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Spitfire August 14th, 2006 06:54

of course it depends on your gun aswell...
snipers never dont need more then 120 shots a day... MGs need like 1000bbs a game...
pumpguns are also very good if you dont like to shot to many bbs...
midcaps are good aginst trigger-happiness :wink:

kong August 14th, 2006 11:09

i use about 1000max for a CQB game and about 1500 for a day of woodland but if it is mil-sim no more then 600. and about 400max for a night game.

BloodSport August 14th, 2006 11:29


but thats when I sell them on the field... myself... well between 200 and 4000... depends on the games.....

[]D[][]\/[][]D August 14th, 2006 11:30


Originally Posted by Identity
You wont see the difference between hopup from 20ft away...
Hopup becomes effective when your target is 50ft and more away.

Bring your gun out one day.
Where are you located by the way? Im looking for a place to play which is close by where I live.... :(

O yeah acurracy for get that, theres no accuracy in airsoft unless your a sniper. Most poeple spray like mad. Im heavy on the trigger so most times I use more than 75% of the bag.

I'm located around Ellesemere & Neilson. When I do decide to go to a game I'll check out the Games & Events Schedule board.

CDN_Stalker August 14th, 2006 11:39

Depends largely on the game type and how many engagements you get into. Least amount for me was an evening/night game, went through about 20 or so BBs through my MP5's low cap, and 4 BBs through my sniper rifle. Only got three kills, but was cool was all with my rifle after darkness set in. Most for me............ dunno, 400-600 BBs total across my sniper rifle, MP5 and G19. I'm not a hose by any means, fire in bursts in full auto, and don't lay much supressive fire down unless I need to, in which case it's still aimed bursts.

LUTNIT August 14th, 2006 12:46

At sniper hunt Apoc went through 10 000, no joke, four 2500 round boxmags for his M249 but hes as trigger happy as, well...hes the most trigger happy person I know.

At my second game ever (a night game mind you) I fired I believe 60 rounds, got hit, walked back to respawn, walked back to the fight, got surrendered on the way, walked back to respawn and never got engaged again for the rest of the night.

Hard to say what I go through as I often have someone mooching BB's off of me, the two of us go through maybe 2000 BB's a game, hes a little more gungho than I am so I probably use maybe 700-800 of the 2000 and him the 1200-1300 rest.

sherlockbonez August 14th, 2006 13:03

A 2500 bag, last me 2-4 games. I only use starmags, and I hate loading them up, so I always try to pick my shots.

PoFF August 14th, 2006 15:34

Depends if I strip my piston early or late into the game. Early strippage, usually less than a lowcap worth of BBs, late strippage means at least 2 bags gone.

TCLP August 14th, 2006 16:17

Ive gone anywhere from 200 to 1000 but I havent played a milsim so I cant account for that game type. But then again It all depends on what happens on the field if you have a full bag I think youll do fine. As well everyone has a different preferance to bb weight, for $20 they are probably one of the cheapest things in this sport, so experiment to find what you like best.

Jar|-|ead August 15th, 2006 01:22

1000 rds per day game for me.Not a trigger happy person.

Lisa August 15th, 2006 02:17

I've used as few as 1/2 a highcap and as many as a bag and a half or so (2500bbs in a bag)... and the situation on bb usage varies, some people just need to be reminded a few hundred times that they're hit other times you're just in a target rich enviroment.

Janus August 15th, 2006 04:18

Depends on my loadout. I could go through an average of ~800 a day when armed with an AEG. When I go with just a pistol...probably 200.


Prowler August 15th, 2006 04:21

i once went with less then 200 shots one game with my mp5. Probably when I was forced to shoot semi when my gun was shooting 445. I remember reloading one of my locaps twice the entire day. Highest was 2 whole bags of .25. Roughly 2 Full C-mags. That was a fun day ;D Beware the "WHIRRRRRRRRRRR*click*" of death!

Number of rounds depends on my loadout, how many players in a given situation, and what role I feel like playing that particular day. I would base it by the bag though. I can use 1 and a quarter bags per month on average. I used to keep track. :p

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