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medhatboy December 31st, 2007 15:57


Originally Posted by Tripcee (Post 478825)
i doubt theres that many people on this forum whove even held a real pistol much less know about how easy it is to operate/ ballistic properties etc...

I shot IPSC for a while with my reserve unit, some used the BHP, I used my own pistol, a CZ75, after 6 matches straight I walked away with 5 trophies, the others didn't due to too many malfuctions including one guy who got DQ'd because he was trying to clear a jam and had a ND. I did find that the 9mm wouldn't do metal popper plates that good, sometimes requiring 4-5 shots to drop them, thats why I also used my own hand loaded ammo, more punch cause I added a few grains more powder then factory ammo.

mrgruber January 16th, 2008 18:54

I would personally take what ever puts rounds down range. be it the browning or the sig.

Pte.Blogins January 17th, 2008 23:57

Col. Thumper, does your display pic mean that you were or are with the JTF?

pugs144 January 18th, 2008 01:50

I think any operator, past or present, would have better things to do than hang around an airsoft forum so the answer is 'No'.

COMMANDER BOND August 24th, 2008 02:13

I had 3 worn out brownings years ago.
I liked the size - compact compared to most modern nines.

But they were old and beat so they had issues............and I hated the safety.

A historic sidearm ............1st double column magazine high capacity auto.

Huron August 24th, 2008 11:15

The CF use either the Browning Hi-Power 9mm, which is being phased out due to its age, or the SIG P225, which is essentially the same as a P228. I'm not sure as to whether they use the railed frame or standard frame, but I'm quite sure there are some P225's in service.

Bowers August 24th, 2008 11:36


Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded (Post 802606)
The CF use either the Browning Hi-Power 9mm, which is being phased out due to its age, or the SIG P225, which is essentially the same as a P228. I'm not sure as to whether they use the railed frame or standard frame, but I'm quite sure there are some P225's in service.

the p228 is a compact version of the p226

the p225 is a compact version of the sig p220

Huron August 24th, 2008 11:37

Oh that's correct because the P225 is single stack, the P228 is double stack. If you want one for airsoft though, there's no P225.

pipefitter316 August 24th, 2008 12:01

the hi power is being phased out for the sig. The brownings the cf have are just getting old and need to be replaced, they are a good gun but as thungs age they tend to wear out. The cf decide to upgrade to newer modern weopon instead of trying to use the old browning, I for one would sooner have the new sidearm with me in a combat sityation then an old one that has feed problems.

Amos August 24th, 2008 12:19

Anyway -- Speaking more about airsoft.

I've played with the Tanaka Browning Hi-power Canadian version... It's a decent gun... Although I would REALLY have preferred if they made that one in heavy weight version.

My only beef with it is that it feels kinda light and the blow-back isn't as satisfying as it is on other GBB's.

Trapper1 October 10th, 2008 20:52

I think this threads already gone to shit amos. No sense in tryin to save it lol.

PatrickT June 29th, 2009 12:56

I fired one not to long ago it was a great little gun, I found it extremely accurate for a sidearm.

-Skeletor- June 29th, 2009 16:13

CF uses Browning Hi Power, Sig Sauer P225. No rails on the P225.

P226 is also in service, I'm not sure if it is railed or not. Might be though as I've seen a pic of it with a light on it.

Sully June 29th, 2009 16:30


Originally Posted by -MikeL- (Post 1015884)
CF uses Browning Hi Power, Sig Sauer P225. No rails on the P225.

P226 is also in service, I'm not sure if it is railed or not. Might be though as I've seen a pic of it with a light on it.

I can only speak for the navy but I know we use the railed P226.

pipefitter316 June 29th, 2009 17:04

I got a buddy over in afganistan and he carries a hi power, says the cf wont get rid of them cause they just keep on keeping on. Military police are using sigs though

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