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bob1212295 November 23rd, 2010 20:13


Originally Posted by xaMdaM (Post 1355373)
Finally, in a world where all young boys in Canada are being taught to be little girls by a school system dominated by women, my boys need to learn to behave like men, not like the pussies that the school system is trying to make them.

well that and turning us into robots, so overall making us total pussbots

havn't played yet but i spend most of my time watchin arisoft on youtube and on asc, love EVERYTHING about airsoft(love being a massive understatment)

G2Sniper November 23rd, 2010 21:35

1) Its fun
2) Its fun to play with friends and become friends with other players
3) I would rather spend on airsoft than spending hundreds of dollars on Ed Hardy and G Star Raw and look like a man poodle.

PaddMadd November 24th, 2010 02:28

I actually found airsoft to be cheaper than paintball. Another selling point for me was the realism, something brightly coloured space blasters and neon paint couldn't do.

BobbyDangerous November 24th, 2010 05:34

To prepare for the apocalypse man.. jesus isn't that the real reason for everyone?

pusangani November 24th, 2010 05:58


Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous (Post 1355930)
To prepare for the apocalypse man.. jesus isn't that the real reason for everyone?


aZn_triXta07 November 24th, 2010 06:14

The man with the most toys wins ... it's just that simple.

VooDooPeteK November 24th, 2010 06:16

The ability to shoot people without going to jail.......

Statua November 24th, 2010 18:11

I figured another reason out when hanging in my dads shop. He was busily working with his P-40 rc plane while I was working on yet another suppressor (I don know why but I love making my own tac gear and parts) and thought, "he flys in the military and I'm working on getting into ground for the military. I guess what we do (or plan to do) in the real world reflects on what we do for our hobby."

Scouser December 4th, 2010 11:12

hrm well i started with going to darkzone as a kid (laser tag) skipped the whole paintball thing, then got into airsoft a couple years ago after my old man told me about it, thus giving me an excuse to shoot him in the ass :-D

and now that i have a son of my own i am counting down the days till his 10th birthday
(only 3487 left!) when ill be buying him one of those chibi clearsoft mp5s or augs and teach him to spray the basement!!

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