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Lerch January 20th, 2006 21:45

Sonofabitch.. :confused: ..where do you get this stuff? Is there a military black market in Italy??

PTE. Pyle January 20th, 2006 23:22

when i was in the reserves they served me as a minor. they knew i was a minor and basicly said if anyone complains we will no longer serve you. hence dont go home drunk if your parents are not going to be ok with it. the explanation i was told was "if your old enough to serve, your old enough to be served"

Greykin January 21st, 2006 13:41

lol, wow, mctaz, you sure have A LOT of gear. It's like you have a military gear archive =P.

walks January 21st, 2006 18:26

the new "balistic glasses" are crap they do come in three sizes but dont give much protection from the sides, mine are still in the box they were issued in same as the cadpat gloves, just because its new kit doesnt mean its good.

Farmboy January 21st, 2006 21:55

The glasses are great for the range but that's about it :(

Got my Wileys' though :)

pugs144 January 21st, 2006 22:05


Originally Posted by Black Hawk
Sonofabitch.. :confused: ..where do you get this stuff? Is there a military black market in Italy??

Nah. You just need to know who to talk to.

Paddler January 25th, 2006 02:28

Ok, I'll play (ignore the weapon):

Lerch January 25th, 2006 04:23

Wow...first post and I'm already wet.

Very very nice setup. Dropzone pants and shirt? And a 'JTF2 chest-rig' :tup:

mctaz January 27th, 2006 06:16


Originally Posted by Black Hawk
Sonofabitch.. :confused: ..where do you get this stuff? Is there a military black market in Italy??

No Black, only one big friend that help me with my collections


Originally Posted by -MikeL-
I think those are the new Ballistic Glasses

For goggles, the Army issues out Bolle T800(?)s.

How'd you acquire those glasses? Those are like, brand new.

Yes MikeL this is the new Balistic EyeWear (BEW)

Where buy this is a secret and yes is Brand new


Originally Posted by Field_Gunner
the new "balistic glasses" are crap they do come in three sizes......

BEW is made in 2 size.


mctaz January 27th, 2006 18:37


Originally Posted by -MikeL-
Why is the place you bought it from secret...

Really though, where did you get those glasses?

some page ago you said the isn't legal sold or buy military CF items....... where i take this is a secret because seller don't want that i said who sold this to me.

If you want one PM to me


Wiersema January 28th, 2006 20:22

I just got issued the new BEW. Used them as sun glasses on my last Winter Ex. Very guchi.

Also got issued the new Gortex Cold Wet Weather Gloves, new Cadpat tactical gloves and Small pack.

chinese_gunman February 19th, 2006 01:19

what do u guys think of my gear?

Lerch February 19th, 2006 02:27

I think you visited Dave's ;) Very nice touch with the Tacvest. Might I suggest a subdued flag though?

chinese_gunman February 19th, 2006 03:12

lol...actually... the majority of my gear comes from different stores. the flag u mentioned...r u talkin about the IR flag?

Lerch February 19th, 2006 03:43

Nope, I was thinkin about the good ol' OD thread flag. But I guess the IR flag would work too since they're being used alot too in field in Afghanistan.

Yes....the OD thread flags are on velcro...just in case you hadn't seen those yet.

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