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Enjoi December 5th, 2010 22:10

Trying to Decide on a pistol, Looking for a bit of help?
Okay so I`m looking at a purchase on a Pistol and have so many in mind, I`m really interested in Beretta`s and Desert Eagles.

Here are the ones im trying to choose between:





Thanks for you Input :D

Specs December 5th, 2010 22:26

I have one and I love it, preforms great... the only problem is that the catch wears out on them, it is very common. I have had mine for 3 years or so now and it hasn't gone yet, but I think the hop up has

Anyway I have put about 2000 rounds through it and its still kicking pretty hard. I have also never had a leaky mag with my KJW

also, spend the extra cash to get a full metal one, cracking the lower receiver sucks

Skladfin December 5th, 2010 22:27


but TM Biohazard is beautiful too!

in essence though, M9 is the shit!

Specs December 5th, 2010 22:31


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 1363806)

but TM Biohazard is beautiful too!

in essence though, M9 is the shit!

I second that, I dont think I would ever want another handgun...once u go M9 u don't go back

If you do want optimal performance get a TM Socom MK23

dirtdiver December 5th, 2010 22:34

Dont get the Dessert Eagle too big... That said It seems you're leaning towards a berretta variant.. have you considered the KSC M9? It's a fantastic gun full metal nice trades and shoots like a dream...

Enjoi December 5th, 2010 22:35

Sooo...None of these are full metal....hmm... The TM Biohazard is the main thing that caught my eye but you guys are saying spend a bit more and go for something KJW or WE? I`ll check it out.

Enjoi December 5th, 2010 22:35


Originally Posted by dirtdiver (Post 1363813)
Dont get the Dessert Eagle too big... That said It seems you're leaning towards a berretta variant.. have you considered the KSC M9? It's a fantastic gun full metal nice trades and shoots like a dream...

Lol what do you mean "too big" ? like its just a big piece of metal to be waving around?

I`ll check out the M9 as you all are reffering me to. Thanks!

Ballcancer December 5th, 2010 22:40

no he means the desert eagle is too big.. they are easily twice the size of an M9

Ballcancer December 5th, 2010 22:41

The KSC are very nice to use too I tried one a while back and I was very happy with the performance, kicks hard, snappy, and very accurate!

dirtdiver December 5th, 2010 22:43


Originally Posted by Enjoi (Post 1363817)
Lol what do you mean "too big" ? like its just a big piece of metal to be waving around?

I`ll check out the M9 as you all are reffering me to. Thanks!

The Deagle is just too big... It's bulky and unwieldy... You know... I guess it comes down to personal preference but for me it didn't feel comfortable or well balanced... Never really gamed one though just fired off a few rounds of someone elses. Also I think it be a pain to carry around all day in a holster as a secondary. Just my two cents.

Enjoi December 5th, 2010 22:50

I appreciate the info... Wow after seeing the KJW`s and they`re full metal...its making me second guess the TM`s...besides the Biohazard one....

Found these few pistols

ThunderCactus December 5th, 2010 23:00

Just like to put this out there, WE makes terrabad pistols lol
KSC, KWA, and TM are excellent pistols.
I hear alot of good and bad about KJ and have bad experiences myself with them, I cant in good conscience recommend them to someone...

If you want a good performer, stay away from thin mag'd pistols (IE M1911), and the TM P226 is an amazing stock pistol.
If your dead set on the beretta, I gotta warn you there's a chance of getting a total lemon, but I myself had one, and my buddy had 4 (two got stolen so he had to buy 2 more) HFC berettas. I had the 194x (semi auto) and he had the 199 (full auto). Beast of a pistol, unbelievable range and accuracy. They shot better than any stock AEG I've ever seen. Had mine 2yrs before I sold it, still shot great after 2yrs, just didn't like cold weather anymore.

Eien December 5th, 2010 23:05

If you want full metal out of the box, I would stick with KSC or KWA.. for a little more money, you'll get your money's worth. TMs are great as well, I love them to death.

Enjoi December 5th, 2010 23:06


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1363829)
Just like to put this out there, WE makes terrabad pistols lol
KSC, KWA, and TM are excellent pistols.
I hear alot of good and bad about KJ and have bad experiences myself with them, I cant in good conscience recommend them to someone...

If you want a good performer, stay away from thin mag'd pistols (IE M1911), and the TM P226 is an amazing stock pistol.
If your dead set on the beretta, I gotta warn you there's a chance of getting a total lemon, but I myself had one, and my buddy had 4 (two got stolen so he had to buy 2 more) HFC berettas. I had the 194x (semi auto) and he had the 199 (full auto). Beast of a pistol, unbelievable range and accuracy. They shot better than any stock AEG I've ever seen. Had mine 2yrs before I sold it, still shot great after 2yrs, just didn't like cold weather anymore.

A few freinds have cautioned me about WE repeatedly.

Well I think Ive made up my mind... Its either that TM Biohazard one or an M9. Thank you all Very much for all the input and suggestions! And so quickly too!!

*BTW I`m not actually thinking of ordering FROM Ehobby, Just using it as a reference. lolz

TaroBear December 5th, 2010 23:32

Being a Resident Evil fan, I honestly can't recommend the Samurai Edge in good conscience. It looks good, and it's a great fan item, but it's honestly kinda cheesy. The entire thing feels like a toy, there's almost no metal on it, and the slide is light enough that it moves when you try to holster it gently. Mine is really a display piece.

If you want a TM, try a 1911 or P226. TM Hi Capas have a large following, although they're not my thing.

juicy December 5th, 2010 23:39

Stock TM P226's are excellent. Reliable, accurate, great on gas. Simple internals means it wont break and isn't hard to figure out how to make it shoot. 9mm double stack-ish sized mag means lots more gas than a 1911 (great, if you're not a fair-weather airsofter). TM adjustable hop up is similar to the VSR hop up... or so I understand... either way, its a great design - very accurate and consistent. Turns out it shares a bunch of common upgrade parts with 1911/Hi-Capa's, too - great for fixing stuff or upgrading when it comes to that, but TBH it runs great stock, too.

I can't recommend a M9. Then again, I had a KJW, so perhaps the TM is of better quality? IDK, the design isn't THAT great, IMO. And I just plain don't like the uber-wide grip panels.

Enjoi December 5th, 2010 23:48

Its tough to decide which one to take because alot of people swear by one company and others dont reccomend them. Ive heard nothing but good things about TM. My current AEG is an ICS M16 and I love it. No problems and shoots harder than i thought. the M9 and Beretta looks are just looks that i`d like to have. Heck, Even the 1911 is nice. Im not a fan of the Sig Sauers or P226`s...i like something with a decent grip and a longer slide/barrel...the Deagle was just for looks haha!

pusangani December 5th, 2010 23:56

I had alot of KJW M9 mags when I had a WE M92L, their mag design is stupid, they use 2 pins to hold the base on and once they start leaking you will have to change the o rings all the time, tapping out the pins must be done carefully as the holes become enlarged easily making things worse.

Desert Eagles look and feel great to shoot, but for gaming they are really unweildy, I'd suggest trying out someone else's first

also take a look at the KWA M9 PTP, I've heard it's the best airsoft beretta pistol on the market.

Amos December 5th, 2010 23:57


Hands down the best Beretta available.

R.I.T.Z December 5th, 2010 23:58

speaking first hand the desert eagle is not for those with small hands. its big, has decent weight. but its huge. I loved it though, easy access hop-up very good on gas (could get 2.5 mags on 1 fill) had great range (the 6 inch barrel helped) and well i loved the kick on propane

TaroBear December 5th, 2010 23:59

Oh, another thing about the S.E is that it'd be a bit expensive to use it, even if you didn't upgrade it. It's not designed to take propane.

burningashes December 6th, 2010 00:10

KWA M9 PTP. You cant go wrong with that gun.

Enjoi December 6th, 2010 01:15

The Deagle is a hell of alot of fun to use. I used Alex`s at a game and it was amazing! though tough to run a gun with...but deadly accurate.

Thanks for all the support! You guys are awesome! I`ve decided to go with the KJW M9 Vertec. The KWA M9 PTP looks like an exact replica and even has the markings which are very nice!

burningashes December 6th, 2010 01:21


Originally Posted by Enjoi (Post 1363910)
The Deagle is a hell of alot of fun to use. I used Alex`s at a game and it was amazing! though tough to run a gun with...but deadly accurate.

Thanks for all the support! You guys are awesome! I`ve decided to go with the KJW M9 Vertec. The KWA M9 PTP looks like an exact replica and even has the markings which are very nice!

The KWA M9 PTP does not have trademarks on it. Even then, its the best M9 out there.

Enjoi December 6th, 2010 01:47


Originally Posted by burningashes (Post 1363915)
The KWA M9 PTP does not have trademarks on it. Even then, its the best M9 out there.

The one i saw must have had a different slide then.

Eien December 6th, 2010 01:56


Originally Posted by burningashes (Post 1363915)
The KWA M9 PTP does not have trademarks on it. Even then, its the best M9 out there.

It has KWA trademarks all over the damn thing.

burningashes December 6th, 2010 02:00


Originally Posted by Eien (Post 1363921)
It has KWA trademarks all over the damn thing.

Enjoi December 6th, 2010 02:06


Originally Posted by burningashes (Post 1363922)

Some places have them with Trades

Amos December 6th, 2010 02:09

Thsoe aren't "trades" (trade is short for trademark, IE, Beretta 92FS)

that says "KWA M9 PTP"

Don't buy a gun for trades unless you're going to be taking pictures with it all day long and never using it.

the KWA guns are FANTASTIC.


Originally Posted by burningashes (Post 1363922)

That's the old version, New ones is NS2 (System 7) and ALOT better.

pusangani December 6th, 2010 02:14

apparently they work better in cold weather than other gbb's

burningashes December 6th, 2010 02:20


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1363924)
Thsoe aren't "trades" (trade is short for trademark, IE, Beretta 92FS)

that says "KWA M9 PTP"

Don't buy a gun for trades unless you're going to be taking pictures with it all day long and never using it.

the KWA guns are FANTASTIC.

That's the old version, New ones is NS2 (System 7) and ALOT better.

Affirmative. There are no beretta trademarks on new/old. Although new one has KWA markings printed on which completely ruin the look and make it look like a cheap Tauras knockoff or something.

Enjoi December 6th, 2010 03:21


Originally Posted by burningashes (Post 1363931)
Affirmative. There are no beretta trademarks on new/old. Although new one has KWA markings printed on which completely ruin the look and make it look like a cheap Tauras knockoff or something.

lol. Makes sense

juicy December 6th, 2010 06:43


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1363924)
Thsoe aren't "trades" (trade is short for trademark, IE, Beretta 92FS)

that says "KWA M9 PTP"

Don't buy a gun for trades unless you're going to be taking pictures with it all day long and never using it.

the KWA guns are FANTASTIC.

That's the old version, New ones is NS2 (System 7) and ALOT better.

I wasn't aware a PTP has come out with the NS2? I thought the PTP was similar to the NS2 system before?

I could be totally off, I know hardly anything about KWA/KSC Beretta's, except that they have the totally awesome working decocker, and are much closer to the feel/weight of a M9 that many airsoft replicas out there.

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