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666 May 29th, 2013 01:20


Originally Posted by sammynac99 (Post 1800151)
The onll thing I remember from a video of theirs I watched was the fact they carry 15-20 grenades each on their back. I thought I was all badass running my 2 but could you imagine the nade spamming? They must have been dropping them into the other teams spawn all day. Not calling hits etc

That's pretty normal for real life. At least when it comes to Russian forces. Smersh or 6Sh92 rigs have 10 pouches for 40mm grenades (700-800g a piece) that sit on your ass, kind of like a lobster tail, or on the belt in front. Plus 4 frags(600-700g a piece) on the main rig in front. People who don't have a VOG, pack regular frags instead, 4-6 in front, rest in the backpack with a box of detonators packed separately. So having 15-20 grenades is pretty common for a longer run :)

Janus May 29th, 2013 01:46

I go with at least 9 40mm (8 in a dropleg and 1 in the breech) and 6 tornados myself. And a claymore mine or two. It's not unheard of.

Back on topic:

A bunch of airsofters disrespecting Danny McKnight deserve all the horrible things they get. I hope they enjoy laser tag.

666 May 29th, 2013 01:57

Not just airsofters... It sounds like something a liberal would do :) On a serious note. I'm not a huge fan of US in particular but disrespecting any veteran who fought for his/her country is something out of this world...

CDN_Rogue May 29th, 2013 06:14


Originally Posted by Shatter (Post 1799857)

I love it!

CDN_Rogue May 29th, 2013 06:16

Smaller is better

Originally Posted by PrIeSt (Post 1799937)
Sometimes groups get to big for themselves, the leaders retire or leave and than you have to many retard's in charge. It's happened here.

I agree. Keeping teams small has its benefits.

localfreerider May 29th, 2013 07:07

Shooting at a kid till he cries, real class act!

666 May 29th, 2013 07:16

No need to mess around... :) Someone has to bend over.... It'll be fun.

anthon May 29th, 2013 10:48


Originally Posted by nichtessen (Post 1799864)
There's a video on youtube of them saying they broke window at a event, and going out of bounds and not listening to the game control people. Even show how they were using dead players as human shields to clear a building on the staircases and that. -.-

Ya the video is here: Green Mountain Rangers : an Airsoft Video - YouTube

Aparently they were banned for doing a bunch of stupid shit like jumping roofs, repelling down elevator shafts, breaking windows ect....kind of a long video, they explain the reasons why they were banned right in the first few min :popcorn: Not sure if this is the same Banning we are talking about, but Ronin says that they were "banned" for doing a bunch of things over a long period, at multiple games

Zack The Ripper May 29th, 2013 11:21

The video you're referring to is them talking about when they got banned from Op Pine Plains a few years back. That was the video that I was kinda like "Hmm.. Maybe these guys are the cunts people seem to think they are..". There's also a portion in the video where they rush into a couple large rooms, lots of gun fire, and then one of the people in the rooms starts yelling at Ronin saying "Call your hits, fucking faggots..". Again, some questionable stuff that made me reconsider my opinions regarding them.

Deadpool May 29th, 2013 11:24

Watching a video badly edited by them really isn't enough to inspire pity from me personally.

ThunderCactus May 29th, 2013 11:43


Originally Posted by ZackTheRipperC (Post 1800365)
The video you're referring to is them talking about when they got banned from Op Pine Plains a few years back. That was the video that I was kinda like "Hmm.. Maybe these guys are the cunts people seem to think they are..". There's also a portion in the video where they rush into a couple large rooms, lots of gun fire, and then one of the people in the rooms starts yelling at Ronin saying "Call your hits, fucking faggots..". Again, some questionable stuff that made me reconsider my opinions regarding them.

I've been watching 10min and already seen some of them not call a hit, or take a while to call it. And that's just the ones that were obvious
9:49 gets hit returning fire through a window
ricochet at 15:50 during his super serious interview lol
16:46 gets hit in the side in CQB
17:28, another side shot in CQB, although it looked like it MAY have just missed infront of him
aaaand I've had enough lol

Kit May 29th, 2013 12:09

Thank fuck.

ericwilliam May 29th, 2013 15:08


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1800377)
I've been watching 10min and already seen some of them not call a hit, or take a while to call it. And that's just the ones that were obvious
9:49 gets hit returning fire through a window
ricochet at 15:50 during his super serious interview lol
16:46 gets hit in the side in CQB
17:28, another side shot in CQB, although it looked like it MAY have just missed infront of him
aaaand I've had enough lol

Hahaha. The first one is barely even visible, hard to tell.
15:50 looked like dust

Inside the Strikeforce area they're shooting metal plates... No one is returning fire. :P

ThunderCactus May 29th, 2013 16:01

FF then lol

Was hard to tell in the first stairwell engagement, heard lots of ricochets on the stairwell guards though

ShelledPants May 29th, 2013 16:33

To their defense: Video is poor representation of noncalling of hits. With the amount of gear on, it can be hard/impossible to feel hits, and in a firefight, harder still to hear the hits.

This is the #1 reason I don't advocate plates or plate carriers in game.

So much of this shit happens it isn't funny.

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