![]() |
Got to check out the new vertical grips that are being issued the other day, exact same as the regular folding grips just in a green matching the A2 furniture.
Very gucci ;) same with the knee/elbow pads... |
they're issuing them now man im out of the loop lol
Yeah I haven't had a chance to play with them, just checked them out quick when I went into the QM yesterday. The kneepads don't look like they'd be any less comfortable then most (although I've been told Bijan's are the dogs).
Enough skrim there Ryan?
Good god a wookie! :D
I may trim it down...a bit...
lol hmm a helmet!! lmao yea i used my own ALTA knee pads in wainwright doin long range recces they were a god send, as for the grip meh never used a folding one so i cant say anything about it.
Well, just bought a vest. I thought I'd throw a few pics on here. I hate cell phone pics, but my dc is broken, so... Here it is:
Top and Bottom Issue Cadpat Cadpat Kneepads Cadpat Gloves Cadpat Vest EDIT: (Tiger Tactical, bought from Spa) CP Gear Hydration Carrier One the way: Cadpat drop-leg holster And hopefully soon enough: Cadpat cover for a PASGT Cadpat Boonie I wish they'd produce repro Gallets:) Pics: http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...10-08_1901.jpghttp://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...10-08_1906.jpghttp://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...10-08_1907.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...10-08_1909.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...10-08_1910.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...10-08_1912.jpg |
Hitting up the range today for the C6 and C9 quals. |
Nice helmet scrim!
Did you not get issued the Cadpat rain coat?
Dude, you have no idea how fucked the QM is here...my whole DP1 platoon had to wait till a week into course to get raingear, and that's only because our staff bitched enough for us to get it.
Hell, it took me two months after getting here to get my rucksack and tacvest :P |
When we dropped by the MEGA to get issued all of our kit, they just kept pilling it on to our carts, must have had easy 200lb's worth of stuff. Got the Cadpat rain coat, gortex, AF gortex, all my CF dress stuff, the WHOLE ICE set... Now just waiting for Kingston to send up the #4's, Scarlet's and the battle dress so we can look like tards when walking around Saint-Jean. |
I got the same deal when I went through BMQ, but half the stuff gets returned when you leave and doesn't get issued back. Hence I now have IECS fleece and rubber raingear.
The upside is that I'll be returning half my stuff when I finish my DP1 and getting the CADPAT whatnot on the spot. |
you didnt get the new frag vests i thought everyone had those lolo maybe its just us lolo
lol i just got loaded on PLQ now i gotta go to ASU toronto and TRY to get half the gear i need, our clothing stores is prob way worse in the reserve world than you guys.
End of our trench week, we had to expell all the reserve ammo before going back to base.
Here's me and a full box on my C9, gone in 30 seconds. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...h_MOV00175.jpg |
Should fired it off in one burst. . . always fun doing that lol. Might not be great for the 9 but meh lol the reason we have weapons techs lol
~Grim |
That C9 looked like it had shit-all in terms of recoil!
The live ammo doesn't kick much more on the C9, it's 5.56mm afterall. C6 on the other hand...yaar!
yeah, blanks don't kick much, but they tend to cause a lot of stoppages in the 6 and 9.
If your running blanks on the C9 flip the gas regulator to adverse and do a barral change after 400 rounds even if you not firing continuously. Then clean your spare barral when you have a chance and switch to the clean barral after 400 rounds. And for love and country dont use the 30 round mage in them, they will jam fast even with live ammo. I have not had a singel stopage on the C6 in 3 years.
I had maybe 3 stoppages on my C9 and that was towards the end of the week.
We did have one firefight that I ran out of boxes on and actually attempted to use the magazine...stupid stupid idea... |
ive used the magazine ONCE on the C9 and it worked but all other chances have failed miserably.
Huzzah! Got myself a new camera for the field and a Pelican case to boot (so I don't break it ;) )
Aswell got my Posting Orders, I'll be at 1RCHA before block leave :D |
Yah I've used the C9 during a live section attack with mags, didn't go over well. I had a stoppage every round so I went to saying bang bang. The C-6 on the other hand is awsome. The SF kit is kinda a let down in some ways, but doing it from the hip rocks.
Oh fuck, the magazine with blanks is retarded, I got five or so rounds out and then one of the rounds shot down the front of the magazine and the rest just stopped...pissed me right off...
Now I refuse to use mags and load militia ammo yelling 'bang bang' as the enemy tries to steal my guns :D |
Oh yeah, came back from a couple days dry firing the guns today...first snow fall of the area too ;)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...69/Gage131.jpg |
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06656.jpg My dirty mangy C7 after a night in the swamp doing illum. missions :D |
OMG it's not on "safe" OMG .... :)
Armalites don't go on Safe unless they're cocked. :)
What's an illum mission? Shooting para flare and shit?
What brand is that flashlight/vert. grip?
Yup, allowed to keep the torch and grip on for my DP1 (mod2), and it's made by FAB with a Surefire G2 mounted.
As for the illum...just from the 105mm, nothing fancy, just killing time in the swamps. I took these today from our last firemission of the course. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06778.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06794.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06795.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06796.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06809.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06810.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06811.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06812.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06813.jpg |
Awesome Pics, and boy do they bring back memories!
Whats that white stuff draped over the gunshield onto the tire where the number 3 is? Is that some sort of rag for whipping off the grease pencil plate where the GAP is recorded? Cheers!! :) Brian |
Yup, we got into action and the panel was caked in mud. That and the collometer was fogging up all the time ;)
Well, here's my mostly complete Cadpat kit.
I wanted to tuck in my BDU top, but my pants are too tight:). I'm also wearing a replica plate carrier under my vest. I don't think I'll be using that at a game though:) http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...4/IMG_0057.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...4/IMG_0060.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...4/IMG_0063.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...4/IMG_0059.jpg |
tats some nice kit. is that a Tiger tac vest? people are going to tell you to do up the staps. the only thing that would really own that kit would be an issue frag vest. :) but thats not going to happen lol. i should post up my weirdly jimmy rigged vest
Yeah, I got the vest from Spa. The straps are from my hydration pack, I'll do up the straps:).
haha. Yeah, I have under armour base ball gloves, their nice. I just used these for the pics.
My mate has a pair of underarmour gloves he uses in the field. Does a better job then the issued ones he says :p
Personally I've got the Hatch Operator gloves to use. |
How do they work?
some pics of my get up. could find my cadpat top, so im in the old OD on ATM. just having fun with the camera. you cant see it from the pictures but its a AR cadpat wasatch. just CB pouches
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k1...ightav/AV1.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k1...v/DSC_0474.jpg and details on my jimmyrigged vest http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k1...tav/AVvest.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k1...tav/AVback.jpg |
Sweet Pics Drew! :D
heres lango9mm in is sniperness
http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k1...v/DSC_0372.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k1...v/DSC_0375.jpg |
I have the same net:)
it's an issued one. When I left they let me keep that along with more fun stuff :D
its his cape of invisibility .
You were not suppose to tell anyone.. now I have to eradicate ASC.. thanks alot!
Haha. That vest just looks kick ass... and complicated:) What the hell is it?
its a hsgi wasatch with the back panel removed and an intergrated tiger tactical vest.
*sigh* I had a pair of those Cadpat Deer skin's... they turned my hands green last time I used them. They are somewhere in one of my barrack boxes, safe to say, they don't come with me in the field.
I'm at odds with the optometrist @ the Mega. They would not provide me with the prescription inserts for my ISSUED ballistic glass' as a replacement for one of the yearly glasses they give us. I offered to pay and everything and they kept pushing the shitty "safety" glasses on me as an alternative. They kept telling me that I would only get them once I was done my training, but thats in like technically 4 years, and I was supposed to go without proper ballistic protection in favor of vision when in the field. Then once I told them to go and shove it and I would just pick up some Oakley's, they tried to tell me that only the "safety" glass' that they where selling are allowed by the military (even if the military has a discount plan with Oakley....). All this for the lenses that would allow me to keep my vision and have ballistic protection while in the field (and not get chewed out by CSM for having "non-issue" kit). My sergeant just told me to wear the ESS ones I have already after he called up the optometrist to try and get me the lenses. |
wow dude. talk about frustration
I know how you feel, when I was at the Mega I went ahead and bought the ballistics they had at the optometrist...needless to say they broke my last week out in Farnham. I tried getting the inserts for my Sawfly's when I got to Gagetown, no luck...I was gonna be gone before I could get them. So now I'm just taking my ESS Landops with me to use in the meantime cuz I'm gonna try again when I get back to Gagetown next month.
My Sawfly's have been sitting ignored in my foot locker for awhile now... |
They told me because I was a reservist I was not entitled to the inserts. I said even though I am here on a 4 month contract with a reg force school and will be for the rest of my time in. I continue to trust my vision to my glasses or if its really sketchy I bring my bolle x800's out.
1 Attachment(s)
A picture of myself and my RG31 vehicle crew. I'm second from the right. My buddies on the left are the gunner and driver respectively so their kit is in the truck and they often aren't wearing it when we're inside. The crew commander is in the centre and normally he doesn't have his kit on either. Crew commander is wearing a tan HSGI Weesatch and I'm sporting a tactical tailor plate carrier with side upgrades. Also an issued vest in there as well. Gloves vary from 5.11, Hatch, and Blackhawk furies depending on what you like. I think most of the guys found that aviator gloves and even the 5.11's fell apart pretty quickly.
Guy on the far right and myself are wearing TCCC leg bags. Gunner has tan ESS profile nvg goggles incase he has to go manual for whatever reason. Most of the kit we wear is not really a standard but just specific to that person and their job. We were lucky with the amount of flexibility we had though...the previous tour that we relieved was all issued all the time. Even the slings vary from issued, to a Vickers blue force, to my own homemade one. |
I dont get invited to basement cadpat photoshoots :(
Holsters were never really a problem for us, and we weren't really sure about individual rigs. Some of my buddies are doing SECFOR. I was lucky enough to get into a mentoring team for one of the Kandaks. I'm on HLTA right now but heading back in the new year. |
so i was surfing across the CF image gallery and came across this interesting photo.
http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca...catalog=photos any one know why hes wearing half arid CAD with and m4 even tho his patchs say hes Australian? |
From what i know canada doesnt have EDDs, so hes probly attached to the Canadians for the use of the explosive detecting dog. Just speculation on my part though.
That would be it. He's just a dog handler from Oz that has been attached to the Canucks ;)
Notice the Tac gear also isn't CF issue and not likely to be something a canuck would buy if deployed. Helmet isn't the CF issue and he ain't wearing the CF frag vest either... |
Hì dear,
i need to know if i have put in garbage 99% of my collection for real think or for someone (in CF) are paranoid........ about this situation I want ask to all user why all my photos (some finds in international military photos forums are use on your GI military forum ........ in this i'm lair, i'm terrorist, i'm the best enemy for your army)...... now i see more photos and noone said nothing about CF force cadpat gloves or about people that use CF uniform or CF vest........ McTAZ |
What? I know your not English, but I don't get it:)
my first lenguage are Italian but if you prefer i can use google traslate to esplane my situation.... McTAZ |
I got into theatre early Sept 08, did convoys for about a month and a half and then rotated to ECP3. I'm part of TF3-08. |
i think hes asking why people gave him shit for his collection of cf issue gear yet everyone else doesent get ripped into
Ciao a tutti, necessito di sapere se ho dovuto buttare nella spazzatura il 99% della mia collezione per reali problemi o solo per la paranoia di qualcuno (che serve nel vostro esercito). in merito a questa situazione vorrei chiedere a tutti gl'utenti perchè le mie foto, alcune trovate su vari forum militari siano state usate sul vostro forum militare, in alcune di queste io vengo indicato come ladro o come un terrorista o come il miglior nemico per il vostro esercito..... Adesso io vedo varie foto e nessuno che dice niente in merito ai guanti o vest o altro materiale militare in uso a giocatori di sofair..... you can traslate this....... have a new yers McTAZ |
L'altra gente ottiene la merda sopra ugualmente per l'uso del corredo rubato pure McTaz. più stavate portando un'uniforme dell'edizione, la maglia di tac, il piccolo pacchetto, ecc da che il roba dovrebbe non essere colato mai fuori il che cosa deposito del rifornimento gli ha reso alle vostre mani in Italia. There' s sulle indagini andanti ora sul corredo rubato dei CF dove si è concluso in su. |
In any case, the shit still hits the fan, it just isn't a public fan anymore ;)
I did pop into ICE Tactical today and damn...they make some nice kit...it was like my own little gearwhore candy store :D alot of custom kit that isn't shown on the website too, such as yokes and padding for 64 packs. |
I'm in GGFG.
you know richard law?
I know Richard Law... haven't seen him in a long time though |
I know of Richard Law, but I haven't seen him either actually. I did remember him being an OCdt I believe. I have played at the LZ. I know you Recce God, we've met before...but it was before airsoft. Met you my first summer at CG. My room was across from yours.
me and dick did our jump course together in 05 the first time he tried then he out did us all when he got qualified like with 5 diff sets of wings lolo have i met you before recce god and i are from the same unit
but dick has been long out of airsoft jumping is more his passion now lol |
You went to school with my wife. Philemon Wright in Hull.
I have some question for you. If al canadian GI items are stolen items why people can buy this on surplus shop?....... items sold on shops are stolen items too or not? (surprise for you, in this summer i came in your country and i find more surplus shop that sold items that you classify like stolen..... uniform, boonie, gloves, helmet, vest, boots etc.. etc... and now i need to know if this items are stolen items or not?) Other question, why i see more photos of airsoft players that use GI items and you don' report this on canadian army forum like make with me or why you don't said here that this are stolen items?........ McTAZ |
Well, maybe I can clear things up a bit. I believe surplus stores can only sell items that have been legally surplussed(not stolen). Also, not everything Cadpat is issued stuff. IE, my vest was made by Tiger Tactical, but still uses Cadpat. I have Cadpat issue gloves, but they have been legally surplussed, etc. Just because shops sell Cadpat, it doesn't mean it's stolen, it just means it's surplussed gear.(Lets hope:))
I hope that helps you. |
A surplus store in Kingston Ontario was Raided by Meat Heads multiple times in 4 months for selling old CADPAT uniforms, faded cadpat.
~Thanato |
The big thing that bugged people with your pictures McTaz was that the stuff was brand new and still hadn't made its way to the average soldier. The same thing happened with me and the Brits.
Now... not so much, CADPAT gloves are easy to get reproductions, same with vests and kit. |
But your problem are that i can said that i'm a canadian soldiers (ahahahahah, sorry if i smile but noone can think that i'm a soldierds, i'm fat and i can't try to came in canadian base with my know of english or french lenguage.......)?
About my old photos you can see "ALL" items that i have finds for me and for my squad (items finds in about 2 years), some are buy on ebay, other are buy on Stuchgad military shop (DE) during my travels..... I don't know if this items are stolen or surlus factory...... more of this items don't have size label and some have error factory, one don't have botoms to close and one don't have botoms to arms (about this i have ask help about this 1-2 years ago to find canadian botoms).... McTAZ |
shit are you serious whats her name lol
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06918.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC06919.jpg Packed my rucksack tight as fuck, I'll be taking it to work tomorrow to toss into my locker. The CADPAT pouch is just for extra bits and bobs, holding the cover right now... |
you didnt get the new ruck yet? lol
Didn't you post pics of a Cadpat one?
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