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lurkingknight March 16th, 2017 13:13

difference in price is not just the glass, but also the tube and the weight of the optic overall. The glass on my accushot at 200$ is sufficient for airsoft and probably good enough for a real AR given that's what the scope is meant for. The drawback is that with a mount you're looking at almost 2 pounds.

A vortex viper weighs almost half of that, has better clarity, better eye relief and almost no distortion. You also don't see the tube at all when you look through it. But it's also a 700$ scope.

The problem with buying low end is that you don't know the kind of quality you will get, sight unseen. 200$ is a lot to gamble on an optic that might not work out, which is why I've recommended the accushot. Several other players have bought the exact scope I have and also agree for the price that it is a very good deal if you can get it at the 200$ mark when it comes on sale on amazon. The regular price is something like 300 after taxes and shipping. I also looked for a good month at all the other options around the 200-300$ price range and all the review are somewhat similar.. heavy, questionable eye relief. If you still don't know what the difference is, buy a shitty visionking and take it to cabelas or sail or basspro and compare it side by side with something that has similar magnification. Most magnified optics sold to airsofters will not even compare, it is a waste of your money to even consider magnified optics under 200$ and everything else unless you've looked through it yourself is a gamble because most realsteel shooters will have something nicer.

I'm working on a gun right now for a client, he left his 4x acog on it, the sight picture is cloudy and grey through the glass. You can barely see anything through it, on top of having a knife edge eyerelief where you either hit the spot right and get a picture or you get nothing but blackness of the tube. And if you try to move with the rifle shouldered, you lose the picture.

DuffMan March 16th, 2017 14:09


Originally Posted by Dumblins (Post 2000989)
I got to admit I was staying back but I got a long barrel (12")

Kids these days. Dude, a service-length C7/M16 barrel is 20".

Dumblins March 16th, 2017 15:04


Originally Posted by DuffMan (Post 2001007)
Kids these days. Dude, a service-length C7/M16 barrel is 20".

I know, old man, but I'd rather play CQB with a MP5 or something meant for CQB. :innocent:

lurkingknight March 17th, 2017 00:01

pssh... I play field with my cqb guns and rape. airsoft is not about barrel length. Everything is limited to output Joules. The barrels aren't rifled and there's no gyroscopic stabilization of the projectile in flight. There's backspin to create lift to keep it flying longer but the precision is from the airseal and the straightness of the bore.

Dumblins March 17th, 2017 09:28

I never said it was impossible to do. It's just a personal preference that's all. I'd rather play with a CQB gun on a field than to play CQB with a long barrel gun. It's just a matter of personal taste ;)

Now back to the topic, I'll go check out some optics tonight and see what they got in store. I hope this will help me figure out what's best suited for me !

Dumblins March 19th, 2017 19:14

So I went to my local shop and I ended up trying NCStars red dots and a Holosun. I ended going with the Holosun because of the quality compared to NCStars' models. Lot less parallax effect on it, better red dot luminosity and "sharpness", less reflections in the glasses, etc.

I tried one NCStar scope and it sucked. I had a real hard time getting the eye relief and to get a clear image. Also it's way bigger than I expected so I think the red dot was the best option here even though it cost me more.

Thanks for your advices people !

DuffMan April 30th, 2017 19:40

Anyone know where I can get a lexan lens protector custom made?

lurkingknight April 30th, 2017 22:19

buy one of the airsoft ones, toss the shitty plexi lense it comes with and go to a plastics manufacturer and ask them to cut you some appropriate shapes in 3/8" inch lexan/polycarbonate. 1/4" might do as well. It will cost a bit.. but you probably won't have to replace it like the shitty airsoft ones. You'll need to drill the screw holes yourself to mount it to the rail mount, but it'll be much nicer.

I run the speedsoft shield, it's quite thick but I'm reasonably sure it's plexi and not polycarb.

daishi April 30th, 2017 22:27

Go to home depot and buy a lexan sheet for like 20 bucks.

Cut your own.

ThunderCactus April 30th, 2017 23:20


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 2003906)
appropriate shapes in 3/8" inch lexan/polycarbonate. 1/4" might do as well. It will cost a bit.

3/32" of polycabronate would be enough, 1/8" will give you >4j impact protection easily.
3/8" is getting real close to stopping real bullets.

Keep in mind our polycarbonate ballistic glasses are only 2-3mm thick.

DuffMan May 1st, 2017 01:07


Originally Posted by daishi (Post 2003907)
Go to home depot and buy a lexan sheet for like 20 bucks.

Cut your own.

I've purchased an Eotech lexan protector for $9.

lurkingknight May 1st, 2017 08:52


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 2003910)
3/32" of polycabronate would be enough, 1/8" will give you >4j impact protection easily.
3/8" is getting real close to stopping real bullets.

Keep in mind our polycarbonate ballistic glasses are only 2-3mm thick.

ah well then, the claims of the chinese airsoft shields being polycarb are false then because I'm pretty sure they're thicker than 3/32.

Danke May 1st, 2017 23:21


Originally Posted by DuffMan (Post 2003897)
Anyone know where I can get a lexan lens protector custom made?

For what?

We had Bruce on here making awesome ones but he seems to be gone/retired.

DuffMan May 1st, 2017 23:23


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 2003991)
For what?

We had Bruce on here making awesome ones but he seems to be gone/retired.

Just a round 24mm objective

Danke May 2nd, 2017 12:27


Originally Posted by DuffMan (Post 2003992)
Just a round 24mm objective

One of these?

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