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Ichabod August 21st, 2007 12:27

FN 2000
Does anybody have any idea where I can get the JLS FN 2000 from?!?! I wanna get off the cheap guns and this one looks incredibly sexy.

PS- I've already tried Ken a number of times, but he doesn't seem to care about getting back to me. I've also got a friend who wanted to put in a thousand dollar order with him, and he never got back to him either... Anybody noticed a drastic slip in his service of late?

Lakonian August 21st, 2007 12:36


Originally Posted by Ichabod (Post 523381)
Does anybody have any idea where I can get the JLS FN 2000 from?!?! I wanna get off the cheap guns and this one looks incredibly sexy.

PS- I've already tried Ken a number of times, but he doesn't seem to care about getting back to me. I've also got a friend who wanted to put in a thousand dollar order with him, and he never got back to him either... Anybody noticed a drastic slip in his service of late?

How old are you? If you messaged him, sounding like a 15 year old, chances are he ignored you. He's busy, he can't waste time on minors (who aren't even supposed to be trying to buy guns in the first place). (EDIT: nvm, checked your profile.)

Also, what gives you priority? He doesn't HAVE to reply to you. He's busy with quite a few things as it is. I don't think he's going to drop everything, and custom order a JLS (crapsoft) gun for ya.

Try AA, but don't be surprised if they don't reply either.

Ichabod August 21st, 2007 12:42

I think he can spare a moment within a week to get back to me and I've already tried Anderson Airsoft. At least AA got back to me within a day to tell me that they couldn't get it. Ken completely ignored my friend and to this day hasn't even replied to him. At this point the only person I'd consider dealing with is AA. And the FN2000 is not crapsoft. It's good quality at a good price because it's Chinese made. ABS body, metal internals.

TokyoSeven August 21st, 2007 13:00

Unfortunetly for many of us it seems as if Ken is never around much these days. However many of us also understand he has a personal life, and the bounds of those dont just cover going out and having fun, you have to think of other obligations he may have to attend to such as schooling (if applicable) and family. To some it may seem that he is either ignoring you, but you have to understand the sheer volume of emails he receives each day. Not just in regards to AEG orders, but questions about internals and upgrades as well. Its understandable that he does run his own business and I believe he does his best to keep up with his customers, but hes only one guy and if you feel youve slipped through the cracks, you can either choose to be patience and attempt to keep contacting or move onto another retailer.
Ken has always come through for me no matter what I needed.

When it comes to Canadian airsoft, patience and time are essentially the biggest factor. It applys to all aspects of airsoft. Taking the time to save your money, taking the time to explore all options, taking the time research all products,waiting for your gun to arrive, taking the time to show your AEG and GBB appreciation by performing propper maintenance, taking that extra second to wait for a better shot, and that extra second hiding in the bushes so you can mercy kill that noob from behind with a dildo that you carry as a replacement for a rubber knife.

Dawnbringer August 21st, 2007 13:06

Telling people around here what (or rather what is not) crapsoft is likely to get you buried under a mound of molten .12 bbs. Anything below TM/CA is considered cheap, and anything below JG/Echo 1 is crap.

Disclaimer: Yes I know I just gave out a piece of advise and then promptly ignored it, I did this as I felt I was informed enough to do so, and I have a quote saying it is ok. "One can show the following: given any rule, however fundamental or necessary, there are always circumstances when it is advisable not only to ignore the rule, but to adopt its opposite" - Paul Feyerabend. Cheap/ crap levels are meant as guidelines only, so stay away with your molten .12 bbs.

Ichabod August 21st, 2007 13:08


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 523406)
Unfortunetly for many of us it seems as if Ken is never around much these days. However many of us also understand he has a personal life, and the bounds of those dont just cover going out and having fun, you have to think of other obligations he may have to attend to...

Granted, good point.

However, the question still stands... Does anyone know where I could get it from?

Brian McIlmoyle August 21st, 2007 13:10

Would you give a crap
If you knew you could sell everything you bring in instantly, If you knew you were pretty much the only game in town.

a supplier in this situation has the luxury of choosing his clients and serving who he wants to.

If I was a retailer who was in such a position... I would keep a list of people who I just would not bother with... and you would be on it.

Lakonian August 21st, 2007 13:13


Originally Posted by Ichabod (Post 523392)
I think he can spare a moment within a week to get back to me and I've already tried Anderson Airsoft. At least AA got back to me within a day to tell me that they couldn't get it. Ken completely ignored my friend and to this day hasn't even replied to him. At this point the only person I'd consider dealing with is AA. And the FN2000 is not crapsoft. It's good quality at a good price because it's Chinese made. ABS body, metal internals.

Probably not. I'd imagine that spare "moment" goes to whoever has a pending deal with him. Example: two people order 2 TOP LMGs, and are waiting on quotes. One guy comes in (2 weeks+ later), asking for a quote on a JG MP5.. Who do you think is going to get priority, and for what (obvious) reasons?

That, coupled with the fact that he probably enjoys a full-time job, and most likely has family obligations, will slow anyone's response time. So be more patient... I can wait 5 months for an AEG, and so can you.

TokyoSeven August 21st, 2007 13:19


Originally Posted by kos (Post 523417)
I can wait 5 months for an AEG, and so can you.

Man, props to you for being able to wait that long.

I waited a month for M4 body pins for my reciever. Sure I could have gotten them somewhere else, but I prefered at the time, to give him my business. Basically I ended up waiting a month because, the first time they arrived, Canada posts slow delivery and horrible manhandling had ripped the package open and all I recieved was an envelope with an empty plastic G&P pouch inside. I emailed about the issue, and had my next set 2 days later, expressed.

However I havent ordered an AEG in years, the last one I ever purchased was in a walk in store.

Lakonian August 21st, 2007 13:31


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 523422)
Man, props to you for being able to wait that long.

I have toys to play with before ms.ptw comes to play with me. Hahahah. Still, this is the longest I've been without an AR. It kinda makes me sad :(

TokyoSeven August 21st, 2007 13:34

YouTube - kitty cat

Better now?

Lakonian August 21st, 2007 13:39


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 523425)

I am convinced you are a nazi. Why do you keep linking people to a cat that looks like Adolf Hitler?

TokyoSeven August 21st, 2007 13:41

I love the song, It cheers me up. I thought I would share some love.

Lakonian August 21st, 2007 13:42


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 523429)
I love the song, It cheers me up. I thought I would share some love.

HAHAHAH. Yeah, it did kinda cheer me up. The other one is pretty gold too.

Anyway.. fail thread is fail?

TokyoSeven August 21st, 2007 13:47


Originally Posted by kos (Post 523431)
HAHAHAH. Yeah, it did kinda cheer me up. The other one is pretty gold too.

Anyway.. fail thread is fail?

HAH! Yeah the other one is due to boredom and Im printing them out and taping them to my wall.

Amos August 21st, 2007 13:50

... You guys really should look into what you're talking about before you dismiss something as crapsoft... sure it's not gonna be TM or CA quality.. but the gun is a solid gun.

Stock Tight bore 6.03 tight bore, 390 FPS on .20g out of the box. These things are completely on-par if not better than JG.

Look up FlankerTanker on Youtube, He's a British airsoft collector that reviews a whole bunch of unique guns. He did one on the Ji Le Shen FN2000

Lakonian August 21st, 2007 14:05


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 523439)
... You guys really should look into what you're talking about before you dismiss something as crapsoft... sure it's not gonna be TM or CA quality.. but the gun is a solid gun.

Stock Tight bore 6.03 tight bore, 390 FPS on .20g out of the box. These things are completely on-par if not better than JG.

Look up FlankerTanker on Youtube, He's a British airsoft collector that reviews a whole bunch of unique guns. He did one on the Ji Le Shen FN2000

Okay, it's just crap compared to everything I own, then. Big deal.

Aquamarine August 21st, 2007 14:29


Originally Posted by kos (Post 523446)
Okay, it's just crap compared to everything I own, then. Big deal.


GreyFox132 August 21st, 2007 18:19

the gun looks like a messed up famas :P, is this an actual gun or just some random one the company made?

DuffMan August 21st, 2007 18:34


Originally Posted by GreyFox132 (Post 523549)
the gun looks like a messed up famas :P, is this an actual gun or just some random one the company made?

Please do some research.

That said, man after watching that YouTube review, I kinda want one too.

Nik12 August 21st, 2007 20:49


Originally Posted by kos (Post 523417)
I can wait 5 months for an AEG, and so can you.

I'm 3/5s there :)

Harbinger of Darkness August 21st, 2007 21:37

I've wanted one for a while. The only thing that bugs me about it is the selector switch being in the wrong place. :(

Zeonprime August 21st, 2007 21:59

I'm waiting on TMs FN2K if it's anywhere near the P90s quality it will kick serious ass :)

Amos August 22nd, 2007 02:07


Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs (Post 523574)
Please do some research.

That said, man after watching that YouTube review, I kinda want one too.

See what I mean? There's one where he Chronies it.. And it shoots 390 consistant.

I'm hoping to discover a website where either A&A or 007 can order off of.. But it seems the only place that carries JLS FN2000's are Airsplat and other shitsoft sites like that... And when a custom officer sees "AIRSPLAT.COM" even if it's going to some one with all the proper lisencing.. It still gets tossed in the furnace.

Skladfin August 22nd, 2007 12:04

Man, it's been almost 2 weeks since the first email started

First Email: Do you guys do special orders.

4 days and 2 reminders later

Ken: Yes we do, mainly from WGC, and sometimes from Redwolf.

Me: Possible for you to give me prices of these AEGs?

6 days and 3 reminders later.

Ken: Sorry, I lost your email =(

2 days later

that's today.

I understand that for whatever reason he's really busy but this is just REALLY tedious. For whatever the customer care, they just want their stuff. And they aren't going to take his "Busyness" as a excuse for all they care, and eventually will all turn to A&A or even going to the states and bringing back some guns even though it maybe illegal to do so.

Lakonian August 22nd, 2007 12:09


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 524003)
Man, it's been almost 2 weeks since the first email started

First Email: Do you guys do special orders.

4 days and 2 reminders later

Ken: Yes we do, mainly from WGC, and sometimes from Redwolf.

Me: Possible for you to give me prices of these AEGs?

6 days and 3 reminders later.

Ken: Sorry, I lost your email =(

2 days later

that's today.

ugh.. okay. Just so everyone STFU...


Originally Posted by Ken@007
Ya Kos sorry about the delay in reply. With gmail it's very annoying. if you send me an email 5 days ago, and send me an email today. they will both be bumped to august 11.

then if you send me some more later, they will be bumped to the latest date so I will never be able to get to your original day from 5 days ago.


Skladfin August 22nd, 2007 12:22


Amos August 22nd, 2007 12:32


Originally Posted by kos (Post 524008)
ugh.. okay. Just so everyone STFU...

[Complaints about Gmail]

Tell him to use outlook express re-routing his Gmail messages.

Dawnbringer August 22nd, 2007 13:06

G-mail is actually quite nice to use... once you get used to it. It stacks all the emails from one conversation together, i.e. incoming email, your reply, there reply to your reply and so on. Although this doesn't work all the time, sometimes emails from the same person (but with different subjects) get thrown together, and other times the replay is taken as a new message(especially if they changed the subject). I got used to it in a couple of weeks and I have loved it since(no more looking for previous emails on the same subject), but then again, I don't have a bunch of people emailing me wanting to buy stuff.

Lakonian August 22nd, 2007 13:14


Originally Posted by Dawnbringer (Post 524039)
G-mail is actually quite nice to use... once you get used to it. It stacks all the emails from one conversation together, i.e. incoming email, your reply, there reply to your reply and so on. Although this doesn't work all the time, sometimes emails from the same person (but with different subjects) get thrown together, and other times the replay is taken as a new message(especially if they changed the subject). I got used to it in a couple of weeks and I have loved it since(no more looking for previous emails on the same subject), but then again, I don't have a bunch of people emailing me wanting to buy stuff.

Yeah, he told me if it has the same title, it'll be stacked. Gmail is bullshit, seriously.

Omi-san August 22nd, 2007 16:06

I don't like the reminds of the OICW.

Ichabod August 24th, 2007 22:56

Alright, so it's established that I can't get it through 007 airsoft or AA. Any other ideas, perhaps something a little less kosher? Aside from driving it across the border, as I don't have a car...

TokyoSeven August 24th, 2007 22:57

May have to wait man, it could be a year, it could be 2 years it could be a few months. Im sorry I wish I had more to offer.

Karnage August 24th, 2007 23:01

I have 5 of these JLS FN2000s sitting in HK, if you can find someone to bring them over for me you can buy one for cheap :)

Ichabod August 24th, 2007 23:03

? You've peaked my curiosity. You're talkin Hong Kong, right?

Zeonprime August 24th, 2007 23:04


Originally Posted by Karnage (Post 525727)
I have 5 of these JLS FN2000s sitting in HK, if you can find someone to bring them over for me you can buy one for cheap :)

your just trying to give me a heartattack arent ya?

Ichabod August 24th, 2007 23:05

and how cheap?

Karnage August 24th, 2007 23:08

depends on the brokerage fees :)

The cheap part is the gun lol

Ichabod August 24th, 2007 23:11

Alright, let's start working somethin out. Exactly what do I have to do to get them into the country? Would I have to get someone like Ken to do it?

dontask August 24th, 2007 23:17

I loled.

Karnage August 24th, 2007 23:19

i will let you figure that part out, im not going to touch anything about importing full airsoft guns

Ichabod August 24th, 2007 23:19

Alright. I'll kontakt Ken and AA and get back to you.

TokyoSeven August 24th, 2007 23:19

Oh dear...

Ichabod August 24th, 2007 23:21

Is TokyoSeven a chick? And exactly where in Hong Kong?

JoeyJackhammer August 24th, 2007 23:21

buy all 5, one is bound to make it

Ichabod August 24th, 2007 23:30

Doesn't sound that plausible...

Ronan August 25th, 2007 00:16

I don't know why... but i kinda like the F2000... not enough to buy one but.... yeah :)

It's like.. a P90 + a Fa Mas.

TokyoSeven August 25th, 2007 00:51


Originally Posted by Ichabod (Post 525741)
Is TokyoSeven a chick? And exactly where in Hong Kong?

TokyoSeven is actually a sophisticated AEG from the future with an AI composed for 2 female and 2 male personas. Designed to educated, mock and occasionally taunt people with a strange youtube video of a dancing cat.

YouTube - kitty cat

But for the most part we consider him a male, minus the fact he probly has bigger ovaries than most women.

Drake August 25th, 2007 00:58


Originally Posted by Ichabod (Post 525745)
Doesn't sound that plausible...

Well someone has a pretty negative attitude.

Harbinger of Darkness August 25th, 2007 04:17

God I love that cat video.

Back on topic, I'm thinking about getting one of those JLS FN2000's now. WGC finally has 'em in stock. Now if only I could find a way out of getting huge ass tickets so I can afford the damn thing... I guess I could always sell my body to duffman...

shadowninja August 25th, 2007 10:05


Originally Posted by Harbinger of Darkness (Post 525833)
God I love that cat video.

Back on topic, I'm thinking about getting one of those JLS FN2000's now. WGC finally has 'em in stock. Now if only I could find a way out of getting huge ass tickets so I can afford the damn thing... I guess I could always sell my body to duffman...

may y do we always go after the same gunz and duff man already owns your body rember the last game

M_P August 25th, 2007 15:32

How durable are those thing? I know I'm gonna get crap for this, but I don't actually play Airsoft, but I do play Paintball, and I've been seriously considering getting one of those, gutting it and fitting a decent marker inside it. Would the shell stand up to getting whacked with a paintball, with or without reinforcement?

Amos August 25th, 2007 15:35


Originally Posted by M_P (Post 525933)
How durable are those thing? I know I'm gonna get crap for this, but I don't actually play Airsoft, but I do play Paintball, and I've been seriously considering getting one of those, gutting it and fitting a decent marker inside it. Would the shell stand up to getting whacked with a paintball, with or without reinforcement?

No one in Canada has these yet...

But it is a low-quality chinese gun.. So It probably wont be the most durable thing.

M_P August 25th, 2007 15:36

I know, but I live in Windsor during the school year. I could probably get one across the border if it's appropriately marked (Orange tip, marked as a toy or a prop or something, ect...)

Amos August 25th, 2007 15:39


Originally Posted by M_P (Post 525935)
I know, but I live in Windsor during the school year. I could probably get one across the border if it's appropriately marked (Orange tip, marked as a toy or a prop or something, ect...)


No. You can't. Why do you think we pay 800 instead of 300 for a gun?


M_P August 25th, 2007 15:41

Mmm, I thought it was due to duty fees. Thought the ban on bringing airsoft across the border was suspended/removed, but apparently I was mistaken.

I'll just have to wait, then.

Amos August 25th, 2007 15:44


Originally Posted by M_P (Post 525939)
Mmm, I thought it was due to duty fees. Thought the ban on bringing airsoft across the border was suspended/removed, but apparently I was mistaken.

I'll just have to wait, then.

Oh god. I sure hope duty fees wouldn't bee 300% of the initial cost of the product..

But no, You can't bring them over; and when they are in canada they'll likely cost upwards of 600 dollars. (If they ever are)

Ronan August 25th, 2007 15:44


Originally Posted by M_P (Post 525939)
Mmm, I thought it was due to duty fees. Thought the ban on bringing airsoft across the border was suspended/removed, but apparently I was mistaken.

I'll just have to wait, then.

What you have to do is the following:
#1 Be 18
#2 Pay a shitload more than others like us

M_P August 25th, 2007 15:45

Crapsticks. A guy over on the SpecOps paintball forum was selling one for about $150.

Maybe it's time to start putting smuggling compartments into the bed of my truck...:D
(Kidding, kidding.)

EDIT: And, for the record, I'm 20, but the shitload of money part is where I'm stuck. Curse you, University of Windsor.

Amos August 25th, 2007 15:48


Originally Posted by M_P (Post 525943)
Crapsticks. A guy over on the SpecOps paintball forum was selling one for about $150.

Maybe it's time to start putting smuggling compartments into the bed of my truck...:D
(Kidding, kidding.)

EDIT: And, for the record, I'm 20, but the shitload of money part is where I'm stuck. Curse you, University of Windsor.

:D Enjoy your massive fines.

Moderate August 25th, 2007 16:12

Mmm...Splinter Cell. Almost. :)

ArmaliteWhore August 26th, 2007 01:58

Meh, the JLS f2000 doesn't look too great. Wait for CA or MArui to come out with it, because I know Marui will find an excuse to justify the use of their plastic bodies.

Amos August 26th, 2007 15:32


Originally Posted by ArmaliteWhore (Post 526134)
Meh, the JLS f2000 doesn't look too great. Wait for CA or MArui to come out with it, because I know Marui will find an excuse to justify the use of their plastic bodies.

... What?

The real FN2000 is made from a plastic composite...

It's kinda like people who want an all metal FAMAS... or an all metal AUG...

ArmaliteWhore August 26th, 2007 20:36


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 526301)
... What?

The real FN2000 is made from a plastic composite...

It's kinda like people who want an all metal FAMAS... or an all metal AUG...

Exactly, amigo. Plastic "composite" gun= no pressure to make a metal version. I'm still waiting for those bastards to come out with a full-metal armalite series.

Lakonian August 26th, 2007 20:41


Originally Posted by ArmaliteWhore (Post 526472)
Exactly, amigo. Plastic "composite" gun= no pressure to make a metal version. I'm still waiting for those bastards to come out with a full-metal armalite series.

There's soooo many fucking FMU armalites as it is!

What they need to do is focus on a new mechbox design for ARs. But it's not going to happen. And even if it did, I'd still pick a PTW over it.

ArmaliteWhore August 26th, 2007 20:49

If you can come up with 2200$. Did you know that i could of bought myself one? But, that Les Paul was calling my name, and I really couldn't resist.

Lakonian August 26th, 2007 20:59


Originally Posted by ArmaliteWhore (Post 526482)
If you can come up with 2200$. Did you know that i could of bought myself one? But, that Les Paul was calling my name, and I really couldn't resist.

You could've bought one, and done what with it? You're technically not even allowed to play, let alone own one.

In any case, I wouldn't advise anyone who doesn't plan on playing often , to get a PTW. It's a training weapon, not a mantle piece.

ArmaliteWhore August 26th, 2007 22:47


Originally Posted by kos (Post 526488)
You could've bought one, and done what with it? You're technically not even allowed to play, let alone own one.

In any case, I wouldn't advise anyone who doesn't plan on playing often , to get a PTW. It's a training weapon, not a mantle piece.

Look. You don't have to rub it in. I know I'm not " of age", but if a number is gonna prevent me from enjoying airsoft, I won't take it. I have a few airsoft guns. I have a few springers and an old broken marui m773. Did I do immature things like shoot friends with them? No. I shot targets in my basement, went to local games in the US and loved each and every gun. i enjoyed myself, without being stupid. I cleaned my guns, even MADE barrel plugs for them and never brought them out of a case when moving them. The right to enjoy airsoft is not based on age, but what you do with your guns. It might of been illegal to "own" them, but i had a hell of a fun time, while being safe. Jeez, I got the guns as birthday presents. I even painted the outer barrels red.
I agree that you should be over 18 to buy them, but if you get a gun as a gift, what are you gonna do? Refuse it? I could get a gun right now. I could give my dad the money, let him buy it, and I'll use it under HIS supervision. I think that i deserve to play with you guys, because I have never ONCE did something immature with an airsoft gun. I'll let the idiots who get arrested do that. I've been waiting to be sixteen to play for a while, and I'll tell ya, I'm one persistent motherfucker and I rarely take no for an answer.

Amos August 26th, 2007 23:26


Originally Posted by ArmaliteWhore (Post 526536)
Look. You don't have to rub it in. I know I'm not " of age", but if a number is gonna prevent me from enjoying airsoft, I won't take it. I have a few airsoft guns. I have a few springers and an old broken marui m773. Did I do immature things like shoot friends with them? No. I shot targets in my basement, went to local games in the US and loved each and every gun. i enjoyed myself, without being stupid. I cleaned my guns, even MADE barrel plugs for them and never brought them out of a case when moving them. The right to enjoy airsoft is not based on age, but what you do with your guns. It might of been illegal to "own" them, but i had a hell of a fun time, while being safe. Jeez, I got the guns as birthday presents. I even painted the outer barrels red.
I agree that you should be over 18 to buy them, but if you get a gun as a gift, what are you gonna do? Refuse it? I could get a gun right now. I could give my dad the money, let him buy it, and I'll use it under HIS supervision. I think that i deserve to play with you guys, because I have never ONCE did something immature with an airsoft gun. I'll let the idiots who get arrested do that. I've been waiting to be sixteen to play for a while, and I'll tell ya, I'm one persistent motherfucker and I rarely take no for an answer.

Coming from an under-aged airsofter to an under-age airsofter...

Sometimes it's better just to hush up then go on long tangents... Everyone's heard the swan song.. It's not gonna change anything.

ArmaliteWhore August 26th, 2007 23:35

Just venting off my anger....No worries.

Lakonian August 26th, 2007 23:37


Originally Posted by ArmaliteWhore (Post 526536)
Look. You don't have to rub it in. I know I'm not " of age", but if a number is gonna prevent me from enjoying airsoft, I won't take it. I have a few airsoft guns. I have a few springers and an old broken marui m773. Did I do immature things like shoot friends with them? No.....Etc..Etc..Etc..Etc..

Listen, I hate to be an asshole, but you're 15 (or 16...w/e), and you said you almost bought a PTW. See, when I hear that, it makes me pretty damn frustrated. Why? Because it makes you sound like you're gloating about your(parents?) ample amounts of cash.... Needless to say; I had to deal with enough yuppies in paintball. Don't really want to see it here.

Don't take this as an attack, I'm just letting you know what I think.

DuffMan August 26th, 2007 23:38


Originally Posted by ArmaliteWhore (Post 526536)
The right to enjoy airsoft is not based on age

Wrong. Get off your soap box, please. It won't do anything around here.

ArmaliteWhore August 26th, 2007 23:41

I am far from rich. I've been working since I was 13. I COULD of bought one, but I didn't. I would of never bought one, and I never will. I never said that I was ABOUT to. Are you crazy? Under-age, AND buying a PTW. Jeez, that's worse that being a yuppie.

Who's parents in their right minds would dish out 2500$ for a fake gun that shoots plastic? If I ever asked my dad to buy me one, the only present I'd get would be a swift kick in the ass.

TokyoSeven August 26th, 2007 23:50


Originally Posted by ArmaliteWhore (Post 526570)
Who's parents in their right minds would dish out 2500$ for a fake gun that shoots plastic? If I ever asked my dad to buy me one, the only present I'd get would be a swift kick in the ass.

Well there was this one tard bucket who was floating around the forums for a while driving us all up the wall with his near limitless amount of stupidity. I will not say his name but I do hope he has drowned in a well somewhere.

ArmaliteWhore August 26th, 2007 23:52

Tard bucket....That made my day.

Lakonian August 26th, 2007 23:53

Will322557? or something?

dontask August 27th, 2007 01:05


Originally Posted by kos (Post 526583)
Will322557? or something?

lol that guy was more than a turd bucket

TokyoSeven August 27th, 2007 12:13

By all means he was much more than a tard bucket. He was fail, he was made of poo and aids...rolled in a bunch of crushed stupid and deep fried in a vat of moron juice and served with a side of idiot sauce.

jo August 27th, 2007 12:31

i wonder if hes judging you as bad as your'e judging him?

TokyoSeven August 27th, 2007 12:35

If you knew who he was you would know his opinions dont count.
We attempted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but after a few to many in appropriate comments and one horrible racist comment, he was banned.

Ronan August 27th, 2007 15:50


Originally Posted by kos (Post 526583)
Will322557? or something?

I couldn't stand him... fucking racist prick.

Tard Bucket... lol that was funny :D

Lakonian August 27th, 2007 16:05


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 526903)
I couldn't stand him... fucking racist prick.

Tard Bucket... lol that was funny :D

What was he so racist about? I kinda skipped all his posts :p

And I'm racist too. Fuck martians. They're all gay... what with all those anal probes.

TokyoSeven August 27th, 2007 16:16


Originally Posted by kos (Post 526918)
What was he so racist about? I kinda skipped all his posts :p

And I'm racist too. Fuck martians. They're all gay... what with all those anal probes.

I'll Pm you , its not worth repeating over the forums, if worth repeating at all.

Omi-san August 27th, 2007 16:18


Originally Posted by kos (Post 526918)
What was he so racist about? I kinda skipped all his posts :p

And I'm racist too. Fuck martians. They're all gay... what with all those anal probes.

He made some stupid remarks about Asians and Canadian troops. Probably the stupidest thing you can do on a Canadian Airsoft forum.

Lakonian August 27th, 2007 16:24

LOL Yeah, I read it hahaha.. I hope he doesn't ever come back.

So, does this prove my point about rich yuppie kids? *sigh*

TokyoSeven August 27th, 2007 16:41

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