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six4 March 9th, 2008 21:07

bigfoot games meets an actual E.R.T. and not by choice!
(sunday march 9th)

video, and explanation to follow, i just cant wait long enough to start talking about it!! stay tuned!! those that were on the field when it happened please post your thoughts! as for me,,,its not everyday you get asked by a S.W.A.T. team, in full gear,weapons,vehicles,command truck, oh and one bad a s s looking dog to escort them through your airsoft field to help them eliminate it as a threat!!! so aside from some cool games with all my friends i got to walk with a real S.W.A.T. and point out "areas of interest"

DC_ACU March 9th, 2008 21:30

well it obviously didnt end tragically.
Id like to hear the story?

six4 March 9th, 2008 21:35


Originally Posted by DC_ACU (Post 665356)
well it obviously didnt end tragically.
Id like to hear the story?

i will have some more of the story when i post the video,,,yes they let me video a little bit of the event only after i promised them that through editing i can blur the images to protect identities.

Wilson March 9th, 2008 21:47

That's pretty sweet.

bigbeef March 9th, 2008 22:02

wow sounds like I missed an exiting game!

skalnok March 9th, 2008 22:04

sounds pretty damn cool

Sinbird March 9th, 2008 22:43


Brakoo March 9th, 2008 22:54

Wait for a story before saying it's damn cool and what not..... kids these days.

six4 March 9th, 2008 23:00


Originally Posted by Brakoo (Post 665405)
Wait for a story before saying it's damn cool and what not..... kids these days.

thats my bad for making everyone wait for the video,,sorry guys. here's all that we were told by the SWAT team,,its a little vague but here goes.....

S.W.A.T. couldnt release exact details of what was going on,,,for obvious reasons. it had nothing to do with "nosy neighbors" as they all know the bigfoot family. S.W.A.T. said it had something to do with two "persons of interest" that were loose in the vicinity and that they were clearing the area yard by yard.

( footage has been blurred to obscure gear patches and nametags and for facial recognition )

video being reworked back up in a bit

Deftonius March 9th, 2008 23:26

That totally beats the time when two cruisers showed up to a gameday up here in Ottawa and the cops were actually just fellow airsofters popping in to say hey.

DC_ACU March 9th, 2008 23:26

didnt you have to blur his face??

NovaKaynE March 9th, 2008 23:31

LOL...."stop resisting!!!" "keep quiet for fucks sake, i'm trying to sneak up on this bunker."

six4 March 9th, 2008 23:31


Originally Posted by DC_ACU (Post 665438)
didnt you have to blur his face??

cant do that with just windows movie maker. so instead i used blur effects on the whole clip. thay said as long as patches and names didnt show it would be ok.

SpartanJ March 9th, 2008 23:36

is that multicam one of them is sporting?

six4 March 9th, 2008 23:39


Originally Posted by SpartanJ (Post 665450)
is that multicam one of them is sporting?

yes,,,you should have seen the swat dog. what a beautiful and majestic animal,,,he moved with a purpose in his stride and his look was all business!

gunscythe March 9th, 2008 23:47


Originally Posted by SpartanJ (Post 665450)
is that multicam one of them is sporting?

Yes...multicam is used by ERT.. ;)

bigbeef March 9th, 2008 23:48

did the guy with multicam have an AR?

six4 March 9th, 2008 23:51


Originally Posted by bigbeef (Post 665457)
did the guy with multicam have an AR?

no comment

Dr_Tinshnipz March 10th, 2008 00:03

Thats pretty cool!

tony123 March 10th, 2008 00:22

nvm my comp was being a bitch

DVD March 10th, 2008 00:24

Nice video, lol...i thought it was just blurry cause the camera man didnt know what he was doing...bah hah. Yea, that was pretty sweet dude. This is my contribution with my crappy camera phone, lol (hope the pics work).

Zeonprime March 10th, 2008 00:38

in the vid, the officer in black looks like he's wearing a PSP armour carrier under his TV...any confirmation on that?

CDN_Stalker March 10th, 2008 00:42


Originally Posted by gunscythe (Post 665456)
Yes...multicam is used by ERT.. ;)

So according to Morbius they'd be classified as airsofters? :D

Zeonprime March 10th, 2008 00:54


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 665483)
So according to Morbius they'd be classified as airsofters? :D

nicceeee.... one day we shall see Morb in MC...and more than likely it will be because Viking made him do it :) then we shall point and laugh :D jk Rob you know we love you in that platonic sense...well except for Shrike he loves you in a whole different way :D

Aquamarine March 10th, 2008 01:24


(neat otherwise!)

six4 March 10th, 2008 01:28


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 665482)
in the vid, the officer in black looks like he's wearing a PSP armour carrier under his TV...any confirmation on that?


six4 March 10th, 2008 01:29


Originally Posted by DVD (Post 665475)
Nice video, lol...i thought it was just blurry cause the camera man didnt know what he was doing...bah hah. Yea, that was pretty sweet dude. This is my contribution with my crappy camera phone, lol (hope the pics work).

cool pics dvd,,thanks for coming out see you at work!!

Zeonprime March 10th, 2008 02:08


Originally Posted by six4 (Post 665516)

thanks Six4... damn dirty lense, I saw shoulder armour on the guy and was going "need a clearer picture! that looks like the ones from a PSP??":confused:

six4 March 10th, 2008 02:11


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 665546)
thanks Six4... damn dirty lense, I saw shoulder armour on the guy and was going "need a clearer picture! that looks like the ones from a PSP??":confused:

if your referring to the video,,i blurred it on purpose during editing,,the still pictures from the camera phone arent mine.

Zeonprime March 10th, 2008 02:25


Originally Posted by six4 (Post 665547)
if your referring to the video,,i blurred it on purpose during editing,,the still pictures from the camera phone arent mine.

lol..I know you blurred it out on purpose... :) dont worry bout it.

Wilson March 10th, 2008 08:37

Doesn't seem like they mind airsoft at all.

Ibby March 10th, 2008 08:54

Was there an escape from one of the close by prisons?

CDN_Stalker March 10th, 2008 08:59


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 665493)
nicceeee.... one day we shall see Morb in MC...and more than likely it will be because Viking made him do it :) then we shall point and laugh :D jk Rob you know we love you in that platonic sense...well except for Shrike he loves you in a whole different way :D

I've played with Rob wearing multicam at the LZ, it was Poncho that made him wear it. Rob hated it but wore it anyways.

six4 March 10th, 2008 10:09


Originally Posted by Ibby (Post 665640)
Was there an escape from one of the close by prisons?

we were thinking either that or a grow op bust. it was important enough to have about 50 swat members out so it had to be something big.

JTF27 March 10th, 2008 11:00

Lol I will assume that sooner or later that will happen at one of our games. One of fields has a prison near it, not to close though.

Aslo if anyone wants to know what the ERT wears, there is living proof.

Iconix March 10th, 2008 12:13

OK did you ask if they wanted to come play after, when they got off? Did any of them play airsoft or inquire about it? Any comments on our

JTF27- Prisoners run into your field with 25+ guys with real looking guns, you might get a reward for turning them in lol

Still neat. Wish I was there.


Zeonprime March 10th, 2008 12:27


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 665642)
I've played with Rob wearing multicam at the LZ, it was Poncho that made him wear it. Rob hated it but wore it anyways.

please tell me you have photo's! LOL :D

JTF27 March 10th, 2008 12:40


Originally Posted by Iconix (Post 665709)
OK did you ask if they wanted to come play after, when they got off? Did any of them play airsoft or inquire about it? Any comments on our

JTF27- Prisoners run into your field with 25+ guys with real looking guns, you might get a reward for turning them in lol

Still neat. Wish I was there.


Or have one criminal with trouser full of shit.

Ibby March 10th, 2008 12:43


Originally Posted by JTF27 (Post 665670)
Aslo if anyone wants to know what the ERT wears, there is living proof.

One thing to keep in mind is that each department is seperate, and might do things their own way. A few years back I worked as support for several different police departments ERT units from the lower mainland and interior of BC, as well as the RCMP and a couple other government agencies. Each unit had their own way of doing things, their own loadouts, weapons, uniforms. They were all in the same ball park, but at the same time easily distinguished from one another.

Funker-Tactical March 12th, 2008 22:08

i eat at PRTC in chilliwack every day for lunch and you get the odd unit of swat guys come in with multi cam. they usually wear stuff that you can get at daves surplus. usual black vest, the duty belt with either a black hawk style thigh rig or a belt holster, nothing too fancy

HGI March 12th, 2008 22:41

Alright common now put the video up already I missed it before you took it down.

six4 March 12th, 2008 23:58


Originally Posted by HGI (Post 667998)
Alright common now put the video up already I missed it before you took it down.

i took it down because my blur effects were not sufficient enough to fully obscure faces. i would hate to see a swat officer have his cover blown or worse lose his life because someone,somewhere recognized an image in one of my videos. seems far fetched but im just being careful

Goodl2ussian March 13th, 2008 00:05

where is the said video?!?!?

Pip March 13th, 2008 00:09

dude, read the post above yours lol...

Goodl2ussian March 13th, 2008 00:17

...dammit the one post i skip is the crucial one!

well i feel kinda dumb...

FOX_111 March 13th, 2008 00:22


Originally Posted by six4 (Post 668052)
i took it down because my blur effects were not sufficient enough to fully obscure faces. i would hate to see a swat officer have his cover blown or worse lose his life because someone,somewhere recognized an image in one of my videos. seems far fetched but im just being careful

Get yourself a proper video editing tool and get that video back online!!
We are talking about real interesting stuff here, not an airsoft poser match!

CrazyWithAGun March 13th, 2008 00:36

Don't know if any of them will do what you need.

six4 March 13th, 2008 00:46


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 668089)
Get yourself a proper video editing tool and get that video back online!!
We are talking about real interesting stuff here, not an airsoft poser match!

im working on something as we speak. i spoke with one of my friends about editing like they do on "cops" and he says that type of editing needs to be done frame by frame so im s.o.l. on making it look like that,,but rest assured im working on somethng.

ancorp March 13th, 2008 00:59


Originally Posted by six4 (Post 668136)
im working on something as we speak. i spoke with one of my friends about editing like they do on "cops" and he says that type of editing needs to be done frame by frame so im s.o.l. on making it look like that,,but rest assured im working on somethng.

Get your hands on something like Adobe Aftereffects. You can track the face on the footage, and blur it out... or put something over it.

FOX_111 March 13th, 2008 01:07

I'm positive you can do it with a motion tween, where your blur patch is on a separate layer. It's way faster than frame by frame.

Ronan March 13th, 2008 01:19

Video... this i have to see :)

six4 March 13th, 2008 01:42

thanks everyone for your tips on editing tools. im looking at upgrading to something other than windows movie maker which currently is my only editing tool. oh and ronan,the vid isnt any of the field escort i took them on or any action sequences,,just their presence. they wouldnt allow any other footage.

six4 March 13th, 2008 02:03


this round of editing should be enough to obscure identities.

FOX_111 March 13th, 2008 02:21

Nice video. I wish their gear was more visible.

Their exit was nice... riding the side steps...

Tanx for posting.

six4 March 13th, 2008 02:24


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 668222)
Nice video. I wish their gear was more visible.

Their exit was nice... riding the side steps...

Tanx for posting.

notice the dude holding his hand over his name tag? i also had to obscure the gear,,i even blurred the exit a little. sorry guys,,thats all the footage i was allowed to take.

FOX_111 March 13th, 2008 03:15

They are shy as hell.

When the swats where on call 2 years ago, I snapped a ton of pictures of them. Face, gear, names and all.

They did not mind... like they had a choice anyway, as all the medias where there.

Ronan March 13th, 2008 03:27

They were shy cuz they were in fact airsofters from ASC! :D

Nice vid, but just have someone blur the face and tags, will be better :)

Duilin March 13th, 2008 10:48

did they let you play with their realsteel? or better yet did they ask to try your airsoft?

Swatt Six-Four March 13th, 2008 11:01

probaly the first time they showed up to work and felt under dressed lol

SEALs March 13th, 2008 15:39

hahahaha sooo true

Andres March 13th, 2008 18:02


Originally Posted by Swatt Six-Four (Post 668346)
probaly the first time they showed up to work and felt under dressed lol

Hahah... nice.

six4 March 13th, 2008 20:52

they were asking all kinds of questions,,we explained how the weapons worked what kind of projectile they shoot etc, etc,in the end they took bigfoot games info so they could come back to either play airsoft or ,,using bigfoot's weapon rentals,, for some force on force training.

Sergeantmajor March 13th, 2008 21:20

did they ask if it hurted?

Dirtbag March 14th, 2008 01:42

What was up
The Scoop

Million-dollar pot bust in Mission

Abbotsford Times

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mission RCMP arrested four people and seized 1,700 marijuana plants and about 100 pounds of dried product after they conducted high-risk searches March 9 in the rural Degraff Road area of the district.

The three searches were for theft of hydro and were considered high risk because some of the residents had links to organized crime and past histories of firearms offences, the police reported.

The Mission detachment's street crime unit carried out the searches with the Lower Mainland emergency response team and police dog services.

The four individuals will face charges of production of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and theft of hydro.

They were all released on promises to appear in Abbotsford provincial court, although no date has yet been set. The investigation came about after Mission RCMP received an anonymous complaint.

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