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Cassius November 4th, 2007 14:23

I thought I could stop...
I have 9 airsoft guns. I told myself, I would stop at 9 and sell one if I ever wanted to buy more. Last Friday I bought a silver M9 from a coworker and started customizing it. Today I'm buying a FMU TM AK47 and will buy a wood kit.

You can't stop.

You can't stop.

You can't stop.

The cake is a lie.

Forever_kaos November 4th, 2007 14:24

:) Just always remember, there is no such thing as too many airsoft guns, it's all about backing up your back up incase of zombie attack or something else.

The Saint November 4th, 2007 14:24


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 567715)
The cake is a lie.

The cake is a metaphor.

spacemoose November 4th, 2007 14:26


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 567717)
The cake is a metaphor.

The cake is a forced meme.

skalnok November 4th, 2007 14:27

so basically i am going to be broke and a half because i play 40k and airsoft ( even if i win a lottery)

Cassius November 4th, 2007 17:26


amano999 November 4th, 2007 17:30

I feel your pain.

I have the same problem.

Andres November 4th, 2007 17:32

Money doesn't just grow on tree's y'know!

Man, I wish I had enough cash to engulf myself in a blanket of AEG's and GBB's.

yanhchan November 4th, 2007 17:33

Its just like, just like, a drug addiction!

JTF27 November 4th, 2007 17:34

But the cake is so delicous and moist!

Andres November 4th, 2007 17:35


Originally Posted by yanhchan (Post 567809)
Its just like, just like, a drug addiction!

A minimall!?

Sergeantmajor November 4th, 2007 17:44

theres no way to stop this plague...

bean November 4th, 2007 17:49

It could be worse you could have a thing for classics. Not only are they expensive but there next to impossible to get in Canada.

Drake November 4th, 2007 18:11

From my own experience, I think it's a phase... kinda like in college when you wanna sleep every hot girl you see. But later in life you start seeking out much more specific things.

I've had a dozen AEGs, currently have seven (or eight, if the MP7 counts), plus CO2 miniuzi, 5 GBBs, 2 NBBs, an M203 and a GP30... and I've hit that saturation point where quantity is no longer cutting it.

For one, a lot of the AEGs just aren't getting used. I'm an AR person, I guess. The FAMAS was my first gun but doesn't get much use anymore, the AK I never fielded, the G36 I fielded once... so I'm currently in the process of building two custom ARs (three, really), and selling off everything else.

So I'm not at the point where I'd rather have only a couple of high quality, fine tuned guns. (as the old adage goes, Beware the man with only one gun; he'll know how to use it).

The pistols and stuff, I have a special love for, so I'm keeping those (for now anyway).

swatt13 November 4th, 2007 18:16

i too had the same problem, so i decided, instead of buying several guns when i can only use 1 at a time, ill buy one gun thats versatile and multi purpose... oh yes i could have gone with an ics, but nope i figured i needed reliability... so ptw it was. now i havent even recieved the gun yet, but ive spent more on it (including it) than on either of my rifles.... you just cant win... oh and the cakes a conspiracy, man.

Cassius November 4th, 2007 19:58

I love to get used AEGs and customize them till they look amazing. I think my addiction is into customizing them actually.

skalnok November 4th, 2007 22:04

that is a horrible affliction its like me and my 40k i constantly convert it but never get around to painting it ... oh no that wont happen with airsoft will it?

flame November 4th, 2007 22:47

I'm tweekin man need more. gotta get my fix. gettin my M249 in a couple of weeks.what will I do with the other 7 guns I know i'll buy more.mwaa aa aaa.

Goodl2ussian November 4th, 2007 23:13

I do not see the point of having so many guns...especially people with like 5 armalites! WTF!!!! K i understand one maybe like an SR25 or some sniper setup now whats the justification for the other 4? besides "theyre pretty"
=P im kind of a gun whore inside but I dont go overboard

Skladfin November 4th, 2007 23:14


Originally Posted by Forever_kaos (Post 567716)
:) Just always remember, there is no such thing as too many airsoft guns, it's all about backing up your back up incase of zombie attack or something else.

not gunna carry 9

Cassius November 4th, 2007 23:19

Even though I own an SR16, I sure as hell wouldn't mind an HK416. :p

I feel it has become more like a collection just like people collecting stamps or money.

Damn, now I have a 416 in mind...

aZn_triXta07 November 4th, 2007 23:24


Originally Posted by swatt13 (Post 567858)
i too had the same problem, so i decided, instead of buying several guns when i can only use 1 at a time, ill buy one gun thats versatile and multi purpose... oh yes i could have gone with an ics, but nope i figured i needed reliability... so ptw it was. now i havent even recieved the gun yet, but ive spent more on it (including it) than on either of my rifles.... you just cant win... oh and the cakes a conspiracy, man.

I look at things that way now too, you can't possibly wield more guns than you can.

However, if we didn't have this darned restriction on the importation on airsoft I think every seasoned player here would probably find their collections twice as large ... or more.

Amos November 4th, 2007 23:32


Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 (Post 568049)
I look at things that way now too, you can't possibly wield more guns than you can.

However, if we didn't have this darned restriction on the importation on airsoft I think every seasoned player here would probably find their collections twice as large ... or more.


CA gun over there = 200 - 300 bucks NEW

Over here = 800.... If I could have gotten my M14 for 200 bucks... I'd have so many mags, a bitchin' scope...

Only thing is... American airsoft (in most parts) is less milsim and less serious than we take it... They also get kids playing..

TokyoSeven November 5th, 2007 00:04

Im ok for airsoft guns, I find I have a horrible addiction to gear.
Im always buying gear, always creating and changing my kit so I can have everything I need for every situation and be able to modulate pouches or add things at a moments notice.

I carry everyone one of my airsoft guns on my during a game. 2 pistols holstered, my m4 with my shotty attached to the ris to form a masterkey, and if I can bare the weight, I usually sling my m700 on the back. So Im good to go for all circumstances. However I do dream of a day where I can run around doing dual wield with mp5k's or mp7s or p90s, or some form of SPR with 3 MP7s rigged to it when all the triggers attached to the main SPR trigger Mhmmmmm over kill someday, maybe someday.

swatt13 November 5th, 2007 00:30


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 568075)
Im ok for airsoft guns, I find I have a horrible addiction to gear.

you said it man, some one says multicam and im like a crak addict sifting through carpet for the last spec to subdue my addiction. gear whore-ism

~Bodkin~ November 5th, 2007 01:29

After seeing a teammate literally disappear when he squatted down wearing multicam, I HAVE to have it. Ho, ho, ho, if you get my drift :D

attack-beaver November 5th, 2007 01:45

this is herion
this is airsoft
this is cheaper

Griffin November 5th, 2007 01:51

God I just got PTW and pick up used G19 and with the money I have spent up various parts for both, my wife if she finds out will stick both guns in a sensitive area.

Ronan November 5th, 2007 02:05


Originally Posted by Andres (Post 567813)
A minimall!?

LOL! I was thinking that!

walks November 5th, 2007 02:12


Originally Posted by Griffin (Post 568143)
my wife if she finds out will stick both guns in a sensitive area.

thats why you just downplay how much it actually is or hope shes like my wife and doesnt notice the new toys because of all the other guns

I have 2 sniper rifles 4 eags (in the process of getting another one) 2 gbb's down from 5 and more gear than you could shake a stick at.

its not an addiction its a way of life for me now

mcguyver November 5th, 2007 02:25


Originally Posted by Griffin (Post 568143)
God I just got PTW

Enough said right there. Take 9 guns, sell them, save up some more money, and anyone can afford 1 PTW and the accessories needed to use it. Buy a couple more, and you're not an addict, you're just plain nuts.

Luckily, I have good health insurance.:D

Griffin November 5th, 2007 02:30


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 568155)
Enough said right there. Take 9 guns, sell them, save up some more money, and anyone can afford 1 PTW and the accessories needed to use it. Buy a couple more, and you're not an addict, you're just plain nuts.

Luckily, I have good health insurance.:D

Accessories wow still dont have all I really want/need. Lets see another 9.6v bat, M90 and what the heck might as well get M110, also need at least another 6 mags. Right now I have been encouraging my wife to spend or go places as much as she wants, hoping if and when she finds out well the fall out won't be as severe.

Janus November 5th, 2007 09:52

Is it bad that they've generally started to look for me at Dave's Surplus in New Westminister like.. "Come in Neo, the Oracle will see you now." ?

six4 November 5th, 2007 10:23


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 567715)
I have 9 airsoft guns. I told myself, I would stop at 9 and sell one if I ever wanted to buy more. Last Friday I bought a silver M9 from a coworker and started customizing it. Today I'm buying a FMU TM AK47 and will buy a wood kit.

You can't stop.

You can't stop.

You can't stop.

The cake is a lie.

who needs mags when you can just swap out weapons

skalnok November 5th, 2007 10:28


who needs mags when you can just swap out weapons
lol i love it , i can just imagine walking onto a field with like 6 p90s and firing until they are all out of ammo and then switching to my pistol:P

diamond_SEA November 5th, 2007 10:35

I never understood having more than one armalite. Im just oneone who likes to diversify, and although i cant afford it at this point, a large ideal collection should consist of 1 sniper, 1 LMG, 1 Armalitie, 1 PDW, 2 pistols, maybe a shotgun and one other gun (FAMAS, m14, sig 552, etc.) . Zombie killing brings up that # by another 2 guns or so.

I totally agree anyone with 4 Armalities "because they are pretty" should just sell off some and upgrade the remaining into their workhorses or invest into a systema.

Jimski November 5th, 2007 11:27

4 Armalites makes no sense in my opinion; 4 Steyr AUG, on the other hand, is perfectly logic :D

happytit November 5th, 2007 15:34


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 567715)
I have 9 airsoft guns. I told myself, I would stop at 9 and sell one if I ever wanted to buy more. Last Friday I bought a silver M9 from a coworker and started customizing it. Today I'm buying a FMU TM AK47 and will buy a wood kit.

You can't stop.

You can't stop.

You can't stop.

The cake is a lie.

i can help you out if you want.

give me all your guns

then you get to start all over again!

this way you can start collecting another 9 gun's.. that way you don't go over your max amount!

pawscal November 5th, 2007 15:43

I have 5 guns , all armalites. 1 PTW witch was suposed to stop my gun buying but now im looking at getting a AK. I bring my freinds to games alot so haveing one platform for mags and pouches is important for me. I cant have a P90 and a mp5 and a m4 it would make no sense...

TokyoSeven November 5th, 2007 16:12

So you managed to find a picture of my kit.
Do you know how hard it is to get that tint of pink in krylon? It took 3 coats on that Xm8 for it to look right.

Multiple armlites sounds fine to me. Im sure I could come up with enough ways to to use armlites in diffrent variations.

Some form of SPR modded for sniping
Some form of SPR modded for support
Some stockless short barrelled M4 for one handed stylin running and gunning, maybe two just to do up the akimbo sexiness.
And a PTW for shits.

Cassius November 5th, 2007 19:27

happytit, no, go on without me, let me live in the darkness with that horrible illness that is Airsofteis Gravus.

Jo_Canadian November 5th, 2007 20:34

if i ever win the building a schwarzeneger comando style rifle room of will be beautiful....and i love that XM8

Sergeantmajor November 5th, 2007 21:34

I'd rather have a house like Burt Grummer in Tremors. in which he has a whole bunch of stuff and a sweet basement with guns.

Cassius November 5th, 2007 21:38

Or a cool 50 foot metal container like in Lord of War :D

Sterling November 5th, 2007 21:42

I buy guns and then sell them after a few months. Keeps the guns on the low. But thats with AEGs. I have like 4 Pistols haha.

btw JanusDP I love your sig. I watch it over and over again.

Syphen November 7th, 2007 09:43

If 4 Armalites is bad, is 4 AK's bad too? They are all different varients...

Lakonian November 7th, 2007 09:53

I have 3 1911s (WA SVIX, WA M1911A1, TM Hicapa) , and looking into a forth.

Also have a beautiful AK74M (getting a hadji wood kit, and barrel mod soon), and a PTW ... which hasn't been paid off fully.. BUT STILL! It can be in my imaginary roster of bb-death machines !

Cassius November 7th, 2007 13:45

kos, can you point me to that hadji wood kit?

I'm getting an AK47 and I want a wood kit for it as well. :D

Lakonian November 7th, 2007 13:58


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 569794)
kos, can you point me to that hadji wood kit?

I'm getting an AK47 and I want a wood kit for it as well. :D

MSN'd ya :p

Ace of SpadesĀ© November 7th, 2007 17:07

If you guys have problems with guns... then I have a bad problem with gear.

I have a problem with custom and hard to find gear... Its probably harder to get rid of then being a slut for guns, since you can just buy most of it outside Canada...

Only, I like computers and girls just as much, so I have to be very selective when I want to eat for a month...

leblanc74 November 22nd, 2007 01:52

man I just spent around 9 grand on guns and gears.....the sad news is that I only started this hobby like a little more than a month ago....I know your pain; however, I need another PTW M16A3 this time....AHHHH never stops, sooner or later I am going to run out from my hobby savings fast....airsoft is even more expensive that real steal.....all well

leblanc74 November 22nd, 2007 01:56


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 568046)
Even though I own an SR16, I sure as hell wouldn't mind an HK416. :p

I feel it has become more like a collection just like people collecting stamps or money.

Damn, now I have a 416 in mind...


Huge November 22nd, 2007 09:43


Originally Posted by leblanc74 (Post 579286)
man I just spent around 9 grand on guns and gears.....the sad news is that I only started this hobby like a little more than a month ago....I know your pain; however, I need another PTW M16A3 this time....AHHHH never stops, sooner or later I am going to run out from my hobby savings fast....airsoft is even more expensive that real steal.....all well

Holy monkey haha You goot hooked real fast my friend !

I mean... we all are addicted but 9k in a month !! Holy crap

redmond November 22nd, 2007 11:26

9k in a month is a pretty big amount.

Hello, my name is leblanc, and i'm an airsoftaholic.

Crunchmeister November 22nd, 2007 11:30

I totally understand. I'm an airsoft noob, although I had been a pellet / BB gun collector for years. Got my first AEG 2 months ago (cheapo Double Eagle AK47). And I was bitten. I needed more. And pellet / BB guns too. I MUST have them...

In the last 2 weeks, I've purchased:

Walther PPK BB gun
Beretta PX4 Storm pellet pistol
Beretta CX4 Storm carbine pellet gun
Crosman Pro 77 BB gun
TM M4A1 carbine (should arrive today)
CA M15A4 rifle - this will be the base for my C7A1 mod (should arrive tomorrow)

And now that I've finally been age-verified, I'm browsing the classifieds looking at what I want to get next.

It's a horrible thing. That's almost $2k in just over a week. Crack would be cheaper.

MrEvolution November 22nd, 2007 12:03

Remember everyone, No collection is complete without a thompson :P

13Fido13 November 22nd, 2007 12:07


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 579501)
Remember everyone, No collection is complete without a thompson :P

Oh come on Evo., you know that everyone needs an MP40 not a Thompson.

Lawdog November 22nd, 2007 12:27

Crack would be much cheaper.

For the WWII guys I'm not sure you're an addict until you have owned at least one of the great gas classics:

Kar98, M1 Garand, or M3A1 Grease gun. Unless of course you build your own Garand...


bean November 22nd, 2007 12:39

When you said great classics it hough you were going to say the jac bar, and thompson

aZn_triXta07 November 22nd, 2007 12:46

You should've just bought a SYSTEMA kit


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 579478)
I totally understand. I'm an airsoft noob, although I had been a pellet / BB gun collector for years. Got my first AEG 2 months ago (cheapo Double Eagle AK47). And I was bitten. I needed more. And pellet / BB guns too. I MUST have them...

In the last 2 weeks, I've purchased:

Walther PPK BB gun
Beretta PX4 Storm pellet pistol
Beretta CX4 Storm carbine pellet gun
Crosman Pro 77 BB gun
TM M4A1 carbine (should arrive today)
CA M15A4 rifle - this will be the base for my C7A1 mod (should arrive tomorrow)

And now that I've finally been age-verified, I'm browsing the classifieds looking at what I want to get next.

It's a horrible thing. That's almost $2k in just over a week. Crack would be cheaper.

Crunchmeister November 22nd, 2007 13:21


Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 (Post 579528)
You should've just bought a SYSTEMA kit

Oh, that will come eventually! :D I'm a collector though, so I like quantity. I just got bitten with the airsoft bug really hard these past weeks and need more. I always need more...

Hopefully the TM M4 you sold me arrives today, but I think it will probably only arrive tomorrow. The CP tracking says it was accepted at the Mississauga sorting plant this morning at 9:20, so I don't see it making its way to Kingston today, unfortunately. But that's ok. It will be like Christmas tomorrow. I'll be receiving both the M4 and the CA M15 rifle. I should have my replica ELCAN scope by tomorrow as well, so I can have my C7A1 and M4 added to my collection. :)

Jimski November 22nd, 2007 13:28

man I wish UNcompany made gift packagings
with a ribbon around it

Tankdude November 22nd, 2007 13:35

I own two aegs and 4 real rifles.

So with respect to airsoft I'm not so bad. The most I ever had was about 6 I guess. The average is 2-3 at any given time.

After I get a car and job I'll look at a systema PTW, maybe a Systema MP5 :)

Cassius November 22nd, 2007 14:18

I have a hard time selling them. It took me about a month to decide if I was selling my M24 and MP5 and now that I've sold them, I don't think I'll ever sell any other AEGs or GBBs of mine.

I don't see the need in getting a 2500$ M4 such as the Systema though I would get a 1200$ VFC HK416 mostly since I saw MrJon's collection. That guy takes amazing photos making you want guns even more.

Usually when you spend alot and quickly you might end up regretting but it seems that in airsoft, regretting a pricey AEG or GBB is impossible.

Crunchmeister November 22nd, 2007 14:49

Airsoft? Cracksoft is more like it. lol

Mmmm... so badly want an MP5 now...

And my replica ELCAN scope just arrived about 45 minutes ago. Mounted it on my Cx4 Storm carbine and unloaded a couple of mags with it. Took some adjustment, but it's nice and accurate. It will look good on my CA M15. And turns out the scope is made by CA as well. Didn't know that when I bought it.

Donster November 22nd, 2007 15:01


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 567920)
I love to get used AEGs and customize them till they look amazing. I think my addiction is into customizing them actually.

+1. i was like that with paintball and i am already planning out my AEGs for airsoft. Id rather buy a medium grade gun and put time into it to make it amazing (like working with an M15A4) as opposed to buying a PTW and not doing anything to it. but again, thats just me.

Donster November 22nd, 2007 15:21

Dude where did you get your PX4 storm?

Cassius November 22nd, 2007 15:52

It's not a Beretta Storm airsoft its a BB gun.

It would be nice if they sold some kind of BB2Airsoft conversion kits.

Crunchmeister November 22nd, 2007 17:30


Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 (Post 579627)
Dude where did you get your PX4 storm?

It's a pellet / BB gun. I ordered it from They have the best price I've seen on it so far in stores and online. It's one badass gun. The blowback action gives it one mean kick too. I have a Walther PPK/S BB gun, and I like the little kick it gives from its blowback. I expected the same out of the Px4. The first shot I took with it, I just dry fired it without pellets to check it out, and the thing nearly jumped out of my hand the recoil was so hard. I wasn't holding it tightly because I didn't expect such a kick. Man, it's one badass little gun. If anyone makes an airsoft GBB version of this, I'm totally buying it, regardless of the price.

Griffin November 22nd, 2007 17:46

S.I.R online based out of Winnipeg, I believe sells it and also has a very good price.

leblanc74 November 22nd, 2007 18:20


Originally Posted by redmond (Post 579475)
9k in a month is a pretty big amount.

Hello, my name is leblanc, and i'm an airsoftaholic.

LOL.... but seriously :smack: to myself

leblanc74 November 22nd, 2007 18:25


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 579501)
Remember everyone, No collection is complete without a thompson :P

Thompson, interesting..... maybe one day, but right now

I got my M14 waiting for me to pick up this weekend, and probably going to pick up that KSC Glock 17 at the same time, almost got it this morning but a M3 light was stuck on it.... I am planning on getting the M16A3 PTW Max2 when it is out, and a G36 variant, or even the scrar-l or i said there is no end to this....

Crunchmeister November 22nd, 2007 18:29


Originally Posted by Griffin (Post 579729)
S.I.R online based out of Winnipeg, I believe sells it and also has a very good price.

They're actually about $10 cheaper at SIR, but out of stock, unfortunately. And I just couldn't resist buying this, and didn't want to wait. So it was worth the extra $10 it cost me from

I mean, how could I NOT want this sexy beast?

It just goes together so well with my Cx4 Storm carbine. Although technically, I ordered the pistol before buying the carbine...

And my next (and probably last for a while) pellet gun purchase will be a P99 Compact, and I will be buying for SIR. They have the cheapest price I've seen on it so far. Then down the road, I'll be picking up the Desert Eagle, and that should keep me happy for a while and I can concentrate on buying more airsoft guns.

ColtFarmer November 22nd, 2007 20:41

I liken it to herpes... you may not have a flare up in years, but it's with you FOR LIFE.

leblanc74 November 22nd, 2007 20:46

for you airgun fans....did you know that "umarex" has a few limited edition like the walther CP99 LTD and there are only 300 available and each ones are numbered....also if you like classics, S&W has a stainless steel 686 LTD....

takatorikku November 22nd, 2007 21:36

i whored myself out to guns a while back... literally had a new one every weekend.. but that phase blew over quickly (once a certain loved one looked at our joint bank account XD) and now i have one AR which i can use in either sniper, assault or cqb modes with just a set of allen keys and 5 minutes. i think it's better to just have one versitile (sp?) gun. muuuuch nicer on the bank too...

Crunchmeister November 22nd, 2007 21:37


Originally Posted by ColtFarmer (Post 579864)
I liken it to herpes... you may not have a flare up in years, but it's with you FOR LIFE.

Tell me about it. I'd been collecting air guns since I was 15 or 16. When I finished college in 1997, I had over 50 of them. Unfortunately, I didn't find work for many months after I finished school, and had to sell them off, since they were the only things (other than my guitars - which I would never part with) that were worth anything. I ended up selling the whole collection, including some now rare models like the Crosman 16 and Uzi models.

A couple of years ago, I got bitten by the bug and bought up a Crosman 357 with the 4 and 8" barrels (I used to have the 6" model before) and a Crosman 1008. That satisfied me for a while.

The urge to buy guns and rebuild my collection again started a couple of months ago when I saw an airsoft AK47 at a local army surplus store and HAD to have it. And so it started again. I've bought a lot of I figured as of today I'd have everything I needed and still I ended up putting a down payment on the chrome WE M92FS in the classifies... Ugh.. this shit is gonna break me.


Originally Posted by leblanc74 (Post 579866)
for you airgun fans....did you know that "umarex" has a few limited edition like the walther CP99 LTD and there are only 300 available and each ones are numbered....also if you like classics, S&W has a stainless steel 686 LTD....

Umarex have some awesome guns. I currently have the Walther PPK/S, Beretta Px4 Storm, and Beretta Cx4 Storm, and will be getting the Walther CP99 Compact next, and eventually their Desert Eagle too. I'm really liking the blowback action on these guns, as they give a nice recoil and feel more real. I'm loving all of these new guns.

I saw the "non LTD" black version of the S&W revolver at our local shop. Very nice gun indeed. The only thing I really don't like about it is the "real" cylinder that holds the pellets stands out so much, particularly on that chrome gun.

Cassius November 22nd, 2007 21:41

Dude, switch your gun love to either real guns or airsoft guns.

If you like target shooting and or killing people; switch to real guns.

If you like target shooting and or hitting people; switch to airsoft.

I just don't see where BB guns lay as they are not realistic and shooting each other with them hurts a bit more...

Crunchmeister November 22nd, 2007 22:06

Airsoft is my new bitch. I have to complete my collection of blowback pellet & BB guns with these 2 last pieces. Once I have them, I'll consider my collection complete for now. These particular guns that I have are VERY realistic, and that's why I bought them. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother with them.

So far for airsoft, I have a KJW M92FS, a TM M4A1, and CA M15A4 rifle. I'll have a chrome WA M92FS on the way next week. Plus I have the DE AK47 that started my interest in airsoft.

So yeah, airsoft is what I want to focus on now my and build my collection from a MUCH better selection of much more realistic weapons. And as much as I enjoy target shooting with my pellet guns, the idea of being able to shoot SOMEONE with airsoft in an organized game is very appealing to me. I tried paintball once. I liked the idea of the game, but the guns and the paint were just a turnoff for me. And it felt more like playing a frantic real-life version of Counterstrike than an actual tactical scenario or real skirmish. From what I've seen on youtube of airsoft games (the real things, not kids in their backyards), it appears to be something I would enjoy.

As for real guns, I have my POL and own a 1950s .22 rifle and a 1917 Lee Enfield .303. The thing is that I live in the city, and have no place to shoot them. I could probably easily get my PAL and buy some rifles, but have no use for them since I don't hunt. I'd love to get handguns, but again the process of getting licences, registrations, etc is just too much effort for the payoff. Especially when there's airsoft! I can get guns that look real AND I get to shoot people with them.

Griffin November 22nd, 2007 22:33

Yup I shook the Warcrack habit and thought hmm a hobby that may get me into shape and fun. Played paintball many many years ago but, did not want to go back, so I thought why not airsoft. Wow now the addiction bug has bitten me again!.

leblanc74 November 23rd, 2007 00:00


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 579887)
Dude, switch your gun love to either real guns or airsoft guns.

If you like target shooting and or killing people; switch to real guns.

If you like target shooting and or hitting people; switch to airsoft.

I just don't see where BB guns lay as they are not realistic and shooting each other with them hurts a bit more...

when I was a teenage, we used pellet guns to shoot each other, and yes it does hurt....stupid kids...hey wait I was one of them... :smack:

Shirley November 23rd, 2007 00:09

It's like having sexual intercourse with your wallet. Always sticking your fingers inside and taking money out!

Shirley November 23rd, 2007 00:11


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 579903)
I can get guns that look real AND I get to shoot people with them.

Dude, I'm scared of you!

Crunchmeister November 23rd, 2007 12:27


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 579970)
Dude, I'm scared of you!

Awww... that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me on this forum yet... ;)

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