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Kokanee April 30th, 2006 23:27

dun dun dun...the update...

Just got back from the Civic hopsital and the verdict is a fractrued rib and a lacerated kidney.....

but they gave wme percasets...sp?? and 2 weks off work

tahnsk everyoen very mcuh for the kind wishes.....

and yeah Jarkead, I had a really, raelly hot nurse fawning over me the whole time @ the civic...

The Saint April 30th, 2006 23:36

Oh man, and I thought my friend's broken collarbone was bad... 8O Get well soon. :nod:

MadMax April 30th, 2006 23:58

I just got off of MSN with Kokey.

He can't be all that bad. I'm trading him airsoft for his percosets.

Bravo One-Six May 1st, 2006 00:21

No more point for you Specialist. You can wait in the track. :)

Silly bastard. ;) Get better so you can get back to killing commies. ;)

Ghost Snake May 1st, 2006 00:33


Originally Posted by Kokanee
but they gave wme percasets...sp?? and 2 weks off work

tahnsk everyoen very mcuh for the kind wishes.....

What the hell are they giving you? I dont think I have ever seen anyone type so bad, lol. Seriously though, get better soon.

Fader May 1st, 2006 06:11

Best wishes and a speedy recovery Josh.

Looking forward to see you out on the field soon.

ValkXB70 May 1st, 2006 07:05

Mmmm percocets......

Hope your feeling better Kokanee,

S.H.I.E.L.D. May 1st, 2006 08:25

Shit troop! Get yourself better, don't want you going to the big PX just yet. Take 'er easy Josh.


CDN_Stalker May 1st, 2006 08:56


Originally Posted by Kokanee
dun dun dun...the update...

Just got back from the Civic hopsital and the verdict is a fractrued rib and a lacerated kidney.....

but they gave wme percasets...sp?? and 2 weks off work

tahnsk everyoen very mcuh for the kind wishes.....

and yeah Jarkead, I had a really, raelly hot nurse fawning over me the whole time @ the civic...

Sounds bad Josh, but not as bad as broken ribs but worse than bruising. Hope you recover fast as can be though buddy, need to have you out doing your thing for Kandahar Dawn!

BTW, those painkillers screwing your spelling of the pain of your injury? For about a week after I slipped on ice and work, landed on my right elbow and jammed my upper arm into my shoulder hard, I was in so much pain I had to move my right hand back & forth between the mouse and the keyboard, and typing was painful as well. Took about 3-4 weeks to get that to heal, and that was just a bruised A/C joint. So I don't blame you at all. Pain sucks sometimes, and you learn what you take for granted when you have that type of injury. Sleeping has got to be a real bitch for you as well. Best of luck!

empty_mags May 1st, 2006 09:40

lol Josh, I guess the injury affected your spelling too, that sucks. ;)

Anyways all the best old friend. Hopefully next time you are back in Edmonton, I will not be working and we can go out for drinks and get those kindeys doing their thing again.

Yeoman May 1st, 2006 11:36


Originally Posted by Kokanee
dun dun dun...the update...

Just got back from the Civic hopsital and the verdict is a fractrued rib and a lacerated kidney.....

but they gave wme percasets...sp?? and 2 weks off work

tahnsk everyoen very mcuh for the kind wishes.....

and yeah Jarkead, I had a really, raelly hot nurse fawning over me the whole time @ the civic...

two weeks, man I hate you.
I bet the MO'll take a look at you when you get back and think that you've got cancer or something :D damn medics.
take er easy man.

NuttyHunter May 1st, 2006 12:19

Fractures are harder/longer to heal then clean breaks. The bonus being that a clean brak has a more awkward heal. Drink milk, good for bones. As for the kidney... yeah don't be laughing any yime soon. I've made some of those silly laughing mistakes....

I give you 1 week and you'll be off the meds wanting airsoft, and then half an hour to decide to wait the extra week:D

Heal fast,


Black_Orchid May 1st, 2006 12:47

Geez I feel for ya Kokanee, I've been in the same boat as you. fractured ribs are not fun. Heal fast!!

Quantis May 1st, 2006 13:12

Get well soon man !

Kokanee May 1st, 2006 15:40

Thanks once again for the kind words everyone. The MO agreed w/ the civy doc and gave me two weeks of medical leave, so "OP: Lay in bed and watch tv" begins today...

Totally Mike, I'll make sure to give you a heads up if I'm able to make it back to Ed for this summer... I've been babying my kidneys lately anyway, and look how they repay me? Time to toughen them up so this doesnt happen again haha.

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