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Conker October 31st, 2009 17:04

Amos and Drake got it, that's what I was reffering to.

But well, the question is answered, and they don't exist yet :(

ILLusion October 31st, 2009 17:26


Originally Posted by Slono (Post 1095472)
I doubt any RS 1911 or 2011 guns that look like this can cause boners, lol.

Edit: But then again, maybe those posting here are the minority (for the look).

I don't think anyone on here said that look was any good. This discussion is about single stack mags... not double-stack ultra high capacity mags (I don't think they even exist in real life.) Take a look at the post two above yours. Amos got it right.

Thenooblord October 31st, 2009 18:02

Slono October 31st, 2009 18:11


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1095527)
I don't think anyone on here said that look was any good. This discussion is about single stack mags... not double-stack ultra high capacity mags (I don't think they even exist in real life.) Take a look at the post two above yours. Amos got it right.

Yeah, but high cap mags in general kind of ruin the smooth dynamic of the gun, which is what I was trying to show. Again, to each his own. You're right about the consistent velocities with more gas... how much difference does it make anyway? Is it seriously noticeable?

EDIT: *extended mags is what I meant to say instead of "high cap mags".

ILLusion October 31st, 2009 18:13


Originally Posted by Slono (Post 1095546)
Yeah, but high cap mags in general kind of ruin the smooth dynamic of the gun, which is what I was trying to show. Again, to each his own. You're right about the consistent velocities with more gas... how much difference does it make anyway? Is it seriously noticeable?

It is, if you're maxing out the airsoft capacity of the mag. If you're loading real capacity, you won't notice it too much, but if you're loading full capacity, you'll notice the stability, especially if you're comparing a single stack 1911/P226 to a Hi-Capa 31 round mag.

Drake October 31st, 2009 18:36


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1095543)

Excellent job missing the point. Re-read Illusion's post and find the specially hidden Halloween clue.

Thenooblord December 14th, 2009 19:37


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1094831)
:) I'm looking for more gas capacity, as it is right now I load my MEU mags to 11 lol

Do what I did, I had my 1911 built off of a hicapa 5.1, the slide, hammer, trigger, safety, beavertail, spring housing, barrel bushing, barrel, spring plug, spring guide, hopup chamber and rear sight from a TM 1911, stuck it on a TM 5.1 frame with a TK grip, it looks indistinguishable from a 1911 save for the slightly different profile of the dust cover and the black grip panels, but I'm sure it would work even better with an MEU.
so now I have the same look to my gun, but double the gas capacity, so I can do all sorts of gas hog upgrades and not run out of gas.

Styrak December 14th, 2009 19:42


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1123736)
Do what I did, I built my 1911 off of a hicapa 5.1, the slide, hammer, trigger, safety, beavertail, spring housing, barrel bushing, barrel, spring plug, spring guide, hopup chamber and rear sight from a TM 1911, stuck it on a TM 5.1 frame with a TK grip, it looks indistinguishable from a 1911 save for the slightly different profile of the dust cover and the black grip panels, but I'm sure it would work even better with an MEU.
so now I have the same look to my gun, but double the gas capacity, so I can do all sorts of gas hog upgrades and not run out of gas.

Hicapa/2011 with modifications does not equal 1911.

Thenooblord December 14th, 2009 19:45

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1123738)
Hicapa/2011 with modifications does not equal 1911.

it LOOKS like a 1911, but you can do all the fun stuff you can do to a hicapa, but I'm not a purist by any means, so I couldnt care less if this or that little thing are different, the overall look is the same, and some people I show it to can't see the difference till they look at the mags

was going to take a better picture, but my camera's battery died

Rob December 15th, 2009 01:38

it may be pedantic, but a 2011 is not really a substitution for a 1911. the sexiness of a 1911 is found in its details, the small curves and rounded edges following its length and grip; take the area between the mag release and the trigger guard as an example.

for me - the tk grip is weird - everytime I hold it I am aware that I'm hold a double stacked gun. 1911 guys will say that a plus of the single stack 1911 is the comfort of the grip - slim but adequately rounded. but what really annoys me is the gap between the front mag base and the bottom of the grip - the manufacturers try to cover it up but its still noticeable.

think of it this way - a '69 mustang and a 2010 mustang have the same styling, function, and basic shape, but i wouldn't say one can replace the other.

DuffMan December 15th, 2009 01:52

I don't understand how some of these guys (particularly Slono) don't get this. Guys get hard copying Tier-1/2 SOF. These guys use extended mags very very often. Therefore, it is aesthetically pleasing to them to be using extended mags. It makes the gun look more badass, even if less streamlined. Why do guys take blue pastels and grind numbers into their grips, home make paracord lanyards rather than spend $10 on one, sandpaper their shit to simulate wear? Grit is effing sexy, people.

DarkFireSoul January 23rd, 2012 09:15

So, a question. Why have none of you "experts" found this link which I have discovered in five minutes from a google search, from one of the largest airsoft retailers on the planet, and not three links away from the one that brought me here. You people can do the rest of the research yourselves.

DarkFireSoul January 23rd, 2012 09:22

My apologies, I had not realized this thread ended seven years ago, I have since found said long mags in both black and silver from several sites, like so;

I write this more for others like myself looking for these things and in that spirit..

"airsoft 1911 extended magazine" You're welcome

Disco_Dante January 23rd, 2012 09:26

Read the date on the first post
Edit: too slow :/

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