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Moz May 3rd, 2008 00:15

Pick up that can, Citizen - a WIP of a Metrocop

Moz May 3rd, 2008 00:15

City 17 Civil Protection (AKA metrocop) from half-life 2.

Current version
My camera doesn't go very wide so it's difficult to get a full picture of myself.

It still isn't finished but I have enough parts thus far to actually get the impression. I am aware my hair sticks out of the top, but that is because it is a TIGHT fucking mask. Unbearably tight, actually. They come in one size, but CCCP people have small fucking heads.

To get this straight right away, unlike the Master chief armour I do plan on selling this one on ebay eventually. I need it to fund my IRON MAN armour I am working on for Halloween.
I am tentively coming to a zombie game with as a headcrab zombie.

To do list
  • Chest and shoulder reflectors
  • Gloves
  • duty belt
  • combine rank sleeve
  • reflective lenses
  • head cowl (back of mask)
  • voice box
  • Get Freeman

Moz May 3rd, 2008 00:15
Still need a weapon. Since I have sold all my AEGs in the fall. Mp7 are just too expensive for me so I might just stick to the cat gun.
Have that shitsoft MP7 still from that old thread. I put foil tape on the sides to emulate the HL:2 look.
Can't figure out where to put the mystery grenade launcher or useless red dot though. The springer clocks in at a blazing 100-120 fps
How do I made game safe? (actually, the googles are a perfect seal around the mask, I wonder if I would be allowed to game this way.)
Here is my game safe baton. It's a different design then the stun batons but I prefer this type. Again, I wonder how many hosts would allow this. Since I don't have an AEG at the moment It's my only weapon. (Cat-Gun shoots beyond the FPS limit of furballs)

I was screwing around with a green screen a week ago using some of the parts I had then. It's was just me screwing around so It doesn't make any sense.

Qlong May 3rd, 2008 00:25

Haha nice, I was thinking of doing one of the Combine Elite but no time or moneh.

Syn May 3rd, 2008 00:32

rofl I did not notice the cat at first. cats expression "ohh this guys antics".
That mask looks really good. IIRC the HL2 guy was bulkier, so hit the weights and get MASSIVE!!!

hmm after finding pic, they were not massive at all, just thier gear made them look big.

Moz May 3rd, 2008 00:35


Originally Posted by Syn (Post 709110)
That mask looks really good. IIRC the HL2 guy was bulkier, so hit the weights and get MASSIVE!!!

Not really. This is Civil protection. Those guys are still actual homo-sapiens and are a normal build.

FOX_111 May 3rd, 2008 00:37


I love the cat and the "oh well, gogles fit but ruin the look" expression.

Syn May 3rd, 2008 00:40

yeah how game legal would it be if you took a pair of safety polycarbonate and cut out circles and epoxy it from the inside of the mask? Then you could keep the original look.

Moz May 3rd, 2008 00:49

OK, done updating the OP(s) for today. More updates when I get more stuff done on it.

FYI this load out is actually for a short fanfilm I am involved with and we are looking to put together a few more, but we have money troubles at the moment so I am claiming this as my own. I am still waiting on a neck protector from the person I bought the vest because it was missing.

KNIVEZS May 3rd, 2008 00:53

nice, love the cat

Lakonian May 3rd, 2008 01:06

Fuckin' awesome! Almost as cool as the halo armor ;)

Noise_Maker May 3rd, 2008 01:24

I love Half-life 2, you'll need to edit those shoulders quite a bit, and get two belts if you want to make it look more to the picture.

Amos May 3rd, 2008 01:26

Give me measurements for the mask, I could make you ballistic lenses :)

Also, those masks are available in many different sizes.

Moz May 4th, 2008 18:55

It seems the football like shoulder pads didn’t little to emulate the combine vest look, so it looked like time to take this thing under the knife.
The pads seem overly complicated.
Like how they can flip up. For what purpose I don’t know.
Today I will be using this… thing.
This tool is from back in my cadet days, great for cutting seams and removing patches.
The vest put of a fight, and I managed to get myself with the… thing.
I retaliated the only what i know how. Fire. (Actually burning the lose threads)
Looking more combine every day. (Sans the Halo Helmet)

Sergeantmajor May 4th, 2008 19:09

I really like the cat gun, do you think LeGros from shootSOFT can get me one?

spacemoose May 4th, 2008 19:19

this EFG style thread makes me lol

sfours May 4th, 2008 19:49

hahah Laser cats are the bomb. :) I wasn't the only person to see that episode of SNL was I?

Moz June 9th, 2008 17:02

Don't ever say I don't do anything for you:
White duct tape. Because sewing is difficult. (yes, that is navy blue)
The older design have the lenses glued on top of the mask. (you can see where I sanded and ground the rubber)
I found the double lens system seemed to fog like crazy and just fall off in the heat. Seems the Russian lenses were held in like a beer bottle cap.
I used a bottle opener to get them out. You can see I glued a lens cap and PVC to detail it. Needs more silver paint.
Starting to make the head cowl. I don't know if this will be ready for saturday. My balcony is currently being renovated and I don't want to resin myself to death.

In other news:

Waiting on a belt and a voice changer. Everything else is assembled. I was planning on having a tape recorded playing overwatch sound files but the MP3 player I was going to use is busted. Sorry it this post was hard to read, I am dyslexianating like crazy for some reason today... (see :( )

The neck protector is still missing because [removed - issue resolved] is being... unresponsive. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt because he seems like a nice guy but I seriously can't wait another month for this because I may have a date with some pirates and aliens on june 14th. I hope I don't have to open a trade dispute if it goes past that.

Desmodus June 9th, 2008 17:42

Lol Nice job, I used to have the exact same mask. Gooood times

Moz June 10th, 2008 16:43

MAN HACKS. Installed a voice box into the mask. This was recorded by sticking it against my PC mic.

Moz June 10th, 2008 17:57

This is the box I used. I spliced some to build it into the mask.

The monster setting is for combine.

Langohr_9mm June 10th, 2008 18:54

Oh My God!
You are my friggin hero.
I love that costume.
That cat gun is beyond hilarious. lol.
I should make a Gordon Freeman suit and come crowbar fight you

Styrak June 10th, 2008 21:02

That audio sounds pretty awesome actually. That's all you right?

Moz June 11th, 2008 01:16

Yep. All me done live through the cheapo box. Basically switching between the monster setting for CP, Ghost for Overwatch and robot/alien for the alarms and beeps. Since it's shoulder mounted it looks like I am talking into so I can hold onto it and switch no problem.
I aim to please. That is the rough mat board and fibreglass cowl I am building. Still need to put on the ear phones, sand it and paint it.
This one gives a rough idea of the full get up. Need to get a real mannequin but they are fucking expensive.
30 hours / trans human / city 17

Langohr_9mm June 11th, 2008 01:23

Man that thing is really coming along. I love it more and more each time I see it.

Bowers June 11th, 2008 01:29

that audio is freaking amazing!

Moz June 11th, 2008 01:51

Need to come up with a better solution for the white though. The duct tape looks awful up close. Can't sew for shit though.

Moz June 14th, 2008 18:51

Amos June 14th, 2008 19:16


Originally Posted by Moz (Post 743009)

y halo there.

xenu says "time 4 tax inspection"

Naglfar June 14th, 2008 19:39

That's amazing

Scooby Steve June 14th, 2008 19:57


Originally Posted by Sergeantmajor (Post 710184)
I really like the cat gun, do you think LeGros from shootSOFT can get me one?

That's affirmative. I ordered one.

Moz June 15th, 2008 15:06

Moz June 15th, 2008 23:02

forget about it!

Yuxi June 15th, 2008 23:25


Originally Posted by Moz (Post 743560)

I think I saw you yesterday (?), I was just walking by with a friend to grab some lunch, and noticed one person in that gas mask.

Moz June 16th, 2008 00:44

Move along, citizen.

Moz June 17th, 2008 19:26

dispute is over.

Here is a picture of it with the neck protector on my crappy stick mannequin

You can see I redesigned the shoulder strips to be reflective tape on velcro instead of the crappy duct tape job I did originally

Desmodus June 17th, 2008 20:36

I wanna make a Combine Soldier now... thanks alot Moz :P

Andres June 17th, 2008 20:43


grimreefer June 17th, 2008 21:33

That's awesome dude. You must come up with some nice Halloween costumes. Are you planning on painting the mask?

Darklen June 18th, 2008 00:38

Now, about that pulse rifle....

Sergeantmajor June 18th, 2008 00:56

No offense but I'd be all "WTF" seeing you on the streets.

What the cop say about your outfit?

Lakonian June 18th, 2008 01:17

Dood. That's some awesome shit.

Moz June 18th, 2008 01:43

I've had many requests. but I am not doing any comissions for the gas mask. Not until I can find a local supplier for the voice changer and figure out a way to make the head cowl adjustable. Both of those things would increase the price quite a bit.

I know of the top of my head to by the mask and voice changer locally is already 60-65 bucks. Headphones/sunglasses put me back another 30 bucks and the materials for the cowl can range in the 30-50 dollar range. Depends what I make it out of. (currently considering sheet metal)

Do you really want to spend 150+ labour on a gas mask?

edit: forgot the cost of rewiring the voice box to accept 3.5mm mini jack

edit 2: thinking of all this interest I wonder how much the thing will fetch on ebay. The reserve would at least be the cost of materials so I could either make another one or pay for my four disfigured and damaged wisdom teeth to be removed.


Fox June 18th, 2008 02:56

The cop pic is nothing short of pure gold.
I love the pose and the amused look on the policeman's face.
I'm really interested in hearing what the cop said :)

Reminds me of Harajuku :)

Moz June 18th, 2008 03:12

he actually tried his best to ignore me. I couldn't hear shit so if he said something I missed it.

dontask June 18th, 2008 03:50


Originally Posted by Moz (Post 743009)

you called for me :P ?

Moz June 19th, 2008 04:52

Threw together the dailies of today into a teaser video.

It was mainly a test for duplication. (hint, there is only one costume) and we found a few pitfalls, possibility and restrictions. The final product is at least 2-3 weeks away.

McKay June 19th, 2008 05:05

Moz, that is possibly one of the most awesome things I have seen in along time.

Moz June 20th, 2008 18:30

grimreefer June 22nd, 2008 02:34

Great video!! Even if it's just a short little teaser that's some awesome editing!

Moz June 22nd, 2008 22:08

Sergeantmajor June 23rd, 2008 12:22

this was posted in the Forums a while ago, and well it fits right in here too.

Toronto, City 7 in HL:2

Moz June 24th, 2008 13:31

that mod is awful. absolutely awful. Don't play it. It has the difficulty curve of a brick wall. The last level has 300+ combine soldiers and elites and will just crash your computer. (I guess they managed to mess up the respawns so they are unlimited) The gameplay is repetative and drawn out. If you want to see toronto, just put on god mode.

more updates:

Due to technically issues we had to put off shooting the interview, so this footage wont be used, Still unsure if we want to go unmasked or masked, since people might think the CP are aliens and not get that they are just brownshirt humans.

We also found our actor's tom cruise impersonation less impressive than advertised.

RedSteel666 June 26th, 2008 03:51

I wish I had a gordon freeman kit.

Langohr_9mm June 26th, 2008 03:55

That mod is Beyond Awful... its probably the worst mod made.. and i'm not kidding. I could shit on a warm banana covered with mustard and playing with that longer than wanting to even see that mod.
But I digress....
Video was wicked and Loving the outfit. Keep on keepin' on Moz!

Moz June 27th, 2008 23:01

new and improved interview:

Copper Head July 4th, 2008 02:51

may i ask, what the fuck is on your head?

Barbie July 4th, 2008 03:07

This is hilarious!!! I want a cat gun too, but i think 20pds would be too heavy to carry!!! lol and the cops, lol, he had some good humour, lol Thanks for making us laugh...

Moz September 2nd, 2008 22:20

It's Finished.

S.H.I.E.L.D. September 4th, 2008 17:50

Outstanding work Moz!

Moz September 11th, 2008 01:30

It's on ebay

XON50 September 12th, 2008 11:05

now its a feature story on Kotaku

Moz September 18th, 2008 01:28

It's someone in BC. Which one of you fuckers was the winning bid?

Very glad to be keeping it in Canada. Especially when it was obvious one of the bidders was a scammer bot who kept trying to outbid the actual person at 20 dollar intervals about 5 minutes apart. Guess they timed it wrong because a real person with actual eBay history managed to slip by.

Going to invest this money into my next film which will involve Halo. I have the costume from last year and now I have the funds to rebuild it to screen quality.

Plus I can actually pay people on my crew which will be nice!

Dunno if I can do another scientology slant in a halo movie but I am not to concerned about that. I wouldn't be suprised if that scammer was OSA anyway.

Edit: if anyone does have an interesting angle to take the halo idea I'd like to hear it.

ObeliskofLight October 10th, 2008 05:16

that's just straight thug

TaYLOR-182 October 8th, 2009 20:14

hey, I saw your Metrocop outfit. It looks great. I am very interested on how you made it because I am making my own. Thanks

belvonzik September 30th, 2010 02:11


Originally Posted by Moz (Post 745903)
I've had many requests. but I am not doing any comissions for the gas mask. Not until I can find a local supplier for the voice changer and figure out a way to make the head cowl adjustable. Both of those things would increase the price quite a bit.

I know of the top of my head to by the mask and voice changer locally is already 60-65 bucks. Headphones/sunglasses put me back another 30 bucks and the materials for the cowl can range in the 30-50 dollar range. Depends what I make it out of. (currently considering sheet metal)

Do you really want to spend 150+ labour on a gas mask?

edit: forgot the cost of rewiring the voice box to accept 3.5mm mini jack

edit 2: thinking of all this interest I wonder how much the thing will fetch on ebay. The reserve would at least be the cost of materials so I could either make another one or pay for my four disfigured and damaged wisdom teeth to be removed.


please can u help me.

i try to make one of my own and i wanna know how did you change lens with mirror sunglass lens. did u pull out original one to replace it or just put it over original.


you can e-mail me your answer at

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