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M16 good buy for a starter?
Im just starting out in airsoft and was looking and doing research on guns and i really liked the Toyko Marui M16 A2. I like the gun cause im a tall guy and its a long gun so the gun wont feel to small for me and I like the military look. I was just wonderin if it was a good gun to start off with and if anyone had any suggestions. :?
If you like barell wobbling , sure. You have several months to think before buying , make a smart choice
You should also read about the rules of airsoft. You still have a few months to wait since your profile says you're 17.
But yeah, TM M16 is notorious for barrel wobbling, go with a full metal from CA or other manufacturer if you like the m16. |
Haha , thanks Phenom for repeating exactly what I said but that's just the proof that we ain't talking shit. It's true so go with anything else than TM for Armalites.
i heard though that TM made the best auto guns
they make the most reliable out of the box AEGs on the market , yeah. But the AR bodies suck. The others are ok but Armalite's suck , really.
k thanks
whats armalites
M4, M16 series are all armalites. |
I suggest a TM AK-47 as an excellent starter gun. Solid, reliable... no barrel frex, and V3 gearbox instead of the V2 in the ARs.
Cheers! Alex |
AK all the way
Every TM AEG is perfect to begin with. They are simple , reliable out of the box. The 2 best TM AEGs are probably the AK and G36c
What the hell are you noobs talking about? M16 barrel wobble? It's not very noticeable. Once every month or so you could just tighten up a couple screws if it were to get loose, and you could go all out and put some thread locker on it. I owned a Marui M16 for quite a long time and only had to tighten up the barrel a couple times, and that was being gamed with at least once per week, sometimes twice a week.
Did you lads know I can fly if I flap my arms really hard? Someone post the same thing so these guys know I'm not talking shit will you. The Marui M16 Series is not perfect, but it's still an excellent gun, even for new players. |
Get a CA one or try and find someone to import a WGC custom one. Both will solve all your possible future upgrading expenses in one shot. But if you like paying almost the same amount for plastic, do that....... |
Uh , I think you're mistaking here. The G36's that wasnt working out of the box were CA if I remember correctly. As for the TM M16 , I'm not talking through my hat. That's the reputation that gun have had for several years. There were thousands of threads saying the owner have problem with the barrel wobbling. Man , there are several vets here cursing about the TM ARs , I think Droc is one of them so may you ask him. |
I have a CA G36C. Noone has ever complained of them not working out of the box and mine was perfect. Having owned a TM G36 before, I can confidently say that even in the case of a real life non-metal gun, TM still falls short to CA. The glass fibre body is feels a hell of a lot better, not to mention it shoots harder and you actually get all three rails with the gun.
It's just a much wiser choice to go with a gun you don't have to upgrade in any way now wouldn't you think? Especially for this new person. Get a full metal M16.... |
Here's another way to see things; pick a gun you DONT read about in the Doctor's Corner, or rarely see mentioned there for anything serious.
For the rest, there's threads like What is the Best AEG. Inform yourself, follow the laws/rules. That's about it. |
Of course it's better but if the guy'S a bit low on money or dont wanna spend too much on his first purchase , maybe a TM is a best choice since it's cheaper. But again , yeah you're right , CA is definately better. And if the guy can handle the maintenance his M16 needs to prevent the barrel from wobbling , pick the TM M16 |
For the money that needs to be invested in one to make it reliably solid, its a much easier and cheaper way to go if you go FMU right off the bat. Especially with ASCA selling FMU Classic army armalites for so cheap. |
Told ya FF that Droc was a living example of the 2 inch wobbling. I'm feeling less lonely now
Where do you get a full metal m16
There's one good thing about Armalites that is good for noobies. It'll teach you how the AEG's work because they do break down. Its one reason why I went with the M4A1 to begin with is that because it does break down I will have to learn to fix it.
Barrel wobble goes from gun to gun I think. Some people are lucky others are SOL. There are ways to fix barrel wobble, one good one is a one peice barrel. But then you start getting into expensive external upgrades. The best Armalites to go with are the G&G, G&P and CA guns out there. For an extra buck at the till you make a big savings on having to buy metal bodies and one peice barrels, and even a RAS on the G&G and G&P versions. As for CA, I'm lead to believe that CA parts are hard to find ((someone correct me if I'm wrong there)). Bottom line, Armalites are cool, they look good ((to me they do)) but you have to realise that the Armalites have some serious cons to them that you need to be ready for. And even with me being a newb in comparison to some of the older folks here I do get to say this because my issue with the TM armalite was not the body or barrel it was the damn stock mechbox that kept blowing itself apart. The very FIRST upgrades you want to do is/are metal bushings and a reinforced mechbox ((if you change the spring that is, or plan too)) |
PLEASE READ THE FAQ Before the Greylocks-noob-eater monster eats you |
One is Canadian Retailers (guess what they sell?). The other is by clicking on the ASC ARMOURY logo. Sit back and read, make an effort to do some research. And you CANT buy one until you are 18 so you have the time to read up. |
I have a TM m16a2 - my first gun, and I've never played a full game with it. I keep it lying flat in cushioned surfaces, and the barrel wobbles incredibly bad. I tighten the barrel and screws all the time while cleaning it, do everything I can that isn't short of buying something for it. I just leave it to the side and use my ICS M4, works tons better. It is reliable though, it'll shoot, but probably not straight if your barrel is pointing towards 10 o'clock instead of 12.
My first gun was a TM M16A2 and i loved it, great accuracy and good ROF with 9.6V battery and as for the barrel wobble problem it cost me under $20 for some thread lock tape and some JB weld and i never saw the problem again, in my opinion its one of the best n00b gun ever
Well , IMO a perfect n00b gun shouldn't have to suffer this kind of problem ( barrel wobble ). Why not choose another great gun from TM that just does not suffer from any big problem. Like the Steyr AUG , MP5 , AK etc..
Funk you bastard ! :rrr: The MP5 is but I refuse to say the AK , AUG and , above all , Famas is ugly because beauty is in the eye of beholder |
The AK is the best of the 3 and the AUG is the most ugly gun on the planet closely followed by the P90
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder , this is your opinion , not a fact
You really are the most evil monkey out there , screw ya !
Thank you,I try.....and to stephengijo: This thread has officially been jacked Courtesy of evilmonkey
As Graylocks said, take a look at the docs corner, see what issues people have with various guns. This was my main reason for buying an M14, hardly anyone has had any issues yet, including me.
As for armalites in general, i'm indifferent lol...they are popular, so it takes the "wow" factor away, but that doesn't mean they are ugly... |
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