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TDH January 18th, 2011 21:06

Japanese Translation - Please! 7.2V-AEP charger
2 Attachment(s)
Would anyone be so kind as to be able to help me with a bit of translation please. Just received my charger and batteries for my two G18C-AEPs and the instructions, well, they're not in English or French, so I'm out.

Want to know max. charge time and anything else pertinent, that I might need to know from the attached instructions.

Many thanks in advance.

Skladfin January 18th, 2011 21:16

2 hours

Specs January 18th, 2011 21:49

wall chargers are stupid...

sushicake January 18th, 2011 22:55

get the plug in adaptor, it looks like the charger but it plugs into any smart charger.

TDH January 18th, 2011 22:59


Originally Posted by sushicake (Post 1390018)
get the plug in adaptor, it looks like the charger but it plugs into any smart charger.

Did a bit of searching but haven't found anything. Know where I might find that?

Styrak January 18th, 2011 23:43


Originally Posted by sushicake (Post 1390018)
get the plug in adaptor, it looks like the charger but it plugs into any smart charger.

Or cut the wires and solder on a connector for your smart charger (or if it uses bare wires like mine, do that)

Dviper January 19th, 2011 00:20

where did you get the G18C-AEPs and how much was it?

TDH January 19th, 2011 09:00


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 1389964)
2 hours

Thank you!

TDH January 19th, 2011 09:02


Originally Posted by Dviper (Post 1390070)
where did you get the G18C-AEPs and how much was it?

Uh uh uh!!!! Age verification first!!!! ;)

Let me tell you that they are sweet and they weren't much, by my standards. As soon as I see age verification I'll happily give you my contact, until then, you know the deal!

spartan117 January 19th, 2011 13:01


Originally Posted by Dviper (Post 1390070)
where did you get the G18C-AEPs and how much was it?

Like TDH said, get age verified. Read the FAQ to find out more. There is also a dedicated newbie section. In there, check if any of your other questions has been asked before. The "where did you get______ and how much?" question has been asked a billion times.

mr_nuts31 January 19th, 2011 14:49

iirc the wall charger has an auto shut off system in place after charging it for 2 hours, oh and as a side note, do not use the charger to charge the 7.2 200 mAh batteries because they do overcharge. Trust me, I did it by accident and it wasn't pretty

Specs January 19th, 2011 17:03

does your home insurance cover battery fires?

Scouser January 19th, 2011 17:26

well it appears that after not using my japanese language skills for 9 yrs i cant read kanji anymore

umm i did have a skorpion that use the same batteries a couple years back, to be safe i only charged them an hour at a time to be on the safe side, not really meant to be used as a primary anyways so it wasnt that big a deal

Matula February 3rd, 2011 15:21

2 Hours max for safety battery.

Amos February 3rd, 2011 16:08

re-solver wires directly to the + and - then hook it up to an actual programmable charger.

TDH February 3rd, 2011 16:12


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1401910)
re-solver wires directly to the + and - then hook it up to an actual programmable charger.

Got my deans plugs today...thanks!

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