! Smoke signals come in handy when your radio breaks down! :p

I wanna come up to play with you guys! Looking good!

zarbenglphen September 19th, 2009 19:21

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Well, there's not snow here all the time, so I figured I'd paint up my gun. Here's some pictures of that plus a few others of our latest games.

Wilson September 19th, 2009 20:08

Hate to be the buzzkill and all but, airsoft and sexy or not, that last pic is an ND waiting to happen. Keep the finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. Wicked paintjob though.

Frozen Tex September 20th, 2009 22:16

A little gaming today in the new area, amongst the lovely fall foliage...


aznpos531 September 20th, 2009 23:54

Wow...looks amazing! :)

Do you edit your photos or did they turn out like that?

Frozen Tex September 21st, 2009 08:05

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There's some Picasa editing involved, a combo of punching up/warming up the colours a bit, and some focus effects. But, oddly enough, warming up the colours makes the pictures look a lot like they do through my VR28 lensed Oakleys. Here's a couple of unedited photos...

zarbenglphen September 21st, 2009 11:11

Bah! Can't believe I had my finger on the trigger... Ah well, I guess I'm a noob. Frozen Tex mentioned the gun wasn't safe in the picture, and I replied (a la Black Hawk Down) that my finger IS my safety. He retorted "and your safety was off". Oops.

zarbenglphen September 21st, 2009 11:19

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Here's a few of pictures of my G&G CQB with an HK416 style rail on it. *Ahem* Notice the proper placement (or lack of placement) of the trigger finger. *gloat*
-Red dot from WalMart
-552 from Huang
-Rail from Capital airsoft
-Silencer from teammate
-M4/Magazine from Wasteland Willy's

Frozen Tex September 27th, 2009 00:31

Now, because everyone wants 'em... More Yellowknife pictures!

Isn't the fall foliage lovely?

Mitchell12 September 27th, 2009 00:56

Great shots.

Frozen Tex October 4th, 2009 15:25

Because you love to see us...

Zarb made up maps of our AO which we taped to our stocks; in conjunction with radio use (over the excellent Huang Comtac II headsets) made us quite effective yesterday. Much fun!

Frozen Tex October 12th, 2009 19:59

Bring On The Snow...
It won't stop us.

zarbenglphen October 14th, 2009 18:43

Your 1911 is awesome... looks good Tex

oniwagamaru October 14th, 2009 21:28

loving the stargate patches... doesnt look right with the ACU and the ciras though... well to me anyways.

gunscythe October 14th, 2009 21:41

2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 13441

Attachment 13442

And some more...

Frozen Tex October 14th, 2009 21:52


Originally Posted by oniwagamaru (Post 1084109)
loving the stargate patches... doesnt look right with the ACU and the ciras though... well to me anyways.

Season 9/10 (and maybe 8) the show depicted Army medics in ACU and one of the last shots in the last episode showed an SG team all in ACU.

So, you like my pistol, do you Zarb?

theguy October 15th, 2009 04:08


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1084140)
Season 9/10 (and maybe 8) the show depicted Army medics in ACU and one of the last shots in the last episode showed an SG team all in ACU.

So, you like my pistol, do you Zarb?

Socom gear MEU?

Damn, I want one of those.

Frozen Tex October 15th, 2009 12:13


Originally Posted by theguy (Post 1084372)
Socom gear MEU?

Damn, I want one of those.

Yup, with Tactical Type 90 suppressor. Me likey.

rustysniper October 15th, 2009 12:43

Great Kit guys...nice work. How many players do you have in your neck of the woods

Frozen Tex October 15th, 2009 13:46

3 core players, plus... 4-5 newbies/eager beavers. We're small, but hopefully growing. It's tough with a small population that can be fairly transient, and we want to keep yahoos/idiots out.

zarbenglphen October 17th, 2009 18:21

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And now for the first winter game... freezing/slurry rain, around 0 celcius, soaking wet but lots of fun. It felt like playing airsoft in a slurpy. Erm, a water flavoured slurpy.

Marpat woodland worked pretty well, in the picture with the bottom rock you can see me poking over in the top left. I mix it up with my multicam vest (I'll probably get a green one eventually but it's working so far) and it doesn't seem to bad in our terrain.

The ACU is amazing against the rocks, you can see Tex in one picture where it looks like his legs are invisible in the picture, ACU in general has impressed me this year with the coyote brown gear overtop, it breaks it up and a few times I only picked out Tex because of his big white face amongst the bushes. Time for some facepaint...

Gun Scythe with the mutlicam/tiger stripe was also hard to pick out, a few times I was taking fire from him but was off about 30 degrees (my guess of his direction) as he was so well camo'd.

Donster October 17th, 2009 18:35

so i guess GBB are out of the question?

and are you ever worried about running a V.2 mechbox in those kind of temps.?

gunscythe October 17th, 2009 19:42


Originally Posted by Donster (Post 1085997)
so i guess GBB are out of the question?

and are you ever worried about running a V.2 mechbox in those kind of temps.?

I've never really had a temperature problem with a gun. Wet, cold...everything just keeps working.

My personal opinion is that a V2 mechbox will work fine down to very low (-35C?) temperature. The only weak point/risk would be the piston, but if you've got a good one of those you're fine. I'm fine with using stock pistons down to maybe -10 or so. People say otherwise, but we use them up here and they're fine.

Frozen Tex October 17th, 2009 21:37

Heh, heh... Slurpee.

And, no, Donster, GBBs don't work all that well; a few shots of my Socom Gear MEU and it lost power. The Tornados worked... a little slowly. But effective nonetheless. I got two kills thanks to them. One was direct on Gunscythe, the second one made him bolt from his cover so I could shoot him! And while it was cold, I was comfy in merino wool longjohns and a polar fleece hoodie under the ACUs. And I stuffed a glove warmer inside the crane stock to keep my battery from getting cold.

zarbenglphen October 17th, 2009 23:26

Agreed about the temperature. As long as the battery works they should be OK. And we break soemthing.... well, I guess we will call it quits for the winter and buy parts for spring.

That fog tech works wonders. I haven't been fogging at all. Today was 0 C or so, wet snow falling, running around, sweating like crazy, and no fogging at all.

Frozen Tex October 25th, 2009 19:18

Crappy Weather...
... But we play anyway. Foggy and 1'C with a buttload of humidity and two weeks of snow melting. Lovely.

Tom Swift November 8th, 2009 16:52


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1091714)

Ghost??? Where did you get the bandanna?

Frozen Tex November 8th, 2009 18:32

One of our guys bought a box full of them, and gave us two each. From whence they came, I know not.

zarbenglphen December 7th, 2009 08:47

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We were out this weekend for some gaming. -19 without wind, -30 or so with. Lots more pictures to follow, when we get some post production work done. :)

JTF27 December 7th, 2009 09:14


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1091714)

Is that a SOG Daggert I spy?

Frozen Tex December 7th, 2009 15:44

It is not. It's a Kabar, Next Gen type. Had it about 10 years or so.

gunscythe December 9th, 2009 20:08

3 Attachment(s)
And a few more...
Attachment 14190
Attachment 14191
Attachment 14192

FOX_111 December 9th, 2009 22:48

I want the green PCU!

zarbenglphen December 9th, 2009 23:49

Gunscythe you need to photoshop some brass flying from that rambo shot...

Frozen Tex December 21st, 2009 16:19


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1120595)
I want the green PCU!

If you mean the green jacket I'm wearing, it's a TADGear softshell, in a colour they don't use anymore... Condor makes a similar styled jacket in a slightly different shade of green for much less than TADGear's stuff ($85USD vs. $240USD). I think somebody here is selling them... Farmboy, perhaps?

Frozen Tex April 19th, 2010 08:31

And, We're Back!
To a wet, snowy start....
My babies... :D

There was actually running water in spots under the snow cover... by the end of the day I felt like Sponge Bob Suede Boots.

But our season is finally under way!

Frozen Tex May 4th, 2010 08:28

The Snow Went...
... And we played on. The tiny Band grows...

And then it snowed again on Monday. :mad:

Spike May 4th, 2010 10:40

At least you have less to worry about in terms of overheating while wearing lots of gear?

Rugger_can May 4th, 2010 10:57

And people say ACU is a bad pattern.. Seems to work for your terrain rather well.

Gunk May 4th, 2010 11:01

Those are some sweet shots.. Picasa is a great program.

And to turn on teh nerd mode; during the last years of SG1, weren't the other teams occasionally wearing Marpat, not ACU? I recall SG3(?) and/or SG22 wearing Marpat on the Sodan planet. At least it looked like Marpat.

Frozen Tex May 4th, 2010 12:42


Originally Posted by Gunk (Post 1226338)
Those are some sweet shots.. Picasa is a great program.

And to turn on teh nerd mode; during the last years of SG1, weren't the other teams occasionally wearing Marpat, not ACU? I recall SG3(?) and/or SG22 wearing Marpat on the Sodan planet. At least it looked like Marpat.

Yes, there was MARPAT because some SG teams were USMC... ACU only showed up twice in the last season. Once in a medic treating wounded on earth near O'Neill's cabin, and once on a team going through the Gate in the last couple minutes of the last episode. I just have the ACU with the velcro.... And only desert MARPAT.

Gunk May 4th, 2010 15:48

Ah yes, I remember the Beast episode now, and the Army guys on site.

Still can't remember the ACU going through the Gate... I suppose I'll have to rewatch a few episodes... oh darn.

Frozen Tex May 4th, 2010 23:19


Originally Posted by Gunk (Post 1226561)
Ah yes, I remember the Beast episode now, and the Army guys on site.

Still can't remember the ACU going through the Gate... I suppose I'll have to rewatch a few episodes... oh darn.

Not to take away from your SG Fun, but the bit you're looking for is in the last scene of the last episode of the last season of SG1, and they're only on screen for a couple of seconds as they walk up the ramp into the Gate.

zarbenglphen May 5th, 2010 00:15

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Oh noes! You're going to step on that tiny man! (a few pictures up)

I find ACU works great. Any of the digitals are awesome, and ACU is no exception. We often lose Tex in the birch trees, or the rocks, or any of the sand. Especially with the coyote gear breaking up his outline.

Frozen Tex May 9th, 2010 23:07

It snowed this morning... but no sign of it by this afternoon.

One of us (whose name shall not be mentioned) go hisself an M249, but a wee piston problem put it out of action during the first game... better luck next week! :D

gunscythe May 10th, 2010 00:24


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1230324)
One of us (whose name shall not be mentioned) go hisself an M249, but a wee piston problem put it out of action during the first game... better luck next week! :D

The shattering of the stock CA249 piston after 2000 rounds was a sign from my God. With it, he said "yea, he shall take thy gun apart, fixeth thy piston, and with it throw in a bigger spring, which ye shall smite thine enemies with". Heck, I _almost_ threw in a spring that J@rek the @r@b dr@gon sold me (custom welded - two M190 springs) so that I could join his covert Blue Noise team.


Frozen Tex May 24th, 2010 08:25

And finally, after weeks of waiting, of malfunctions, of important tools left at home, the 249 came out to play...

No that I played with it, but damn I look good with it... :D

And so did Zarb.

Frozen Tex June 24th, 2010 23:40

I've been away to the Center of the Universe for a few weeks, so it's been awhile since I played or posted...

Guns 'n' Roses!

Chemical Warfare! (against skeeters...)

That AK-47 of Philkensebben's is getting real popular... I can't wait 'til my AKMS gets here...!

Frozen Tex June 27th, 2010 23:07

More fun today, and another facial wounding...
And a couple cool pics (but not as cool as the above "smoky" pics)...

Frozen Tex July 1st, 2010 08:31

In a week or two, there will be moar... :D
As soon as mine gets here, we'll have a tiny Durka Insurgency Force.

Frozen Tex July 4th, 2010 21:55

It Was A Dark And Stormy Day...

Well, not really. We didn't even get hailed on today. :D
Had some fun, and the group keeps getting bigger (and soon there'll be 4 of us with AKs... Our own little insurgency). And no one shot me in the face (although Gunscythe's shot in my ear hurt like a bugger... I hope Zarb can fix my Comtacs soon.).
Additionally, I hope to soon post a pic or two of Zarb's ghetto Han Solo blaster... ;)

13Fido13 July 5th, 2010 00:03

I'm just wondering if I sold an AK to one of you guys up there. It's good to know where it goes.

I'm really enjoying seeing pictures from all over Canada. Looks like you've got a good group up there.

13Fido13 July 5th, 2010 13:14

Good to hear. I've missed that rifle over the past few months, but I've accepted the loss. I'll end up with another AK in the future I'm sure.

Let me know how it keeps working for you.

Frozen Tex July 11th, 2010 23:12

More fun today...
Coming soon... a new location, new guns, new camo... :D

Frozen Tex July 26th, 2010 00:38

New Locale!
Yay! Finally, our new spot panned out... An abandoned industrial site.
BBs bouncing off sheet aluminum, rusting steel, and glass... What fun!

13Fido13 July 26th, 2010 01:59

Tetanus shots?

Frozen Tex July 26th, 2010 08:01

I'm pretty sure our immunizations are up to date...:D
There is, however, a lovely pond nearby; I want to jump in it, and thereby gain super-powers. The others say it'll likely just make me very sick, if not kill me. :(

How could I forget...
Zarbenglyphen's "Ghetto" Blaster! ;)

And I found out last night, after trying to figure out the mysterious wet spot on our couch (we thought the cats had pee'd pure water!), that someone had shot me yesterday with a "golden BB" that managed to find the small hole in my hydration pouch... mounted on my back! It shattered the fill-cap on my Camelback (I found a BB floating inside it!), and now I need a new one!

Frozen Tex August 1st, 2010 22:23

More fun at the same site today... And my Camelback lived to tell the tale...
(Heh. Looks kinda like a mushroom cloud in the distance...)

Philkensebben was very sad because someone destroyed the Winnebego he had planned to hide in. :(

Kokanee August 1st, 2010 22:37

Wow that's some nice locations you have there for gaming; and some of my best memories of the sport are back when it was just 10-12 people who all knew each other well shooting at each other in straight up matches..

Frozen Tex August 1st, 2010 22:51

Yeah, today was just 5 of us, and we still have lots of fun. And this new area still has lots to discover! :D

Jsofter August 3rd, 2010 18:23

WOW!!! I want it to snow right now....

Frozen Tex August 28th, 2010 15:08

Geez, it's been awhile...

It's not that we haven't played, there just wasn't much photography...

More to come from tomorrow's game, I'm sure.

Frozen Tex August 30th, 2010 08:48

1 Attachment(s)
And this week, it was back to the "desert"...
With my new rigs for AK and "Patrol"...

And our new Picasso with some home-made camo...

Frozen Tex September 20th, 2010 08:21

Ah, Autumn...
I missed a couple weeks due to travel... :( But had fun so it's okay.
Much fun was had in the fall foliage of an idustrial wasteland...

On a downer, some damned bastard paintballers found our sight and have covered in in slimy, neon-pink splooge. :mad:


cooney September 20th, 2010 08:30

Pretty area, whats with the tape around the stock of the AK. Also that is a really pretty mask on the last pic.

You should share the field with the ballers, neon-pink splooge helps you camouflage with the pink stuff on the walls of buildings :P

Frozen Tex September 20th, 2010 08:32

Hockey grip-tape; I think it was a field-expedient to hold the stock on when the screw fell out, now he just likes the look.

I don't want pink paint on my gear.

oniwagamaru September 20th, 2010 12:19

awww a TAD fast pack. Ive wanted one of those. nice mask too!

Frozen Tex September 27th, 2010 08:38

Ah, the lovely fall foliage...
Amidst industrial ruin and mystery sludge...
Congratulations on completing an entire game with no SCAR-L failures!
Another amatuer camo-maker...
Or two...

Hmmm... Where are all the Durkas?

Frozen Tex October 3rd, 2010 23:51

Bon Voyage, Zarbenglyphen!
Have fun in Alberta, and come back... :(

But today we had fun in unseasonably warm weather...
The RPK rocks...
YouTube - Rocking The SRC RPK

Frozen Tex October 17th, 2010 23:20

Winter Wonderland!
The snow is here... -3"C... And more fell as we played.
In the end, Team Durka was the victor...

cooney October 18th, 2010 00:49

Ahhh lovely winter airsoft, I can't wait till the season of white snow hits our local fields :D

Do you ever have it effective to dig in the snow and blend in the snow or build snow forts :O. I didn't get enough snow last year to build or dig in the snow in my area :(

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