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Freeze November 23rd, 2011 21:44

How the heck do you mistake a G36 for ANYTHING?!?!?!

It might be understandable to mix up similar guns like a M4, a HK416, or that CM901, but how the hell do you still mistake a G36 for anything else in the world? O.o.....

Why can some people just not spell right? I mean...seriously, take the time to spell "magazine the right way"....

I'm sorry for ranting, but my biggest pet peeve is when people cannot spell simple words right....I also realize that this probably made me look like a douche, but I cannot stand people who won't take the time to spell some freakin words right! ARGH!

surebet November 23rd, 2011 22:00


Originally Posted by Freeze (Post 1565219)
How the heck do you mistake a G36 for ANYTHING?!?!?!

It might be understandable to mix up similar guns like a M4, a HK416, or that CM901, but how the hell do you still mistake a G36 for anything else in the world? O.o.....

Cause at that age their balls haven't dropped and girls a full of cooties.

Freeze November 23rd, 2011 22:02

What other gun has a gap between the rail and the upper receiver?

I can't think of ANY....

Edit: I just read the rest of the thread after previously skimming it.
I suddenly regret choosing a G36C for airsoft because I will be called a CODtard....I just hope people won't mock me by saying "hey, what perks you using? What attachments you got?"
The HK416 and G36C/K were my favorite guns to begin with.....

On a side note, some guns are so common that even if it was in COD people wouldnt mind because it was so common......and I learn the same lesson of life once again. If it's generally accepted, then it's fine. And I find that gay.

ThunderCactus November 24th, 2011 00:04

if you like a real steel gun, then you like a real steel gun.
If you like a FAKE gun, then it's not okay lol
Personally I love the look of the G36K with the C rail on it, I just hate the mags and I hate the look of M4 mags in a G36. Just can't win with that one.

Cliffradical November 24th, 2011 01:09

Anyone who doesn't think Pulse Rifles are kickin' rad is a goddamn liar.

Anyone who wouldn't run one in an informal game is wasting a Pulse Rifle.

Alceister November 24th, 2011 02:14


Originally Posted by Freeze (Post 1565230)
What other gun has a gap between the rail and the upper receiver?

I can't think of ANY....

I believe there is an M4/M16 carry handle with the rail mounted on top. Along with like a dozen other handle replacements with raised rails.

ThunderCactus November 24th, 2011 03:28

Don't the FAMAS and L85 have railed carry handles? lol

Ghostnote November 24th, 2011 03:46

The type 97/97b also have rails that can be added on the carry handle. With regards to guns popularized by MW3, the type 95 also has this gap. The aug a2 has a gap as well.

SuperCriollo November 24th, 2011 04:36

At least Im glad that they included the Type 95 in that game. I hope people get more educated. Im fucking sick of being asked if my Type 97b is a famas....

Freeze November 24th, 2011 07:26

I can't believe I forgot about the most common guns of COD -_-

However, if I remember correctly, all of those guns have a carrying handle that is either like a rectangle or have both sides of the handle slanted. The G36 has one side slanted one side vertical.

AngelusNex November 24th, 2011 07:41

that gun is ugly as a failed abortion in 5.56 variant.

Dynamo November 24th, 2011 07:57

this thread is so full of win, i just vomited in my mouth...
the Ops question has been answered, shouldn't this already be in the trash?

Amos November 24th, 2011 12:18


Originally Posted by Dynamo (Post 1565329)
this thread is so full of win, i just vomited in my mouth...
the Ops question has been answered, shouldn't this already be in the trash?

Here I'll help

Scouser November 24th, 2011 12:29


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1565267)
if you like a real steel gun, then you like a real steel gun.
If you like a FAKE gun, then it's not okay lol
Personally I love the look of the G36K with the C rail on it, I just hate the mags and I hate the look of M4 mags in a G36. Just can't win with that one.

Or you could just use pmags in a magwell adaptor, magpul started making real steel pmags for the g36 anyways.

Right now ive got the old dual optic carry handle on my g36c, i love it.

I can sorta see how the kid thoguht the g36 was an acr since the front end looks similar with the way the front guard goes around the gas block, but still....both guns are in the game, you would figure he could have been able to tell the difference.

ThunderCactus November 24th, 2011 14:37

Looks cool, still a huge mag lol

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