Airsoft Canada

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Lerch November 22nd, 2005 01:41

Canadian loadout *56K beware*
So we've had threads on British, German, Norwegian, Australian, etc.. gear, but none of them are for Canadian gear. So here's your chance to show off your CADPAT or OD loadouts.

mctaz November 23rd, 2005 18:24

hi Black,
here is my gear in cadpat pattern


Lerch November 23rd, 2005 19:25

I hate you...

LucidFox November 23rd, 2005 22:29

I hate you even more :P

Cosmonaut 1 November 23rd, 2005 22:39

I got the real stuff right here....:) and i didnt pay i cent :P

ouyin2000 November 24th, 2005 00:57


Originally Posted by mctaz
hi Black,
here is my gear in cadpat pattern

What kind of vest is that, and where might one find it? :)

mctaz November 24th, 2005 12:28


Originally Posted by ouyin2000

Originally Posted by mctaz
hi Black,
here is my gear in cadpat pattern

What kind of vest is that, and where might one find it? :)

Hi Ouyin2000,
this is Tactical Tailors MAV 2 Piece (with little modify) with 4x3 223/5.56 ammo puoch, 2 zipper utility pouch, 1 Small Utility pouch, X-harness and Hydration Carrier.

You can buy more of this here

or here


mctaz November 24th, 2005 12:58

i forgot......

:) McTaz

ColtFarmer November 24th, 2005 15:10

you sure the top photos aren't in catpat pattern? nice blankets =p

ouyin2000 November 24th, 2005 17:32


Originally Posted by mctaz
Hi Ouyin2000,
this is Tactical Tailors MAV 2 Piece (with little modify) with 4x3 223/5.56 ammo puoch, 2 zipper utility pouch, 1 Small Utility pouch, X-harness and Hydration Carrier.

You can buy more of this here

or here


Thanks :)

mctaz November 24th, 2005 19:54


Originally Posted by ColtFarmer
you sure the top photos aren't in catpat pattern? nice blankets =p

sorry i don't understand, all photo is mine and all items are in cadpat pattern

;-) ouyin200


bean November 24th, 2005 19:58

Its a joke about the cats on your balnkets

mctaz November 24th, 2005 20:06

ahahahaha ok thanks,
sometime i make photo at my real cat, multicam-Comsubin pattern


P.S. you are real terrible :p :p

Lerch November 25th, 2005 02:27

Some people's children... :rolleyes:

mctaz November 25th, 2005 21:03


Originally Posted by Black Hawk
Some people's children... :rolleyes:

i'm insane and childern too....... my problem is that usualy i don't understand your children game :) :)

I must think that i'm only one that have cadpat loadout (i traslate like gear)?


Lerch November 25th, 2005 21:31

For now...but just wait. I hope to be picking up my set on Monday.

Then I'll personalize it and take pictures 8-)

made Man November 25th, 2005 23:00


Originally Posted by Cosmonaut 1
I got the real stuff right here....:) and i didnt pay i cent :P

Same here.
I just wish i could use at the games :(

GMTII November 25th, 2005 23:40


Yeoman November 26th, 2005 08:35
there's my Canadian kit :)
post it as often as I can, I think it's slick!

Lerch November 26th, 2005 09:46

Your denison smock makes me wet ;-)

Yeoman November 26th, 2005 14:41


Originally Posted by Black Hawk
Your denison smock makes me wet ;-)

if only I had an authentic one *sigh*, 3K + for one.
it's a great piece of camo though, suprised when I used it the first time.

CanadianCombat December 10th, 2005 23:53

if your in the canadian army reserves can u were ur camo from there, when in an airsoft game.

BawBag December 11th, 2005 01:50

Meh.. For the most part yes, many will say no. But really, what are they gonna do?

Lerch December 12th, 2005 00:08

I got all my CADPAT and tomorrow I'm gonna go run around and 'break it in'.

Hopefully the rednecks don't chase me again :kill:

BawBag December 12th, 2005 11:35

Break in BDU's?? Really? Oh my god.. I didn't know that

LucidFox December 12th, 2005 19:56


That's cool you have ERT stuff. That's fricking wicked :P. The WWII stuff is cool to.

ert December 12th, 2005 21:11

I would suggest you don't do it...

Lerch December 13th, 2005 01:48

You might get away (sometimes) with wearing the TV and extra bits. But really, leave your issued CADPAT at home and find yourself a set from a surplus store.

Point_Man December 18th, 2005 16:23

8 Attachment(s)
Here are a few pics of CADPAT gear I have. Post more later when I have the chance. First is an Essential Tactical PMB Chest Rig. Pouches are:

-4 triple M4 mag pouches
-2 Large utility/C9 box pouches (one modified as a dump pouch)
-1 homemade double M4 mag wedge
-1 Radio/small utility pouch on detachable bib
-2 homemade pistol mag pouches

Next is a CF small pack. This is issued to me. Also have a pic of my custom wedges on their own.

Farmboy December 18th, 2005 22:19

Here is my Drop Zone Recce Smock :D

Point_Man December 18th, 2005 23:22

What's your take on the Smock? Worth the price? Dunno if I could justify it...(ahhh, who am I kidding, I buy too much airsoft).

Metro December 19th, 2005 20:46

10 Attachment(s)
Hey, just a hand full of pics of some of my non issued CADPAT. My ESSTAC chest rig, close to Point_Man's except mine has a medic pouch, 2 wedges and 2 single mag pouches on the bib.
Both wedges are made by the one and only Point_Man (amazing stuff)
Custom pouch for my G~Dad's old school knife. Yet again made by Point_Man
A moded C9 Pouch. Hows it moded? Buy to radio pouches and attach them to the c9pouch. Again done by Point_Man.
My chest rig holds 18mags + one in rifle/aeg. A Knife, medic stuff, one pistol mag with a speed loader. C9 pouch I attach on the back with to clips. I have my gloves in the right side radio pouch, and left is a spare battery. In the main c9 pouch is a landmine.
I also have all the CF issued stuff. Small pack etc...
I have some AR, but I really dislike the basement commando pics, so you will all have to wait till next season and I get some pics in it.
BTW, Point_Man is the shit for making custom 1337 pouches!!!!!

Lerch December 21st, 2005 14:55

Alright, I just finished taking pictures of all my CADPAT/issued kit.
My first pair of trousers (Gen1, faded)
My second pair of trousers (Gen1, BN)
My field shirt (Gen1, BN)
My Goretex™ parka (95-00 issue, BN)
My Parklands boonie hat (repro, BN)
My CPGear™ Hydro-pack #1 (with Tactical Tailor™ pouches, flahlight)
My Bianchi™ UM84/92 (with drop-leg setup, thumb-break)

BawBag December 21st, 2005 15:10

MikeL, we all know cadets live in there own world. Thinking theyre in the Military, when really they arn't. You don't have to be so mean, we all told him that he's not soppost to wear it, and it isn't a huge deal.

I'll post some pics of my non issued CADPAT stuff later tonight.
Farmboy, I'm a fan of your Recce Smock!

cskalex December 22nd, 2005 13:47

Me & My FDs Photo - 27 Nov
8 Attachment(s)


Bob the Angry Potato December 22nd, 2005 13:49

Wow, there's Canadian teams in Hong Kong?
Wicked! I didn't know that... didn't think our army was recognized that much.

cskalex December 22nd, 2005 14:07

4 Attachment(s)

JTF2 Stuff

:twisted: :twisted:

Lerch December 22nd, 2005 16:45

It took me a second on that first pic. I thought it was our own guys on training excercises or something.

But yeah, we use the STANAG mags nowadays.

cskalex December 22nd, 2005 21:32

Thanks for the info!! STANAG Mag... can u give me more info on that (may be a photo), Oh they don't use the thermold mags any more? I try to do as close as we can...yeah u r rite on the C9.. The M249 was for my another set => UK and US..not really for CAN uniform. But on that day the game location was very close to my house so I took it out...heee normally I will only use my C8.. M249 is way to heavy for wargame !!

DuffMan December 22nd, 2005 21:48

STANAG M16 mags are the standard metal US made magazines.

Lerch December 23rd, 2005 04:45

Bingo. Didn't we stop the thermold mags because they were flimsy for loading? Plus the STANAG's fit alot nicer into pouches :mrgreen:

Greykin December 23rd, 2005 11:22

That's pretty cool though! Being recognized in HK. Overall a very nice setup =). Kudos to you.

-Skeletor- December 23rd, 2005 14:12


Originally Posted by Black Hawk
Bingo. Didn't we stop the thermold mags because they were flimsy for loading? Plus the STANAG's fit alot nicer into pouches :mrgreen:

The Thermolds were made out of plastic, so they were weak/flimsy, an prone to breaking.

Ibby December 23rd, 2005 23:09


Originally Posted by Black Hawk
You are not allowed to wear issue kit, so don't tell people its alright to wear it

Can you provide a CFAO or message or something that states this?

Lerch December 24th, 2005 04:10


Originally Posted by Greykin
That's pretty cool though! Being recognized in HK. Overall a very nice setup =). Kudos to you.

I see one thing missing...they have no velcro flags. Otherwise they make me envious.

gandar December 24th, 2005 14:32


Originally Posted by -MikeL-
<-- some people take that to mean its allowed to wear uniforms, etc to paintball an airsoft, but.. if it was allowed why did all those reservists who wore there uniforms, tac vests, etc to a airsoft game all get into shit? <--link isn't working anymore though

Actually they got in shit because they were doing full out rifle drills, and had all their unit insignias on as well as the rank sleeves, and they were doing other stupidity completely unrelated to uniform wearing. But that's not what this thread is out.

Lerch December 24th, 2005 17:26

Any chance you could add some light to that picture?

gandar December 24th, 2005 17:30

lol You should see my buddy's Scrim, I'll take a picture of it next time I'm at his place... it looks like a camo Afro..... Fairly amusing. He was told to put scrim on his helmet. So he did. However, he could have scrimmed 4 helmets with what he used. lol

Lerch December 24th, 2005 17:48

Now remember kids...scrim is not supposed to be a bush. It's supposed to break up the outline of your helmet (which is oh-so recognizable) and add to the camoflage.

A friggin' branch could be scrim if used properly.

bean December 24th, 2005 17:51

What do you mean starts to get heavy? The helemt we got is heavy in the first place. I seen one guy use string as scrim and it looked pretty wierd espicially when he had it clipped to his tac vest. It all just hung down almost looked like he had corn roes when he wore it.

Lerch December 24th, 2005 17:54

Well if you use alot of scrim (particularly something like your scrim scarf.. :lol: ), and then it just adds uneeded weight onto your head. Having stuff like the CADPAT net and some scrap cordura would work better.

gandar December 24th, 2005 17:57

Our helmets really AREN'T that heavy. My football helmet weighed that much. It's really not that bad. But yes, he just went overboard to be a smart ass. Scrim can look bad assed if it's done properly.

BawBag December 24th, 2005 19:01

10 Attachment(s)
Hey, I'm in the CF so I have all the fun issued stuff. didn't bother taking pics of that because well, its issued. Heres some pics of my non-issued CADPAT goodies
(Might have to post twice to get all the pics in.)

Just thumb nails, click for larger:)

BawBag December 24th, 2005 19:09

10 Attachment(s)
Hey here's the last of the pics (for now)
What you have just seen in the pics is a ESSTAC chest rig with CP mostly CP pouches. Point_Man has made me a few custom ones, for the old school knife, moded C9 Pouch and 2 wedges. Any questions or comments from anyone/everyone is great. Except BlackHawk(Just joking)

Lerch December 24th, 2005 20:50


Originally Posted by BawBag
..Except BlackHawk(Just joking)

:-o I'm shocked!

I've been thinking about an ESSTAC rig, how's it do for you?
Ps. is that the CPGear map case in the third pic?

BawBag December 24th, 2005 22:27

Haha, I knew you were going to be the first to reply. In answer to your questions. The ESSTAC rig is just 100% Godly. It's pretty much bomb proof. I was lucky and got it for $151Shipped after tax's. When its normally listed for 149.00 Without shipping/tax.
That is correct. A map case from CP. More or less I got it for when I'm doing role playing airsoft games. It's great because the plastic you can draw on. With them frigging white board markers and is easily washed off so the 'bad guys' can't find out our plan and of course protects the map.
A little about the ESSTAC that I have.
Holds 18mags (+1 in the AEG), holds a knife (Amazingly done by Point_Man) A Medic pouch//Commanders pouch *Using as a dump puch, nice and deep* I put the C9 pouch on the back buckel (Holding my Landmine, and on the 2 side pockets is 3 pistol speed loaders and a pair of Tan gloves)*Again amazing work Point_Man* Canteen pouch with the canteen straw (Not seen in pic). To hold 18mags I have used 2x double mag wedges, 2 single mag pouches (On bib of chest rig), and 4x triple mag pouches. And thats the just of it:) HIGHLY recommended, to anyone( the ESSTAC rig) Except, I don't wanna hate on anyone but it would be pretty useless to any cadet activity...

Ibby December 25th, 2005 05:43

Sorry to get off topic again here but thanks MikeL for posting that. Doesn't seem to apply to us regs though.

BawBag December 25th, 2005 16:10

You don't actually wear that for airsoft games do you?
BB's don't hurt THAT much:P

Edit:MikeL -- Haha, I know.. I'm just bugging ya about the helmet. Very nice scrim job btw. My helmet is only the CADPAT cargo net cut up on it and some od my old OD t-shirt.

Greykin December 25th, 2005 23:04

Screw the helmet, bush cap all the way! wooo.

Lerch December 26th, 2005 04:11

I dunno, I feel just a little more invincible when I wear kevlar. Albeit, it's not required all the time, but it is intimidating to have someone in full rig and kevlar coming after you.

Ibby December 26th, 2005 04:19

I wear a steel pot for 'Nam style games. The only real drawback is the horrible ringing that it makes when BB's hit it.

Greykin December 26th, 2005 12:53

Well, I was lightly joking there BlackHawk. I generally dislike wearing that thing a lot of ex's cause it's pretty annoying on the head after awhile, and some of the foam stuff in mine is broken, so mine is a bit more uncomfortable than others. So ya..... I like the bushcap because it's light, suprisingly keeps your head really warm, and it's cool looking 8).

mctaz December 26th, 2005 15:28

removed for not injury the opinions of MikeL

mctaz December 26th, 2005 15:43

MikeL i don't said you when i find TV but i can said you that is more time before your soldiers have this.......

i know that is no good that i have items when your soldiers don't have...... but listen me isn't hard find cadpat items on ebay and if i don't buy this someone buy........


mctaz December 26th, 2005 15:47

removed for not injury the opinions of MikeL

Greykin December 26th, 2005 16:09

lol, those are crazy gloves.
Ah well, soldiers always make do with what they have, when new kit does come it's always awesome. I remember it was like Christmas in the armory when the new TV's were in.

mctaz December 26th, 2005 16:59


Originally Posted by Greykin
lol, those are crazy gloves.
Ah well, soldiers always make do with what they have, when new kit does come it's always awesome. I remember it was like Christmas in the armory when the new TV's were in.

This is crazy but is in your army issue......;)


Shooter December 26th, 2005 20:43

If you guys are so intent to look like soldiers and wear CF kit, why dont you just go join the army?
Pros: Free stuff! (C7 rifle, CADPAT, MOLLE or webbing, Combat boots, Rucksack,Helicopter and APC rides, License to kill, + much much more!)
Cons: Possible risk of Death (or worse, getting shot in the buttocks!) :???:

Or just pay $1000+ to mimic a soldier
Its your choice

(I chose the $1000+)

-Skeletor- December 26th, 2005 21:07

Shooter, just say stupid sh*t an try to bash people.

First off, you don't own anything the Military issues you.
Also, Canada does not use MOLLE equipment, thats US issue.
You do NOT get a license to kill

Greykin December 26th, 2005 22:12


Originally Posted by mctaz

Originally Posted by Greykin
lol, those are crazy gloves.
Ah well, soldiers always make do with what they have, when new kit does come it's always awesome. I remember it was like Christmas in the armory when the new TV's were in.

This is crazy but is in your army issue......;)


lol, I've never seen anyone issued those gloves yet, the ones we got issued are just black, and mine are too big =/.

Anywho, awesome gloves though. Sorta reminds me of the CADPAT boots I saw awhile ago. When I was on course, Diemaco visited our armories to show off their stuff. Along with the weapons was gear. I saw these CADPAT boots and was joking with my friends how we wouldn't have to polish them, then our course officer told us how there is also clear polish, ruined our dreams =(.

Well, what I was gonna ask is if you have those lol, or if anyone here has seen them worn.

-Skeletor- December 26th, 2005 22:23

Only the regs have those cadpat gloves(an all the other new gloves) right now. I've seen some reservists with the goretex old weather CADPAT gloves though.

You're not missing out on much though, I heard those gloves suck.

Goldman December 26th, 2005 23:22


Originally Posted by -MikeL-
Only the regs have those cadpat gloves(an all the other new gloves) right now. I've seen some reservists with the goretex old weather CADPAT gloves though.

You're not missing out on much though, I heard those gloves suck.

Neg, Deersking CADPATgloves have been issued to certain reserve elements, including, IIRC, the QOR (para Coy) and the GGHG, actually i think ASU toronto is issuing them to all units inside of GD armouries.

BawBag December 26th, 2005 23:40

MikeL: Your right alot of the time and know alot but your retired/out of the reg force now. Therefore your wrong about the gloves:P

Shooter: You don't GET a C7, you can USE the C6,C7, C8, C9. Also, we have NOTHING molle.

This isn't a talk thread so lets post pics of stuff!:) I get some pics of.. Well everything issued I guess, and upload the pics tomorrow.

made Man December 27th, 2005 00:49


Originally Posted by Goldman

Originally Posted by -MikeL-
Only the regs have those cadpat gloves(an all the other new gloves) right now. I've seen some reservists with the goretex old weather CADPAT gloves though.

You're not missing out on much though, I heard those gloves suck.

Neg, Deersking CADPATgloves have been issued to certain reserve elements, including, IIRC, the QOR (para Coy) and the GGHG, actually i think ASU toronto is issuing them to all units inside of GD armouries.

Some guys in our unit got those CADPAT gloves.

I still have the old black ones... but i'm 1 of 2 people who have a CADPAT bivy bag 8-) Gucci :D

pugs144 December 27th, 2005 01:34

I have a CADPAT bivy bag. They're not that hard to find.

Wiersema December 27th, 2005 01:35

We in the forces call those Cadpat gloves "48 hour gloves" because they're so crappy, they only last 48 hours. And the Cadpat bivvy bags are quite a hot item i must say. But the cadpat fleece jackets are indeed the top of the kit that i can name off the top of my head.

Whozat December 27th, 2005 05:43


Originally Posted by pugs144
I have a CADPAT bivy bag.

Me two. Sweet piece of kit.

KC December 27th, 2005 07:51

our entire regiments got the cadpat gloves too...i got mine issued on course. don't think they're THAT crappy...the cadpat pattern does start to fade off after awhile though. seen the cadpat bivy bag on course before but don't own one.they're nice though. anyone have an idea what the balistic goggles look like? those are the next things comming down in our unit

Greykin December 27th, 2005 11:29

They look like this I think:
I've never gotten mine, over a year and I never got mine =/, I actually had to bring in my own goggles for those dusty helicopter trips.

Also note that these things are in no way can stop fast speed flying projectiles =P, mainly used for sun, dust, and wind, hence the name of the goggles. I heard however that there is actually a ballistic lens replacement in some. I haven't seen any yet though.. so those are probably the ones you have coming in.

Point_Man December 27th, 2005 12:31


Originally Posted by pugs144
I have a CADPAT bivy bag. They're not that hard to find.

Where did you find yours? Issued? I still have an issued OD one. It works just as well as any for it's intended purpose.

Greykin December 27th, 2005 13:03

I never thought it was that hot of an item, I feel priviledged now lol.

(500 posts =D)

BawBag December 27th, 2005 14:56

10 Attachment(s)
Hey, MikeL: Sorry about thinking you were retired. Please don't hurt me :mrgreen:

Anyways, my digi cam is the one that retired early. So I was stuck using my high speed webcam. Mind the shitty pics.

Theres the Gortex gloves, a feild dressing, winter weight canteen(So when you go to take a drink of water it's not frozen in your summer canteen, its frozen in the winter one :? ) Polypro Balaclava/neck warmer (yummy peices of kit), The OLD gloves good for nothing, the NEW CADPAT gloves that 'no reservist' can have(Ie me?)Just kidding. Last but not least the really nice ballistic glasses. Comes with clear lense but I bet EVERY single person switched it to the tinted one right away.
Any questions/comments go ahead.
I'll try to get better pics and replace them. but if you were a civi and trying to find what soldiers really have, now you know! *edit* Or cadet?? :-x
LOL enough mistakes on my end. Thanks MikeL, I'm on crack today. But I coulda sworn it's a winter canteen.

BawBag December 27th, 2005 16:08

Hahah.. Dunno what I was thinking. Just cleaning the house today and trying to post pics so my brain isn't all here with them cleaning fumes.

KC December 28th, 2005 08:37

ever used the neck warmer in an actual tactical situation yet? does it beat the combat scarf?

Greykin December 28th, 2005 11:50

Neckwarmer? I'm confused, there is the balaclava, and then there is the gator. As far as I'm concerned people love it. Generally people wear the gator overtop of the balaclava. Seems like the only problem is that little icsicles(sp?) form over the netting part overtime lol. It's quite amusing to see.

Point_Man December 28th, 2005 12:07

Neckwarmmer and Gator are essentially the same thing.

-Skeletor- December 28th, 2005 13:12

KC, IMO scarfs suck. Neck Gator/Warmer is a lot better, an not bulky like a scarf.

Point_Man December 28th, 2005 13:24

The old school combat scarf is more like a combat blanket. I find it almost to large to be a useful scarf. It's pretty good if you plan on wrapping your head up though. But yeah....any more Canadian or Canadian-esque kit pics coming?

mctaz December 28th, 2005 19:50


Originally Posted by -MikeL-
McTaz GI stuff is American issue, ie USGI.

Anyways, its kinda annoying when civvies get all the brand new kit(most likely stolen property) off ebay or whatever an a lot of people in the military don't even have that stuff issued yet.

MikeL i hope that you use this word for other civvies that have-use marpat or other military forbidden items....


mctaz December 29th, 2005 17:59


Originally Posted by -MikeL-
McTaz, I don't know what is considered illegal for civilians to own concerning US Military kit. Only time I say things concerning US kit is when I see people wearing insignia they did not earn(Reenacting I don't say much about aslong as they know what they are talking about, an respect everything. If the person has no idea what the f*ck they are talking about, or goes overboard on giving themselves medals, etc I will say something about it. Oh, an posers are another thing I don't like.

I do know what is illegal for civilians to own concerning Canadian Kit(especialyl since most is stolen property) an I will say what I think about civvies owning it. Don't get offended by it though. I'm not trying to attack you or anything.

Don't take it personally; its just the internet/a forum an I say this kind of stuff to everyone.

Hi MikeL,
for me is good understand that you don't want attack me.

i don't speak well english and is difficult for me understand why if canadian user post photo of cadpat items is all ok and if i post photo is problem......

after said this i want remember to all user that buy marpat for civilians is forbidden (only USMC force can have GI items in this pattern)


Wiersema December 30th, 2005 17:06

I'd take pictures of my CF kit. But most of it is at the Armouries in my locker. I have all my uniforms, boots shirts and my soft cap at home though. Incase we're called into action due to some form of natrual disaster. Flood season is coming up soon :(

EDIT - My beret is at home too, but thats obvious 8)

Dr_Tinshnipz December 30th, 2005 17:13

i dont have my gear just yet , but my girl friends grandma bought me a real wood fanny pack HAHAHA she heard that I like camo so she went out and bought that for me for christmas with gloves . I might use the gloves , maybe the pack cause there are two pouches on the front that might hold mini mould grenades :lol:

Cabose January 7th, 2006 03:45

How do you get your guns to look like C7/C8/C9's I'm kinda new to airsoft actully I'm only 16 and there fore can't play (parents wont take me and I dont know anyboby that airsofts). Any way so how do you guys modify your guns to look CF authentic.

Cabose January 8th, 2006 19:06


Originally Posted by -MikeL-

Originally Posted by Cabose
How do you get your guns to look like C7/C8/C9's I'm kinda new to airsoft actully I'm only 16 and there fore can't play (parents wont take me and I dont know anyboby that airsofts). Any way so how do you guys modify your guns to look CF authentic.

If you want to know how to make certain airsoft guns look more Canadian search the forums. Doesn't really matter though, since you are a minor an can't do anything related to airsoft.

Yea I will look. I think its kinda stupied tho that people 16 plus can't play airsoft. I'm not trying to sound like a whiny teenager or anything but I'm old enough to join the reserves where you shoot real guns and go out once a month and do all kinds of stuff including staying up late in the pooring rain. I think it's just stupied that because of a few people a majority of teens are thought to be imature. Sociaty - :smack: time to rise and shine. :D What ever I'll be off to reserve training this summer so it doesn't really matter.

PTE. Pyle January 8th, 2006 20:52


Originally Posted by Cabose

Originally Posted by -MikeL-

Originally Posted by Cabose
How do you get your guns to look like C7/C8/C9's I'm kinda new to airsoft actully I'm only 16 and there fore can't play (parents wont take me and I dont know anyboby that airsofts). Any way so how do you guys modify your guns to look CF authentic.

If you want to know how to make certain airsoft guns look more Canadian search the forums. Doesn't really matter though, since you are a minor an can't do anything related to airsoft.

Yea I will look. I think its kinda stupied tho that people 16 plus can't play airsoft. I'm not trying to sound like a whiny teenager or anything but I'm old enough to join the reserves where you shoot real guns and go out once a month and do all kinds of stuff including staying up late in the pooring rain. I think it's just stupied that because of a few people a majority of teens are thought to be imature. Sociaty - :smack: time to rise and shine. :D What ever I'll be off to reserve training this summer so it doesn't really matter.

actualy you are not old enough to join the reserves, your parents must sign for you to join the cf if you are a minor. as well from what i was told when i was 17 and joined the only way you can join if you are 16 is if you turn 17 befor you go for your ql2. either that or december 31. i could be wrong about the age. altho i am sure about your parents having to sign for you. and if they wont let you play airsoft chances are they wont let you join the reserves.

the reason 16 year old people cant play with out parents concent is simply if you get hurt being a minor your parents can sue the club that lets you play with them. where as if you sign when you are 18 you waive leagle rights to sue.

gandar January 8th, 2006 21:17


Originally Posted by Greykin
They look like this I think:
I've never gotten mine, over a year and I never got mine =/, I actually had to bring in my own goggles for those dusty helicopter trips.

Also note that these things are in no way can stop fast speed flying projectiles =P, mainly used for sun, dust, and wind, hence the name of the goggles. I heard however that there is actually a ballistic lens replacement in some. I haven't seen any yet though.. so those are probably the ones you have coming in.

Thos are the Sun Wind Dust goggles, as you mentioned. To my knowledge there are different, slick as hell ones that are the actual "ballistic goggles" But those are balistic rated. They fog like a motherfucker though, especially with a balaclava on, ask anyone who was at TTAC3 on the 30th, I was wearing them and I had actual condensation dripping down the lenses. Brutal.

Lerch January 10th, 2006 01:44

Just curious, do they let you drink if your pre-19? Or does it depend on who you're with?
Reason I'm asking is my friend joined when he was 17 and was ordering from the bar after a few months.

Cabose January 10th, 2006 10:24


Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
actualy you are not old enough to join the reserves, your parents must sign for you to join the cf if you are a minor. as well from what i was told when i was 17 and joined the only way you can join if you are 16 is if you turn 17 befor you go for your ql2. either that or december 31. i could be wrong about the age. altho i am sure about your parents having to sign for you. and if they wont let you play airsoft chances are they wont let you join the reserves.

the reason 16 year old people cant play with out parents concent is simply if you get hurt being a minor your parents can sue the club that lets you play with them. where as if you sign when you are 18 you waive leagle rights to sue.

I have talked to my parents about researves and they have agreed to it but the dont like it either so thats why the won't come out with me to play airsoft. (unless im very mutch mistaken I can play if I have someone over 19 as a gaurdian but I don't know anybody)

Anywho nice goggles gandar
and I'm not sure blackhawk I'v thought of the same question myself

BawBag January 10th, 2006 12:51


Originally Posted by Black Hawk
Just curious, do they let you drink if your pre-19? Or does it depend on who you're with?
Reason I'm asking is my friend joined when he was 17 and was ordering from the bar after a few months.

Nah. It's illegal for a minor to drink.. Do you REALLY think the CF would let you?

The Franchise January 10th, 2006 14:18


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