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AnthonyG March 26th, 2016 02:51

What M4 midcaps are you using?
I hate to ask the question that seems to pop up every now and again, but it's a question that I keep coming back too, particularly because at least one of my mags always seems to have a problem. There are a few old threads; however, I'm more interested in what people are using, rather than what everyone thinks is "the best".

In short, I want to know what your favorite m4-compatible midcap magazine is; The one you can trust to perform whether you need to run 0.2s in a stock gun or 0.36s at 40 rounds per second in your high-speed setup. What midcap have you had the most success with? Do you run whatever you can find? Do you stick with one brand? Are you in favour of a few high-end mags (PTS EPM), or do you go for large-volume value packs?

In an attempt to quantify the feedback I've made a poll with what seem to be some of the more popular options. Sorry If yours isn't included, 10 is the limit.

edit: if there's a specific model you prefer ie) MAG 130s > MAG 190s, or if you voted "other" post a reply.

AnthonyG March 26th, 2016 03:02

Right now my go-to mags are my MAG 190s. Although, when you load up a chest-rig with 5 or 6 of these there is a noticeable weight difference compared to using polymer mags.

I've also had 1 of mine break. Inside the mag their is a square nut that helps hold the screw in-place that retains the metal shell. The plastic holding the nut broke off which meant I couldn't screw it back together.

Never had any feeding problems, just a few fitment issues side-to-side. Front-to-back movement is firm. I also don't think I've ever gotten 190 rounds loaded. More like 160-170 and that's really jamming them in.

Sentenced2Burn March 26th, 2016 03:02

KWA P-mags. Work like a charm and feed great.

Jaeger_CDN March 26th, 2016 10:51

G&G polymer mid caps seem to work well in my VFC 416 which I find to be fussy on mags

8bitninja March 26th, 2016 12:45

MAG M16 Mid-Cap 130rds VN style.

BrendanL March 26th, 2016 13:03

Using the King Arms m4 plastic mags for my VFC 416, seem to work good~

Wilkie March 27th, 2016 00:27

I voted wrong..

I run Socom Gear Lancer mags in my primary. They feed well, and look great

chaz March 27th, 2016 10:42

I run socom gear mags. Zero issues feeding and they keep up just fine with my high speed ZTW :)

AnthonyG March 27th, 2016 11:17

I'm curious, people who voted PTS; are you using EPMs or still holding on to old magpul Pmags?

An expensive choice in either case.

Red Dot March 27th, 2016 12:00

EPMs for me, honestly last PTS mags I buy. My G&P midcaps were fine for way less money.

Borealis March 27th, 2016 12:33


Originally Posted by AnthonyG (Post 1975453)
I'm curious, people who voted PTS; are you using EPMs or still holding on to old magpul Pmags?

PTS 75rd Mid-Cap PMAG, got a couple of boxes like 2 years ago when I got a good price for the lot because they where being discontinued.

AnthonyG March 27th, 2016 13:16


Originally Posted by Red Dot (Post 1975455)
EPMs for me, honestly last PTS mags I buy. My G&P midcaps were fine for way less money.

I bought an EPM a few months ago and it feeds very poorly in all my guns. Works fine in a friends 416 though. If the EPMs worked as flawlessly as people claimed they'd be my go-to choice; The mag has some great features.

Been thinking about trying some hexmags. No reviews about them on here yet. A friend has one and it fed in my gun where the EPM wouldn't.

EOD Steve March 27th, 2016 14:40

You bought the old EPMs.
The newer ones have superior feeding and works in 50+ RPS guns with no issues with .28g BBs. I don't have .30g to test, but I don't suppose it would be an issue.

I use these mags exclusively now, as do various members of MSF with no issues reported.

AnthonyG March 27th, 2016 15:32

Say it ain't so! That's really good to hear. In that case. Maybe I'll pick a few up.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

EOD Steve March 27th, 2016 15:43

Unfortunately there's no way to tell whether you're getting the new or the old ones.

AnthonyG March 27th, 2016 16:48


Originally Posted by EOD Steve (Post 1975478)
Unfortunately there's no way to tell whether you're getting the new or the old ones.

Is there some sort of identifier on the mags themselves? Like a date or version code?

Arkainos March 27th, 2016 21:47

KWA pmags. 1 pts e mag. And 1 plastic 80rnd pmag. Feels cheap but has never failed me.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk

wind_comm March 27th, 2016 22:06

5 modified grey MAG 190rd'ers and 5 highly secret, very expensive prototype black 190rd mags with ultra-high-speed-feeding-followers (made in china on a production line).

not particularly cheap, not particularly cheap-feeling, not particularly cheap in weight.

the ability to go 10 mags (and a hicap for emergencies) allows me extended time without resupply. this, however, doesn't stop me from immediately getting lit the f*ck up as soon as everything starts, leaving me and my 9 and 3/4 loaded mags sitting in spawn repeatedly for most of the game.

AnthonyG March 27th, 2016 22:30


Originally Posted by wind_comm (Post 1975507)
...and 5 highly secret, very expensive prototype black 190rd mags with ultra-high-speed-feeding-followers (made in china on a production line)

You tease!


Originally Posted by wind_comm (Post 1975507)
not particularly cheap, not particularly cheap-feeling, not particularly cheap in weight.

MAG 190s weigh ~255g. That's double a King Arms midcap which weighs ~130g. EPMs are 190g

wind_comm March 28th, 2016 01:47

yeah well, sh*ts heavy. I'm fat and slow. fully loaded with 10x190 .32g's and sundry, I'm even fatter and slower. on any given day, I'm probably the largest target to start with, and I have a distinct tendency to get shot in the forehead.

any mag that can be disassembled can be significantly upgraded with some of HS5's 3d printed followers that'll feed the builds even my mags can't. for even cheaper than that, most followers can be modified to feed better/faster. if you just want some pretty new shiny/dull black mags, I won't stop you but just letting you know that options exist, including the aforementioned mass-production chinese mags (in stock at several HK/china stores. actually, I'm fairly certain that they're not actually in danger of being discontinued so I'm not sure why I'm being a dick about it lol)

AnthonyG March 28th, 2016 02:15


Originally Posted by wind_comm (Post 1975519)
if you just want some pretty new shiny/dull black mags, I won't stop you but just letting you know that options exist, including the aforementioned mass-production chinese mags (in stock at several HK/china stores. actually, I'm fairly certain that they're not actually in danger of being discontinued so I'm not sure why I'm being a dick about it lol)

Is there a specific brand name? Or are you just talking generic china ones?
I've seen the new(ish) modify ones that hold 190. Not many others offer than much capacity.

wind_comm March 28th, 2016 02:28

they're CYMA 190rd midcaps. they have a hinged, rounded follower and feed delightfully well. not sure if what you'll get now is 100% the same, but they're dirt cheap.

Kingsix March 28th, 2016 04:41

CYMA or KA Aluminum GI mags.

vondnik March 28th, 2016 09:36

well 8 years ago when I bought them the choice was rather limited... you had the choice betwin ok and crap.... so you whent with ok....

BioRage March 28th, 2016 09:39

Beta project pmags with bullet windows!

_Whiskey_ March 28th, 2016 11:12

Elite Force 140RD Midcaps, Good Price point for a pack of 10 and they work great in my VFC M16's. Never had a issue since I started using them.

SuperCriollo March 28th, 2016 11:21

Socom gear mags worked well for me, I mean the translucent lancer L5s

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