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Light Guns
Hey all, i'm not old enough to purchase guns, but i will be soon enough and i figure the more research i do the better decision i'll be able to make..
My basic dillema is that guns are big and heavy, and i am a (relativly) smaller and less muscular person than your average airsofter, being a girl and such. I have played indoors, and i find an MP5 is even a bit big for me, i really prefer pistols and such. I know pistols are not that good for outdoors, so i'm looking for some kind of AEG that will allow me to have decent range and durability for outdoors, without having to compromise my mobility, and that won't tire me out after a half hour of running around with it... Any ideas? |
I think there was a multipaged discussion on this very subject over at Arnie's Airsoft's newbie section a few months back, it's worth a look if you have or can make an account there.
And if you're looking for something even smaller and lighter than a MP5, you're probably straying into the MP7 range, or at least a MP5K. Both shoot rather softer than most AEGs. I dunno, bulk up, if that's an option? |
I think a P90 might be a good choice for you. It's fairly light and has the same barrel length as a G36C so it would be alright for outdoors aswell. It's pretty small and your hands are very close together, so when you're holding it your arms won't tire out as fast. How tall are you out of curiousity?
Start lifting weights, princess. You have a year to kill anyway.
Seriously, do you really want to paint yourself into the weakest-link-on-the-team, always-out-ranged/out-ammo-capacitied/out-firepowered, last-to-get-picked corner because you didn't want to have to make the effort? Maybe you don't mind settling, but if the above paragraph sounds ugly to you, you may want to rethink your approach. Just like anything else, there's a learning curve to using/maneuvering a big gun. I'm short myself, fullsize M16s and G36s look like anti-aircraft guns on me. That's never stopped me. My M4A1 was just a fraction too long to be "just right" so I converted it to Commando (733/933) length (this was before TM put out the 733). There's currently a lot of off-the-shelf Commando/CQB-length M4s. As for weight, it's psychological. Unless you're getting some big wood and metal job, you're looking at around 3kg. M16A2 will be a bit more, M733 a bit less, but you're always in that neighborhood. You won't be running a marathon with it anyway, this isn't paintball; other airsofters are going out with a ton of gear on (gun, sidearms, lowcaps, radio, camelback, body armor, etc), if you go out light (gun, chestrig, a few mags) you'll be light enough to keep pace. Might be a workout at first, but it'll get you in shape. Players that go out with a full realistic load with body armor and a helmet, on a hot summer day, worked themselves up to that (or have real world experience); nobody "starts" off like that, unless you're trying to get heatstroke. So if you want a shorter gun, fine, there's options. But IMO, you shouldn't limit yourself to tiny ones. Check out an AKS47, M733 or one of the other shorty M4 variants, P90 if you dig that styling (I've seen some upgraded ones hold up well outdoors), G36s (maybe a G36K more than a G36c), L85A2 carbine (more barrel length for less overall size), etc. And get a sling, if you're afraid it'll tire you out. It helps. |
if you have trouble luging around an Mp5, then your gonna have trouble lugging around gear, water, radios, mags...not to mention in the sweltering heat in the bush. Hit the gym...oh, and the bikini shot for shure.
We had a guy on the team awhile back, not a very big guy, but just fior fun, Apoc let him use his gear for a while. So, Xervis, with a G&P SPR M203, elcan, Cmag, light, laser, bipod....vest with another cmag, 10 midcaps, like a dozen M203 shells....it was funny, be he could mamage |
Hmm.. These are all really looking like good options :) I've never tried a three point sling, mostly because i don't have my own gun to try it with, but i think that might help a lot, just to get a lot of the weight off my arms, because i am mostly lacking upper body strength (which i have been working to improve). I don't think wearing the vest and carrying mags/water/etc will be too much of a problem, because i have done hiking and stuff where it was necessary to carry heavy backpacks, and i've never had a problem.
So far i'm really liking the idea of the P90.. I've been reading reviews of it, looking at pictures, and checking out specs, and it seems like it would work very well for me. |
I agree go with an upgraded P90 (you'll get owned with a stock one outdoors) but for an outdoor game expect to carrry around alot of mags :-D
anyways good luck finding what you need Lt_Crazy |
I like how a bunch of guys answered with 'lift weights'.
From a girl's perspective- gym's suck- so try getting a job that entails a bit of heavy lifting (I worked with my father roofing houses and stuff liek that). If that really is the way you want to go. Since you asked about a lighter weapon I'll answer the question; My boyfriend's Mp5 Sd5 is stupid heavy because he has added weights to it for realistic weighting- without them the thing weighs little to me. It might still be much for you and with smaller arms.... try mp5 pdw. It's cute, compact, and it folds in half. The P90 is pretty cool because the real steel version is kickass. Other then that their both 'light weight; shorter' weapons. Personally I don't find the M4 very heavy- and if you really want to be able to get into airsoft you might want to work up to the heavy ones. For distance's sake. You may not be holding it right either- get someone in the forces to correct you; preferably someone qualified as a small arms coach. You're supposed to be standing with your elbows pointing at the ground- not sticking out to the sides, with the weapon tucked into your shoulder. :cheers and welcome: Megan |
Wow, I'm 6'2" and 240lbs so I've never even thought of this problem...
I have a P90 and it is a nice little weapon, a tad small for my but its my favorite submachine gun of all times so I put up with it. Hicaps jam like crazy in it, lowcaps are expensive and can be hard to find, mag pouches are hard to find unless custom (lucky for me I can sew and own a sewing machine) and you really need to practice at reloads to get em up to speed because its kinda akward (at least compared to armalites and other conventional weapons.) Also unless you get the J-battery mod you are going to be greatly limited with battery size, the mini it can take stock only come in up to 1400mah but by having a gun doctor cut part of the internals out (not a critical piece) you can get up to 2300mah batteries. You could try the MP5k-PDW as said, its quite small and it has a version 3 mechbox in it (full sized MP5's have a ver.2 which is far more prone to breakages.) To get it up to field quality you can stick in a longer inner barrel and hide it with a silencer, can drastically increase the barrel length (bettery accuracy) but adds next to no weight. Only problem would be the battery, only takes a 1400mah stick type, more mah = higher rate of fire (slightly) and longer battery life (substantially.) Have you tried an M733/933 with a slither stock? They are fairly common and you can adjust the stock to whatever length you need, stick on a sling and your a lot better off for weight. Since its an armalite there are accessories, mags, and everything else for it avaliable anywhere and everywhere. The Sig552 is also fairly small, own one of those two, version 3 mechbox, folding stock, fairly lightweight and rock solid with its plastic body, can take have a custom setup to get up to a 2300mah battery in it (what I'll be doing shortly) and isnt as rare as the P90 so there are more parts/accessories readily avaliable. Drake, love your comment about anti-aircraft guns, I just got a full sized CA G36 from Hojo and when I picked it up I said "finally, a gun that doesnt feel like it was made for a midget!" (no insult intended, just thought it was funny. |
I'm 5'6'' 130 lbs.... but I can lift 200. It's not about size:D
It's about size of muscles... M |
LMAO! I can bearly lift my own body weight and I have almost 100lbs on you, damn I'm sad....
Maybe PM HaZarD_SFD, he was talking to me about buying a gun for his fiance and I've met her, shes only maybe 5'2" or 5'4", somewhere in that range. Alternativly if you want to use airsoft as a workout, you can get a CA M249, they weight more than 6KG I believe, I've held one that has a few accessories added on (Apoc's) and its a beast, throw it at someone and they may have to go to the hospital. |
To be fair 200 lbs of deadweight (carrying a human body that is) is incredibly hard. 180 is easy so somewhere in between is where my legs give in:D the arms are fine; it's the legs and the walking.
What do you do for work? Sit at a desk? If you can lift your own weight off the ground (pushups) you should be okay no? Logically:D.... try gettign up to 30 pushups maybe? That's where I am and I can do my own weight easy. M |
You know its not so much the weight of the gear and weapon you carry as where you put it on yourself to keep balance that's a key component here too.
If your worried about loosing mobility and speed because your gun is too "heavy" deffinatly stick to SMG's. The P90 is a great suggest as is the MP5 because it has so many varriables. There are also the UMG out there, UZI's, MP7's, and so on. What ever you decided to get make sure that you can accomondate the equipment to keep going. Like Droc had pointed out, your gun is the least of your worries when thinking about weight. Droc what does the CIRAS LBV's we got weight in at? Cause they're not light with just the fake plates in them. Anyway, on top of that you carry your mags, radio, water, and if you're me rations ((nothing helps keep me quiet and from fidgeting more than trailmix to nibble on...)) |
I would say p90 as every thing in the gun is straight forward. As well its an aeg not an aep like the mp7 and it also doesnt have a plastic gearbox like the uzi. But on a previously mentioned note you could use pistols. My girlfriend her glock 26a (tm) actually has better distance and accuracy(on propane) than the mp5 that she uses. Downside small capacity for mags, and they require propane/duster. Also the sig 226 by tm that our friend Tank71 has is more acuarate than some upgaded sniper rifles and gets some fairly good distance(once again this is on propane). Hope some of this helped.
If you're serious about getting into airsoft, you're going to limit yourself in terms of guns. I still stick to my opinion about you getting a P90, but in the future, you're probably going to want/need something different if you want to stay with this sport. In all honesty what you should do, is find someone with a big heavy metal gun and lug it around with you for an entire game day, maybe more. It may be hard, tiring, annoying and your arms will hurt, but it will make almost any other gun you use after that seem like nothing. My Fiance has a full metal Classic Army C9 that he let me use for the day and it weighs around 20 lbs. Let me tell you, lugging that thing through the bush is not easy, but after that, EVERYTHING seemed so light. Also like NuttyHunter said, it may be how you're holding your gun. If you're holding it wrong, that will be part of the problem as well.
I'd agree with the P90 suggestion. Even though I'm about 6'2" and 200lbs, I still have given though to gun weight for tricks like being able to blind-fire around corners or carry/fire the gun one-handed if needed. (Don't laugh, I pulled it of with a Firepower XM8 once and emptied half a clip into my buddy at 20 feet from around a corner, he never saw it coming :D)
Seriously I may not own one but I did get to use a friends P90 once and they are nice and comfortable no matter what size you are. Depending on what your comfortable with you may want to consider Bullpup rifles as well, since they are shorter than say an M16 but still have a good effective range. Not sure about the weight though, never had a chance to use anything other than a P90 and some crappy imitation airsoft. |
M |
They are the solid rubber plates Nutty Hunter... though still on the light side do give a good weight to them...
All I was saying is that how much weight you are trying to carry shouldn't be the KEY issue. Its also how you displace it... |
That's why my answer wasn't just "lift weights", it was "lift weights, princess." :P And I stick by the statement. Airsoft is a physical sport, if she wants to get involved in any sort of serious way, she needs to get up to snuff or she'll be a field ornament all her life. |
I'm late to the party but I'd say P90 too. If you've never held one, shoulder your keyboard. That's about the size in terms of length. The grips on them are insanely comfy as well. HTH. |
I have been working out to try and get the upper body strength necessairy to do this kind of stuff, but again, i don't want to be pushed to my limits just by carrying my gun. Also, i just wanted to see what else the other girls that airsoft are useing, as we don't seem to have many (if any) girls that airsoft outdoors around Winnipeg. |
I airsoft not just chairsoft. I use an MP5 SD5. With added weights. It's heavier then everything except the L85-A2. It's stupid heavy and I like it. It keeps my lithe body from blowing away in the wind lawlz.
Megz |
If you're able to do at least 30 push ups , you certainly can have the weight of a 3 kg airsoft gun in your arms for an hour before dropping it. Well , I gotta say it's sounds really easy for me in my head. I'm a 6' 260 Defensive tackle and I also have a couple years of growth in front of me. I guess people that doesn't go to the gym everyday and lifts about 300 lbs. on the bench press and about half a ton on the leg press have a bit more difficulty carrying a big heavy gun but I'm pretty sure you can handle a tiny MP5k or MP5a5 |
'Oh shitz, I be screwed!' M |
you played the line ?? what d'you mean by that
I can't run very well:D, The guys can throw further; and my catchign is 50/50. So I played on the line of scrimage. As in... deep in the shit?
It was mad painfull. M |
Oh so you play ( played ? ) football ???
ed. Don't now. In highschool. Yes.
M |
That's nice but it's weird to know a girl played in the trenches. Happy to know it , though. In my high-school team , the lightest guy on the DL was about 180 lbs. Me being the biggest at about 115 kg. of pure muscle :P For the ones that never saw me in action or that like statistics , I run the 40 yards in 5 seconds , which is the average in the NFL ( and that's fast for a big guy , really fast ) , bench pressing 300 pounds ( 240 in highschool ) and legpressing about 450 kg. ( about 350 kg in high school ) but you Nutty muste have been one hell of a fast DL :p
Wow. I'm totally confused here. Nutty, if your 5'6" and 130lbs your not "tiny" for a woman and if you could actually carry 200lbs ... well I'd eat one of my AK mags, really I would. I would struggle to carry that much. Two hundred pounds is A LOT of weight to carry.
kameleon - I'm not even sure what the point of this thread really is. The guns are plastic and do not have any weight to them at all. You should be perfectly able to carry any small AEG ... and if your unable to do that maybe airsoft is not the sport you should be getting into in the first place. Sorry, I'm just being honest. I can't see anyone not being able to carry around a couple pounds for awhile. |
True , I'm confused also. A 130 lbs. DL is something I never saw and doubt I'll see someday :p
Who's that little kid that weighs him self down on purpose with all the extra gear, back pack, full metal gun with 2 larg batteries and grenade launcher (his gun has gone beyond realistic in weight). He impresses me and makes my head hurt at the same time. kameleon while there are many knights out there that would gladly carry your guns and gear for you you're going to have to learn to carry your own weight. |
well, i didn't really want a thread of telling me to work out and that i shouldn't play airsoft.
I was just looking for some suggestions as to what some decent small-sized guns were. I'm sure i COULD lug a big gun around. Do i want to? No. I've seen people in much worse shape then me play big outdoor games, and i have been able to play multiple consecutive rounds indoors. Just looking for some suggestions for people who have been out and used a variety of guns, not comments on my general physical wellness or aptitude for the sport. |
The M249 is maybe exceptionally heavy compared to the average gun, but I still think you should be considering every carbine- or commando-sized assault rifle. Look at it this way, if you have the range you don't have to move as much, but if you're outranged you'll always be forced to move in order to try and get into range - which won't only tire you, it exposes you and basically robs you of the initiative time after time. Quote:
It's endurance you want, more than brute strength. Get a 5lbs dumbell at CT or something, and get used to doing tons of reps. You don't really need to be able to lift a huge amount of weight, only carry a smaller one for a long period. Quote:
Be it that you're in the Ottawa region at a game that I happen to be at and we find a 200lb player I'll not shy from performing my odd feat. 200 I struggle with, 180 is easy as pie. And as for football- I got hurt a lot and in magnificent ways but I could get down lower then most guys so... well. If you know football- this makes sense. M |
Don't worry about barrel length and size of guns. As long as it's a bona fide AEG and not an MP7, they can all be upgraded to approximately the same level. Never seen a 400 fps MP5K, but I doubt it would be too different from a 400 fps MP5A2.
Some people even believe that beyond a certain point (some mention 247 mm) you get drastic diminishing returns and the length could cause more problems than gains with accuracy. (see M16 barrel wobble) |
Eve say's don't be a wuss.
This is Eve, she is holding a FMU HK33. She ran around the house for an hour shooting invisble flys. She is 6. http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9.../eve_rambo.jpg Go with the P90. |
and as for adding longer barrels, its generally a good thing. Since I never recommend a gun with barrel wobble, a solid gun with the longest cylinger matching barrel is always fun. |
You learn how to smile when you're hurt and how to walk on sprained ankles without limping so that the guys won't think you're 'weak'. M |
:lol: that is hands down the best reply on this thread. Eve rocks :tup: :duke: |
http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthr...408#post381408 |
ok I own the little MP5k (my first AEG) the reasons why I have it is:
-I only ever really play at XT it small compact and can use Mp5 mags -Price was another thing, its really cheap compared to other AEGs -portablity I can pack my MP5K and ksc G19 in one gun case and still have room to carry extra gear so weather I'm going with buddies or riding public transit or a bike riding or walking all my gear will not slow me down |
I know this discussion is a month old, but there is a good gun out there I have not seen mentioned. The AK Spetz.
It's fairly small, it works Very Well, and it outclasses the MP5 and P90 in performance and solidity. It's not too shabby for range either. You can buy the front end of a full sized AK later if you need more range. |
:???: you know I never really thought of that one.
What about the M733 then? It is lighter and smaller than the AK Spetz. And you can put whatever on it and mod it out with all them armalite accessories. I dont know about the performance on it though compared to the Spetznas
733 was mentioned on the first page.
Maybe you should read the whole thread before posting. |
Oh sorry, i did read it but i guess i missed that little part. My bad.
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