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CamoGames March 4th, 2008 11:28


Originally Posted by Alex Le Chef (Post 660611)
im up to drive down there looks like a interesting road trip !

just to get a picture how big is 70Ksquare meters a popular building ? btw i know its probably big

The new building I want to move to has four floors and has 5 stairwells on each floor, an elevator (not working at the moment but could possibly again) a mini elevator, and a drop shute from the top floor to the bottom.

It's big, as I mentioned above, approx 50,000 square feet +

Rukus March 4th, 2008 12:48


Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 650756)
Rukus, you're welcome anytime. I used to play competition paintball and we drove out to Langley to Panther Paintball so I know it's a long long drive. It was worth it though, nice place. What do you guys have to play in indoors?

Nowhere at the moment it's all out doors. On the island anyhow. I think they have something set up in the interior of BC but nothing here on the cost.

Azathoth March 4th, 2008 12:52


Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 660621)
Maverick0, nice video man....good stuff, I like that.

Azathoth, I'll pm you with info

Bloodsport is right, this is small town Saskatchewan. When I say small, I mean small, there is approx 4500 people in this town.

I just had 21 Calgary players and 4 Sask players here for the weekend that had a good time and thought the facility was good, or great.

Here's the thing though, I did not start this thread to talk about my present facility (even though that's nice as well). I started it to talk about my next project which is in the retired Hospital. If you liked the Ortona video, you will jump out of your shorts when you see in the next building. It is somewhere between 50,000 and 70,000 square feet.

I want to have big games in that one starting not to long from now. I had my first meeting with City council last night about moving my business to the bigger venue and it went well I think.

Stay Tuned!!

Is that going to be economical? I would certainly go to a large facility like that for a game but likely only if it was a big event would/could possible include some of the grounds.

Arnisador March 4th, 2008 13:47

Could you elaborate a bit on what you mean by "some of the grounds"
Plenty of shooting room on the inside, and I believe there is a means to shelter some of the outside allowing for a building breach as part of the game.

I've played the smaller of the two venues twice now, including the crew from Calgary (thanks again guys for letting us tag along). The elementary school is nice enough on its own, simply due to having multi-levels which is head and shoulders better than anything else in the province that I'm aware of.

The hospital, if Al can get it going, is going to be quite the venue. Hospital is essentially a large horseshoe...three wings, 4 levels each. Plenty of room for just random plastic mayhem and skirmishing for those that like CQC. And definately potential for larger scale events/theme games/etc depending on how Al wants to put it all together.

One of the things that the facility DOES have going for it, is location. Lots of hunter types that already congregate around the area, so the locals are usually used to seeing strangers in the town, dressed in camoflage. ;) Smaller rural community, so things are a bit more relaxed than say downtown Vancouver or even downtown Regina. My understanding is that town council has been kept in the loop from the start, and so far, they are quite supportive as well.

CamoGames March 4th, 2008 13:58

There will be a possiblity of using some outside space but it would only be approx 8000 to 10,000 square feet of outdoor space....not big, but it will add something to the game, and all together with the inside, it is one big area. Or maybe you're asking about outside space for a different reason?

Alex Le Chef March 4th, 2008 14:02


Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 660629)
The new building I want to move to has four floors and has 5 stairwells on each floor, an elevator (not working at the moment but could possibly again) a mini elevator, and a drop shute from the top floor to the bottom.

It's big, as I mentioned above, approx 50,000 square feet +

WHEN WHEN WHEN ! me want to go !!!!
im positive for a road trip!

Danke March 4th, 2008 14:02

I think an approach to the building from the outside from any one of several angles along with the ability to fire from the building to the outside would be great vs. "You start in Room A and go from there.

Small town Sask is bit different, my wife worked around there and I think she either knows or is related to anyone in a 500 mile radius. At least it feels that way when she sees someone give the secret green handshake.

Azathoth March 4th, 2008 14:18


Originally Posted by CamoGames (Post 660715)
There will be a possiblity of using some outside space but it would only be approx 8000 to 10,000 square feet of outdoor space....not big, but it will add something to the game, and all together with the inside, it is one big area. Or maybe you're asking about outside space for a different reason?

I was thinking close surrounding area to simulate breaching / assaulting

Rukus March 4th, 2008 14:18

I'd road trip to Sask for a game if we generated enough interest here to do so. That wouldn't be a problem, it's only a day and a half drive.

Danke March 4th, 2008 14:21

OK how about a swing that has Keystone Strike, the CQC building in Sask, and something in Calgary.

CamoGames March 4th, 2008 14:23


Originally Posted by Azathoth (Post 660740)
I was thinking close surrounding area to simulate breaching / assaulting

Yes, that would be possible, in fact we did that this last weekend at the building I have Counterfeit Combat in now.

CamoGames March 4th, 2008 14:26

Before this goes to far, I want everyone to know that I am not ready for a major game in that Hospital yet, even though the players that were just here said they would play in there right now. They kinda liked it ;-)

I have things to do with the city before I can move into the bigger building.

Alex Le Chef March 4th, 2008 14:42

camo is there any place to sleep there ?

Zekk05 March 4th, 2008 14:44

One thing I recall about the hospital is the lack of electricity. Sure, its fun to play in the dark, but also dangerous as hell, especially when theres stairwells and other fun things goin on. Before any large games are planned, I would seriously considering wiring the place back up, getting a generator , and having lights in the hallways. Sunlight can only light so much of the building and for only so many hours.

Other than that, Azathoth, if you think any airsofters from Canada go to play games in the USA, and visa versa, I would say that youre quite confused. Im sure a few have tried, and even fewwer succeeded, but I guarantee you it is Not a common thing. Driving two provinces over is worth the trip for facilities like this hospital and school!

CamoGames March 4th, 2008 14:48


Originally Posted by Alex Le Chef (Post 660764)
camo is there any place to sleep there ?

Inside the building you mean? no

Outside the building? there is a nice lawn outfront, but I don't think the city would let tenting happen. It's a residential area, besides the hotels are cheap here :)

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