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Hk416 .. Which one to buy ?
I want to buy my first airsoft, and i dont know which one i should get between the - G&G t418 light - vfc hk416 ( umarex cooperation ) - or maybe an other ? ( i like the m4 platform too .. ) I am looking for something in the 400$ range... Your suggestions and comments will be very appreciated ! Thanks Marc-andré |
Get AV'd thatll help alot. But if your like me and love the 416 id say go for it. The JG 416 is decent and cheap. The Umarex/VFC is prolly the nicest 416 on the market today.
Also there is a HurricanE 416 kit (its discontinued and hard to find) but there is one on the classifieds but the kit alone ranges from 400-800 bucks. The kne here is 500 snd youll still need to buy a gearbox and a few other bits to build a working gun out of it. Also if you get AV'd i may have a cheap 416 for you but dont ask till yer AV'd. (mods lemme know if this is a violation and ill edit my post.) |
if you're dropping the amount you would on the g&g, I'd get the vfc instead. If you want to save money, the jg and dboys are not bad options.... just keep in mind it won't be as 'premium' as the vfc.
TM EBB is the top of the electric 416 heap.
I have a vfc 416 and it is rock solid, the externals are superb! But cant really comment on interior since i never ran it stock...
I've had nothing but problems with my dboys hk416. Read the reviews. Mag problems and cheap internals.
Good thanks and where can i find the vfc416 in canada ...IN STOCK ..?
And if i just want to go with an m4 version... Which one should i get ? Thank you again |
GET AV'D you are not going to get information on where to buy guns until you have been Age Verified.
Ok i will when it will be possible ... But can you help me with the model and brand plz ...
We have. To recap
VFC/Umarex numba 1 JG decent for the cash mid grade DBoys okay looking. Cheap but you get what you pay for and there are known comlatability and reliability issues. Not much more to say beyond that. The GandG isnt really a 416 so id just avoid it if a 416 is what your after. Also for the money the VFC is beter |
I have a VFC 416 that's like a jewel but it's five years old and if I was buying today I would have the TM, and I'd do whatever it took to get one.
I may still get one anyways and have 2 416s in the quiver. |
Yes thanks for the 416. The vfc is clearly a better choice,
But if i go with a classic m4 platform..? Still vfc or it has a better choice in the 400$ range? |
Or get the VFC 417!
I have seen in person / gamed all of the following HK416s. (I haven't seen the TM HK416 but I shot the TM M4 SOPMOD which uses the same system).
Out of G&G, TM, VFC, SRC, the internals and parts of the SRC is the best. If you want the best durability and performance, go for the SRC HK416 Gen III Pro (I know it sucks that the markings are IN-correct though). VFC on the other hand is the best in terms of externals, trades, finish, and their bodies are ROCK solid. TM 's 416 is great because it has the shoot and recoil engine (awesomeness) but they are very difficult to find here, and expensive, and only 300fps. G&G's 416 isn't really a HK416, and they are overpriced in my opinion. [size=4]Bottom line is: If I wanted a HK416 for myself, I would get the VFC, and put in SRC guts to make it bullet proof inside and out.[size] Note: none of these are really around the $400 CAD price range unless you go for used.... sorry bud. Ken |
100% hands down VFC 416 man. It was by far the best AEG I have ever owned. You won't be sorry buying one if you do.
Alright it will be the vfc !
I just have to find the right place to buy ir now ... I made a couple of calls today and they all told me this model cant be order anymore ... |
Ho! And last question for you guys,
When your talking about to change the internals... Do ''systema'' internals will enventually fit into the vfc ? |
There are better deals to be had these days when it comes to ver. 2 internals though. For the most part though you shouldn't need to change anything, VFC's are pretty good out of the box. Just play with it until it breaks then you can upgrade the internals. |
all I can say is do your research on parts before you buy. Some are wickedly expensive but soso in quality, while others will be dirt cheap and still that same level of soso quality. Don't be swayed by name or pricetag. Look for the parts that are proven to give results for the best value.
I had 0 problems with the stock internals on the VFC man. The only thing I changed out was the plastic hop up to a modify metal one. Other than that I ran it stock at 380 fps and put 30k rounds through it before the contacts shit out on me.
Run the internals until the go. You don't need to replace anything in the gun before it does. Even the piston lasted a full season of gaming before I had to replace it. |
You cant order a vfc you need to ask for a Umarex (they are made by vfc but sold as umarex because of copyright reasons)
And dont buy systema internals they are overrated. Yes the systema ptw's are good guns but the parts they make for regular aegs are sub par and over priced just tryin to cash in on the systema name. |
As ARGs go get a VFC 416
Anyone have any experience with the RAtech WE 416? Couldn't find anything on it with a search
I would advise against gas as your first gun. Real cap mags. Lil extra maintenance (ie gotta clean it like a real gun after most outings) gun is about the same price as a good aeg but the mags are 40-50 bucks each.
Cant game it out of the box. (perhaps the ratech one has an npas pre installed but a regular one wont) Cant use it in the cold really. |
Ran my g36 gbbr with full 10 mag loadout this past weekend, holy shit was I ever tired from carrying all that weight. Mag weight should be considered for gbbrs! A lot of metal is used in those mags and could possibly be heavier than its fully loaded RS counterpart.
My new trigger pack with 2 shot burst was a joy on the other hand. :) ! On mobile; sorry for any spelling mistakes or autocorrects! |
Yeah i run my 416 with 7-10mags all the time and im a small guy (5ft7 130lb) its heavy thats for sure but you get used to it. Not as heavy as running a full metal m4 aeg with metal midcaps (mags are lighter gun is heavier) plus an m203 and 8 nades. Now that shits heavy.
And yeah the m4 gbbr mags are just as or heavier the a loaded real m4 mag. And they dont get lighter as you empty em lmao (well they get 9 grams lighter if your runnin 30's lol) |
You guys seem to have the aeg topic buttoned up but what about the gbbr options? VFC and WE are the two options I have narrowed it down to. I have a vfc m4 aeg already but I feel the need to add a gbbr to the kit. Does anyone have hands on experience with either the VFC or WE hk 416?
VFC for the look, WE for the run.
For the "run" meaning shooting proformance? Or durability? And do they run off "generic" mags or specific for each platform? |
WE has the over all better performance than VFC, VFC has a much more authentic external than WE, get the VFC if you don't intend to game it, verse vice.
My Dboys experience with the 416 was pretty bad. I bought the gun, and 350$ worth of Prometheus and Lonex internals. When I got all my parts together, I noticed a terrible crack along lower receiver where the buffer tube goes. A week point. As soon as it takes some damage, it's done.
When I bought a used G&G to replace it, I had a pretty positive experience. But I wouldn't have gotten it if I hadn't gotten for so cheap. I would go with VFC. I don't think you'll regret it in any way. It's an all around solid gun. |
The big things to take into account are: --- Maintenance GBBRs are easy to break down but require lots of maintenance. AEG require very little maintenance(for the most part none), but when they do, are much more complex to open up and fix. If you dont like to maintain your gun often, dont get the GBBR, or you'll run into a lot of headaches. AEGs are relatively maintenance free and if anything goes wrong, you can always bring it to a gun doc Also note that WE gbbbrs are prone to nozzle breaks and occasionally get leaky mags that you will have to also maintain. In general, GBBRs have a higher chance problems than AEGs. Especially when you're talking VFC hk416 aeg vs WE hk416 GBBR. Also note that GBBR owners should have a better knowledge of their own guns and how it works than an AEG owner does. --- Ballistics GBBRs in general have more range (not necessarily more accuracy). AEGs in general have much more sustained firepower due to their allowance of higher capacity magazines, and do not suffer from cool down like GBBRs do. --- Against the elements GBBRs will work anywhere except in the cold. GBBRs are affected by temperature. Performance will dramatically decrease when it starts getting cold. THey may work, but not well. AEGs in general are considered all weather. Even rain as long as you dont submerge your AEG in water. Just remember to dry ur gun off after play. You dont want any rust build up. --- Magazines GBBR mags are MUCH more expensive and heavy than AEG mags. Also, GBBR mags will require more maintenance than AEG mags. (WE GBBR m4 V2 mags however are considered pretty lower maintenance due to a better design resulting in less leaks). AEG mags in general are very simplistic and require minimal maintenance. Reminder: GBBR mags are low capacity(30). AEG mags can be low(~30), mid(~120), or high (~300+) capacity. If you get a GBBR, you'll end up carrying MUCH mag more to compensate for the lower capacity per mags which are already much more heavy. --- Realism In the case of VFC hk416 aeg vs WE HK416 gbbr, VFC HK416 aeg will look nicer, but simply cant replicate the realistic feeling of shooting a GBBR. It goes down to recoil when shooting, the mechanical trigger, a nice loud shooting sound (no motor whining), bolt locking back and releasing it once a fresh mag is inserted. Also, ar15 style GBBRs in general are compatible for the most part with real steal firearms accessories such as stocks, grips, buffer tubes, mag releases, charging handle, etc. --- MISC - GBBRs usually have an after market part called an NPAS. It usually is required to adjust your velocity thus allowing you to use ur gbbr for both CQB and larger Outdoor fields. - AEGs are quieter than loud GBBRs. Whining motor is much quieter than rapidly expanding gas colliding with the air. - GBBRs have recoil and can ruin cheap clone sights where as AEGs dont. This restricts your choice of optics if u get a GBBR. --- Conclusion. When it comes to pure performance and ease of use, AEGs will come out on top. The ability to use mid and high caps and the rsulting firepower simply dwarf the GBBR's further range. Does this mean that you cant do well with a GBBR? Nope. It just means that using a GBBR requires more skill to do well. GBBRs are much more expensive and care intensive to run. Not only are mags expensive, but in order to compensate for lwoer round count, you carry more and the amount of money put into them snow balls. I think i may have missed a few things here n there. But the thing here to highlight is that not one is better than the other. The VFC hk416 aeg and the WE hk416 GBBR are both good at what they do. They just do different things. edit: crap....im an idiot. You meant vfc hk416 gbbr....not aeg :banghead: |
Good write up angel. I was actually expanding on the original post, the original poster was interested in aeg's I believe, I already have a solid aeg and have narrowed my next gun down to the WE or VFC 416 GBBR'S. I know both are solid platforms, I was just seein if anyone has hands on in either brand to aid my decision. So far I'm leaning to WE, seems more upgradeable and has a lil more credibility with the players in my area. But any info to help with the decision is gladly accepted, as im sure you know entering the gbbr world isn't a cheap ordeal. Gun, sufficient mags, usual upgrades (npas, barrel, trigger parts... ect) would hate to go down the wrong road so to speak haha.
If you're thinking of VFC vs WE gbbrs, i would definitely go with WE. Not sure if they sorted it out, but i heard the VFC gbbrs had a lot of problems early on. |
Have a WE HK416 (but upgraded with Ra-tech) ans works fine. My cousin have the WE M4 and work very well, no complaints about it (It's the same mechanic than the HK416, well looks like XD)
I have owned the WE 416. It is a great GBBR but the stock sucked. I know it may be a miner issue but I hate that plain le stock. Getting a HK stock was $200. so no go for me. The only stock authentic Hlooking club foot stock I could find was the JG plastic garbage one.
So the VFC is definately the better looking gun in my oppinion and ends up being cheaper in the long run. The mags are alot more money and the seals and lubricating are a pain in the butt!! Just my two cents worth. |
Most "old timers" (sry Ken) wont even mention brands like cyma, dboys, JG and the like cause they are "cheap china clones" they/we have learned to buy good and buy once. Dont get me wrong i own some cyma and JG/echo1 guns but the fit n finnish is fsr better on TM and other "high end" guns. The internals and externals and general fit n finnish tends to be hit or miss with the cheaper brands. If you go to a walk in store and can check out the gun first hand. (ie handel it give it a good once over and shoot it to hear how it sounds and check that the sights arent twisted and stuff then they can be sometimes worth it. Or if your looking for a metal body to gut and build something special out of like my mp5 i just built then also worth it. 200 bucks on a gun and 150 bucks on parts and i have a gun better then the 400 doller mp5's that are around. |
Their 417 is also nice. Especially if you can find one of the "limited eddition"
Ones they put out a while back. A guy i know has one and its a beauty. |
I have a DBOY HK416, probably cheapest metal HK 416 in the market.
Internals are cheap - of course they are. Gave it a good cleaning, shimming and regreasing, replaced some internals. The gearbox shell is actually better than I expected. Magazine compatibility issue - NOT solved by filing the loading nozzle of the hop-up chamber. Stock is not the HK416 stock - got a cheap HK416 stock by JG. Overall, not to bad, since I like the process of working on a gun. |
Hi all,
Sorry for digging up this old post. Was searching in the internet about my VFC HK416D GBBR. Being new in this airsoft sports I would to know more about it durability. Was reading the previous posts and notice that this rifle can be played in rainy days or near water. As long as you clean and oil the rifle after each game it should be okay right? Rust and corrosion will not take effect. |
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