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Crunchmeister May 7th, 2008 14:35

Nice... I cannibalized my C8 for its tightbore (since it's still being worked on). Fits beautifully. Just installed some metal bushings and a Modify anti-reversal latch into the 416. Now I should be ready to abuse it on the field for a while... Can't wait to turn it's 21 bb/s hose onto people...

djtbster May 7th, 2008 14:43

ya i upgraded mine from the get go, i use this and my other favorite my 249 para alot

Crunchmeister May 7th, 2008 15:20

Well, I always tended to prefer my M15 rifle, and put the most work into upgrading it (internally) for reliability and performance. I used it in my first game a couple of weeks ago, and was just blown away by its performance, comparing it to the other guns on the field (mostly stock TM and CA). It was even better than my Real Sword Type 56, although a stronger spring would make the Type 56 the better performing and more reliable gun IMO...

Now that my 416 is nicely set up with its accessories, light internal (reliability) upgrades, and big-ass battery, I have a feeling once I use it that it will become my favorite. And then there's my new M249 as well that would be nice to use... Oh, the dilemma of having so many guns...

djtbster May 7th, 2008 16:58

i upgraded to a kingarms reinforce gearbox, placed new internals, and springs, suprisinlgy modify makes wierd springs, because i have an modify m100 spring, and its shoots 390

lekiboy May 8th, 2008 02:47

here is mine:

with Edgi's 6.03 TB 440mm

Lakonian May 8th, 2008 03:19


Originally Posted by djtbster (Post 712552)
ya i upgraded mine from the get go, i use this and my other favorite my 249 para alot

Heheh, you have a 249 para? Very nice ;)

You guys have some awesome setups.... I want a 416 :(

djtbster May 8th, 2008 22:50

im debating on getting the 417 stock, but i would like to fit a 3600+ crance style battery in it, thing is idk if it will fit

KNIVEZS May 8th, 2008 22:55

still can't decide between a TM m14 or a jg hk 416. what do ya think guys?

Qlong May 8th, 2008 23:00

If your battery is orientated this way it might fit, the sides hold 3 sub-Cs each and the cap has a slot which looks like it can accompany 2 more.

I didn't pay much attention to these groves and always put that single battery in the buffer tube, so this didn't allow me to get the stock in its 1st or 2nd position, which was a turnoff. Sadly I figured it out AFTER I sold my 416. BAH!

Qlong May 8th, 2008 23:03


Originally Posted by KNIVEZS (Post 713768)
still can't decide between a TM m14 or a jg hk 416. what do ya think guys?

lol your asking this in a HK 416 thread?

I suggest you look at the first page again...then again.

...and again

Crunchmeister May 9th, 2008 00:39


Originally Posted by Qlong (Post 713773)

Do you know where one could acquire on of these batteries? That 9.6V 3300 mAh battery would be badass in my C8, which now has my 416 crane stock... With the 9.6V 3800 battery in the full stock of my 416, the rate of fire is insane.... I couldn't imagine what a 12V would do. If that wouldn't make the mechbox implode, I don't know what would...

T_A_N_K May 9th, 2008 03:10

I have a 9.6v 2000 mah in the same configuration for my 416. Contact or PM Jugglez he can get you one.

AngelusNex May 10th, 2008 10:54


Originally Posted by Brit ter (Post 712466)
might as well stick a scope on an M-16A3,would look the same!

Yeah but if I'm willing to spend the money/do the work to make a 20" 416 then why not. I mean uniqueness is worth the extra bit of $ and the f*ckload of work to make the parts fit right.

leth1337 May 10th, 2008 16:54


Originally Posted by lekiboy (Post 713099)

where did u get that suppressor?

wildcard May 10th, 2008 20:47


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 713869)
Do you know where one could acquire on of these batteries? That 9.6V 3300 mAh battery would be badass in my C8, which now has my 416 crane stock... With the 9.6V 3800 battery in the full stock of my 416, the rate of fire is insane.... I couldn't imagine what a 12V would do. If that wouldn't make the mechbox implode, I don't know what would...

unless you have a set up meant for the high rate of fire I wouldn't recommend it
going pass the 9.6 2400mah, long time ago i did try it with my HK51 with a Systema speed gear set and a 10.8 3300 mah the bastard was stripped bald at the second trigger pull

MasterGoa May 10th, 2008 20:51


Originally Posted by lekiboy (Post 713099)

The multicolor rail covers are a very nice touch!

Which are they?


Crunchmeister May 10th, 2008 21:29


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 715189)
unless you have a set up meant for the high rate of fire I wouldn't recommend it
going pass the 9.6 2400mah, long time ago i did try it with my HK51 with a Systema speed gear set and a 10.8 3300 mah the bastard was stripped bald at the second trigger pull

I have 9.6V 3800 mAh batties in both my M15 rifle and my 416. I've put about 500 rounds through both the guns now and they seem to be holding up fine. I installed metal bushings in the 416 to made sure the bushings wouldn't disintegrate, and reshimmed it (my first shim job and it seems to be ok). If I strip anything, it will be the gears or piston, which are both easily replaced. I have some spare reinforced gears and a couple of spare pistons lying around just in case.

And I wouldn't go with 10.8V. 9.6V is as high as I want to go. A rate of fire of 20-ish BB/s is more than 'high speed' enough for my liking. Now for my M249 though, I want to make that thing into a BB hose...

wildcard May 10th, 2008 21:34


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 715214)
9.6V is as high as I want to go. A rate of fire of 20-ish BB/s is more than 'high speed' enough for my liking. Now for my M249 though, I want to make that thing into a BB hose...

well in that case I am currently running a 9.6 3300 mah with a sytema motor on one of my Inokatsu M60E3 and it's a hard hitting hose, on my other Inokatsu M60VN I'm running a 10.8 3000 mah and when fired side by side they look to have the same ROF

wildcard May 10th, 2008 21:35


where did you get the multi colored rail covers???

Crunchmeister May 10th, 2008 22:16

They're the same rail covers that I use, and are available in both black and tan sets. I believe he bought 2 sets of guards - 1 black, one tan - and interlocked them like that.

lekiboy May 11th, 2008 06:19


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 715216)

where did you get the multi colored rail covers???


crunchmesiter is right...

its' called the centipede rail cover...they usually come in 3 colors > OD, black and my case, i bought 2 sets of OD and 2 sets of tan. i mixed and interlocked them to produce the needed effect. i used the excess covers for my mp5 navy.

when you are playing in a big event or a team, it is always hard to ID your gun especially when you place them all in one table...this way, you can easily ID them and looks good too, IMHO.

it protects your hands also from teh sharp edges of the AEG.

Rad May 13th, 2008 22:50

nice HK 416 everyone! the hand rail lock on mine now has a loose thread.. damnit. oh well, gotta visit the local bolt and screw center. sigh

PaCHeKo! May 16th, 2008 10:17

I don't want to be a bitch but I ordered my VFC HK416 throught today... Mouhahahaha!

I keep my finger crossed for the full H&K Trades... U.S. version sucks.

Silent_Angel May 16th, 2008 10:52


Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! (Post 719425)
I don't want to be a bitch but I ordered my VFC HK416 throught today... Mouhahahaha!

I keep my finger crossed for the full H&K Trades... U.S. version sucks.

Nice!! Which version did you order? don't know the model name but is it the regular barrel or cqc version or better yet... the DX version?

Gotta save up fast for a HK416 after getting the VFC SCAR

PaCHeKo! May 16th, 2008 11:04

I ordered the regular barrel version... I know the DX version rocks but I really like the standard version so I don't need to speed extra bucks on a version that I don't really care.

I'll get a crane stock for my VFC... I'm looking for a nice finish to fit the beauty of the VFC 416... anyone has an idea?

I'll do something really nice with my JG 416 ;) ... but for now, I need minerals... ehhh... money ;)

Blackspeed416 May 24th, 2008 15:48


Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! (Post 719452)
I ordered the regular barrel version... I know the DX version rocks but I really like the standard version so I don't need to speed extra bucks on a version that I don't really care.

I'll get a crane stock for my VFC... I'm looking for a nice finish to fit the beauty of the VFC 416... anyone has an idea?

I'll do something really nice with my JG 416 ;) ... but for now, I need minerals... ehhh... money ;)

I just went Real Steal CAA Retractable I plan on using the battery compartment for a li-poly battery and getting the cheek piece extension. If not RS I would go G&P Hurricane or some other high quality replica.

PaCHeKo! May 25th, 2008 02:16


Originally Posted by Blackspeed416 (Post 725300)
I just went Real Steal CAA Retractable I plan on using the battery compartment for a li-poly battery and getting the cheek piece extension. If not RS I would go G&P Hurricane or some other high quality replica.

G&P Crane stock ordered ;)

lekiboy May 26th, 2008 11:03


Originally Posted by leth1337 (Post 714976)
where did u get that suppressor?

it's just an ordinary 6 inch suppressor- locally manufactured here in the philippines... but i saw a lot of good suppressors by King Arms and GNP - you can try them.

lekiboy May 26th, 2008 11:05


Originally Posted by MasterGoa (Post 715197)
The multicolor rail covers are a very nice touch!

Which are they?


those are centipede railcovers by D'BOYS. i purchased 2 sets of colors- tan and OD..and mixed them.

Crunchmeister May 28th, 2008 21:28

Cosmetically, it's now complete with the addition of a laser and a Troy-style "meat tenderizer" flash supressor.

And just for kicks, another close-up shot...

AngelusNex May 28th, 2008 21:34

Crunch, I must say, SEXY. and now I will add mine after yet another, and most likely the final painting.
crappy picture but here:

Crunchmeister May 29th, 2008 10:02

Very nice. Nice to see you've substituted the roll of duct tape for spray cans instead... ;)

AngelusNex May 29th, 2008 10:13

Oh no, duct tape is still there, every other mag has duct tape magpulls

Crunchmeister May 29th, 2008 10:25

Well, that's a pretty common use for tape on guns and I approve. May end up doing that to mine as well eventually.

Blackspeed416 May 29th, 2008 19:47

More evolutionary than revolutionary
My Current HK416 setup and yes I do have sexy legs:D
New pieces include
Magpul Enhanced Trigger Guard- what a huge improvement with such a little part
CAA Retractable Stock- a much needed upgrade no more VFC stock clatter
Magpul Ranger Plates- cut a lot of time off my mag swaps

Blackspeed416 May 29th, 2008 20:03


Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! (Post 725590)
G&P Crane stock ordered ;)

The VFC is such a big piece of crap, it clatters like all hell. It took me almost a year before I change mine out and now that its done I wish I would have done it sooner. The gun also feel a whole lot more SOLID in weight and when shouldered. Nothing worse than flanking someone and then lose the element of surprise because your stock made noise while shouldering. I plan on stuffing a 11.4v Li-Poly in the battery compartment so I can lose the mag bag.

Blackspeed416 May 29th, 2008 20:07


Originally Posted by lekiboy (Post 726376)
it's just an ordinary 6 inch suppressor- locally manufactured here in the philippines... but i saw a lot of good suppressors by King Arms and GNP - you can try them.

I'd get a foam filled Halo or Mode 2 if you can get your hands one. Functionality trumps all FTW.

kcrit42q May 29th, 2008 20:08

where did u buy ur H&K 416?

Crunchmeister May 29th, 2008 21:39


Originally Posted by Blackspeed416 (Post 730079)
...yes I do have sexy legs:D

Tho thexy!

lol... Very nice indeed.

And I mean the gun.

Bissa June 2nd, 2008 01:31

i got my gun and before i even got to game it it was broken.
but here it is
still stock on the outside but i just got an m120s and metal everything possible in the gearbox.

Crunchmeister June 3rd, 2008 23:27


Originally Posted by bissa (Post 732687)
i got my gun and before i even got to game it it was broken.
but here it is
still stock on the outside but i just got an m120s and metal everything possible in the gearbox.

Can you elaborate on what broke and under what circumstances?

Drache June 5th, 2008 18:35

Can anyone PM me the length of the inner barrel on a fullstock version? It's got the longer barrel in it and Im not sure of myself to open it up and measure it myself.

Darklen June 5th, 2008 19:20

These are what fit in my HurricanE HK416 Barrels

10.5" = MC51 length (285mm)
14.5" = M4 length (363mm)
16.5" = AK length (455mm)

Blackspeed416 June 6th, 2008 02:17

My VFC 416 with my upper gear.

Gunk June 6th, 2008 02:35

Just got mine from T7 earlier this week...

That and this put together = win :)

More stuff -

ShortCut June 6th, 2008 22:46

Sexy gun... Pure Awsome...

djtbster June 8th, 2008 20:45

added a caw m203 to my 416, took the idea of the new battlfield badcomapny, game as they have a gun called the m416 in the game which is pretty much a 416 with a m203

Blackspeed416 June 9th, 2008 01:26

Kick ass!

Bissa June 9th, 2008 01:33


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 734334)
Can you elaborate on what broke and under what circumstances?

apparently part of the piston broke and from there it just got worse it took out the hop-up, cylinder, and caused severe damage to the spring. so when i got the spring replaced i decided to get it firing to 420ish FPS and figured it would need new gears also just to make sure it could take the increased strain. my next upgrades are RDS, grenade launcher, and a metal body, in that order.

Dusti69 June 9th, 2008 15:05

i like crunchmeisters 416. the rail covers just look like they were made for on it and make it so bad ass lookin
it inspired me to buy a bunch of those rail covers for my aeg's

Qlong June 9th, 2008 15:15

Hey I had those things on before it was even cool ;)

Dusti69 June 9th, 2008 15:26

yea but his was the first i seen

Crunchmeister June 9th, 2008 15:27

Yeah, but you took them off and sold them to me, so that makes you uncool! ;)

Qlong June 9th, 2008 15:29

LOL dammit I want a 416 again.

Dusti69 June 9th, 2008 15:34

also i like the fixed stock look on the 416 better than the adjustable crane stocks. i tried searching ebay for 416's, no luck. sellers have them listed as 614's for some reason. theyre all jg's with adjustable stocks

Crunchmeister June 9th, 2008 15:50

The 614 is the Echo 1 version, which is exactly the same gun. Echo 1 is based in the US. They import JG guns, shim the mechbox properly, clean and regrease the mechbox properly. They then give them a good quality control check - the thing that's lacking in some JG guns (they're generally good, but there's still a lack of QA). They also ensure all tips are painted blaze orange for models sold in the US.

On some models, they'll apply their own Echo 1 trademarks, as in the case of the 614. Other guns like the MP5s are sold with no trademarks and are essentially the same gun as the JG version. Guns sold in the US can't have real-steel trademarks, and they can't use the real HK trades since they're not licensed to do so. Hence the 614.

They then repackage them with their own packaging and sell them as Echo 1. So what you get is a Jing Gong gun that's been serviced for reliability, a better manual (for some models, others come with the Jing Gong manual), and all the parts, batteries and accessories that originally came with JG.

So if you can live without trademarks but want a JG, then the Echo 1 614 is the way to go in the US.

As for my gun, it originally had the crane stock and the 10" barrel. From shooting both my M15 rifle and my C8 carbine, I knew that I preferred the feel of a full stock. And from seeing pics of the 416 with the longer barrel, I knew I wanted that too. It gives it a good visual balance between the front and rear end. I like the crane stock better with the short barrel though. I find it looks too stubby with a full stock and short barrel.

PaCHeKo! June 10th, 2008 08:23


Originally Posted by Dusti69 (Post 738544)
also i like the fixed stock look on the 416 better than the adjustable crane stocks. i tried searching ebay for 416's, no luck. sellers have them listed as 614's for some reason. theyre all jg's with adjustable stocks

Are you looking for a 416 with full stock en ebay? Or are you just looking for a full stock?

Drache June 10th, 2008 20:05

Well here's version 1.1 of my H&K 416CT (Custom Tactical) project:

Motaal June 10th, 2008 20:32

if u are able to get the 10 round mags, it might pass off as a 417, if u want the whole experience try getting the G3 Mags ( First model of the 417 used G3 mags),

Otherwise Great rifle man, i like the grip

Styrak June 10th, 2008 20:35


Originally Posted by Motaal (Post 739721)
iif u want the whole experience try getting the G3 Mags

G3 mags won't fit in an armalite.

Motaal June 10th, 2008 20:37

I mean if its possible to Modify the Well,

Jesus i might be Arab but im not stupid lol

Drache June 10th, 2008 20:39


Originally Posted by Motaal (Post 739721)
if u are able to get the 10 round mags, it might pass off as a 417, if u want the whole experience try getting the G3 Mags ( First model of the 417 used G3 mags),

Otherwise Great rifle man, i like the grip

Actually the project still requires VN style mags, a tightbore barrel, and a silencer (which arrives next week)

Motaal June 10th, 2008 20:40

u might be getting real close to a 417 then, and if u do, i will crown you airsoft king..

Drache June 10th, 2008 20:57


Originally Posted by Motaal (Post 739734)
u might be getting real close to a 417 then, and if u do, i will crown you airsoft king..

If I could mod the gun to accept G3 mags then Id die happy but I dont have the time nor know how to do that lol. :D

Motaal June 10th, 2008 21:05

Lol yea, but its worth looking into, not necessarily doing it, but if u talk about custom, thatll be the only one in the field

PaCHeKo! June 10th, 2008 21:20

Damn I thought I was the first one to release a "custom sniper" Hk416... I guess someone had the same idea. ;) Great rifle... can't wait to see the silencer. :)

Drache June 10th, 2008 21:57


Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! (Post 739790)
Damn I thought I was the first one to release a "custom sniper" Hk416... I guess someone had the same idea. ;) Great rifle... can't wait to see the silencer. :)

Post a pic up of yours Id like to see it! My bloody dialup wont let me load the first page :D

PaCHeKo! June 10th, 2008 22:43

Not done yet. :P Sorry I used the wrong syntax. ;)

djtbster June 10th, 2008 23:00

who the heck still uses dialup!!!!

TokyoSeven June 10th, 2008 23:10

Some folks in very rural areas of provinces still have dial up, and alot of people in the states still have dial up as well. I believe Saskatchewan is the most internet connected province per capita in all of Canada though. Even most of the middle of nowhere boonie towns I know of though have highspeed.

AngelusNex June 11th, 2008 10:26

haha I have a sniper version 416 too bwahaha. I have a 20' barrel tightbore AND VN mags on it. the only things I'm missing are a harris bipod and a silencer.

Drache June 11th, 2008 13:34


Originally Posted by Sepulcrum (Post 740239)
haha I have a sniper version 416 too bwahaha. I have a 20' barrel tightbore AND VN mags on it. the only things I'm missing are a harris bipod and a silencer.

Yeah they arent that rare although I think most people are waiting for an H&K 417 to come out. If I plan on keeping this one around for awhile I would like a metal 416 body for it but they are as rare as hen's teeth it seems.

PaCHeKo! June 11th, 2008 14:03

A 417 would be totaly awesome! But I heard nothing about a upcoming project from any airsoft company. But I guess the first one to release a 417 will get rich...

Drache June 11th, 2008 14:55


Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! (Post 740381)
A 417 would be totaly awesome! But I heard nothing about a upcoming project from any airsoft company. But I guess the first one to release a 417 will get rich...

Until there there is just us few who try to get as close as possible! Now all I want is a metal body!

PaCHeKo! June 11th, 2008 15:00


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 740414)
Until there there is just us few who try to get as close as possible! Now all I want is a metal body!

Good luck and have fun... you'll do what I did ; order a VFC. ;)

Drache June 11th, 2008 15:06


Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! (Post 740420)
Good luck and have fun... you'll do what I did ; order a VFC. ;)

And how much did one of them set you back? :D

Drache June 11th, 2008 15:22

See the problem is generally Ive seen VFC 416's selling for about $1000. To turn that into the plan I want it would drive the cost up greatly.

Gun - $1000
417 or Fullstock - $100
Bipod - $50
Scope - $75
Silencer - $80
G27 Grip - $40
Battery - $30
Tightbore - $50
VN Mags - $80

Total price so far is just over $1500 and that isn't counting the internal upgrades to reach 400fps or more.

So far I've spent just shy of $800 I think and really all I need is a metal body (near impossible I know but I dont NEED one), VN mags, and the tightbore. And mine already hits 400fps+....

PaCHeKo! June 11th, 2008 15:23


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 740423)
And how much did one of them set you back? :D

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean but I'll say 1k from ShootSOFT... still waiting for my package. I made a lot of overtime last month so puting that much for a quality gun dosent affect me that much. I just hope I wont get into trouble with shipping since I didn't have any news of my package since 16th May. I keep my finger crossed.... ;)

Drache June 13th, 2008 02:28


Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! (Post 740436)
I'm not sure if I understand what you mean but I'll say 1k from ShootSOFT... still waiting for my package. I made a lot of overtime last month so puting that much for a quality gun dosent affect me that much. I just hope I wont get into trouble with shipping since I didn't have any news of my package since 16th May. I keep my finger crossed.... ;)

yeah so my figures were correct money wise. It would roughly cost $300+ more going the VFC route to make the same thing although granted you start with a metal body. :D

MasterGoa June 13th, 2008 09:09


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 739688)
Well here's version 1.1 of my H&K 416CT (Custom Tactical) project:

Drache, it is very likely that I would like to have a riser just like yours...

Could you point me where a likely place to get one would be?

It is very likely that I would appreciate any info you are likely to provide...


Crunchmeister June 13th, 2008 09:27

Tu peut t'en procurer un de ebaybanned à l'adresse ci-dessous pour environs $15 canadien.

Drache June 13th, 2008 11:52


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 741960)
Tu peut t'en procurer un de ebaybanned Ã* l'adresse ci-dessous pour environs $15 canadien.

Exactly! You will need to removed that "pin" sort of deal on the bottom of the rail, a good pair of pliars will do that lol.

The rail serves two purposes, first it raises the scope, but the most important is that it keeps the front RIS rock steady! There is no movement in the front RIS anymore!

Blackspeed416 June 13th, 2008 21:40

New Scope

Drache June 13th, 2008 21:47


my poor dialup cant handle it.... :-P

M0nKeY June 14th, 2008 02:16


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 742451)

my poor dialup cant handle it.... :-P

then switch to shaw high speed and say no to slow!

Drache June 14th, 2008 02:28


Originally Posted by M0nKeY (Post 742602)
then switch to shaw high speed and say no to slow!

would if I could but ADSL is not even available where I live....

Qlong June 14th, 2008 02:38

Thats a nice lookin scope there, but I still like the looks of an ACOG better. :)

PaCHeKo! June 15th, 2008 10:07

Any spring & tight bore recommendation for my VFC HK416? 400fps is my limit.

Thank you!

Crunchmeister June 15th, 2008 13:16

An M120 spring would bring you close to the 400 fps mark. However, if you plan on installing a tightbore, you may want to get a lighter spring. My stock 416's spring "settled" to 390 fps (down from 420-430). I was very happy with this. I installed the barrel extender and an M4-length tightbore. Now I'm shooting in the 410-415 range with it. An M110 may be a better choice.

Any good stainless steel tightbore should be fine. I have no idea what brand mine is since I bought it used and the original owner had done the same. I did install a PDI tightbore in my M15 rifle and I'm quite happy with it. A lot of people seem to like the Madbull Black Python as well. I haveone in my Glock 17 and it performs really well. Not the same as an AEG length barrel, but it works well in my pistol.

And thanks to whatever mod cleaned the 'junk' out of this thread.

PaCHeKo! June 15th, 2008 21:30

Thank you Crunchmeister for the advices! I might go for a M110...

Crunchmeister June 15th, 2008 21:46

An M110 should theoretically put you in the 360-ish range. Depending on your barrel length, a tightbore may get you at least another 15-20 I would say, based on my results. You won't be at 400, but 380-ish is still pretty damn respectable. I know my M15 shoots 360 and I wouldn't change a thing with it the way it shoots. My number may be a bit off, but with an M110 and a tightbore, you'll be in the high 300s. With a 120, there's a good possibility you may end up over the 400 mark.

Blackspeed416 June 17th, 2008 19:13


Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! (Post 743417)
Any spring & tight bore recommendation for my VFC HK416? 400fps is my limit.

Thank you!

I'm answering from my phone.
Guarder 110sp brought mine to a 398.1 high and 395 average with .20 and a very stable 350 with .25 +- less than one fps.

TokyoSeven June 17th, 2008 19:18

Oh wow, my guarder SP110 gave me 448fps. However I think it was misslabled. I recently swapped to a modify 90 or 100. I actually cant remeber. I will have to douche check, it was tossing out BBs as a very consistant 389fps with .20s.

PaCHeKo! June 17th, 2008 19:56

Ishhhh 398fps I can't install a tightbore at that velocity..

Blackspeed416 June 17th, 2008 20:44


Originally Posted by PaCHeKo! (Post 745567)
Ishhhh 398fps I can't install a tightbore at that velocity..

I have a tightbore installed.

Blackspeed416 June 17th, 2008 21:00


Originally Posted by Qlong (Post 742611)
Thats a nice lookin scope there, but I still like the looks of an ACOG better. :)

ACOG's are nice but this is more funcitional.
Most Airsoft ACOG's are just red dots and G&P makes a nice 4x32 rep with no illumination.This one has Red Green Lum and is 2-7x32 so I can use it for both CQB with 2xpower and watching where my BB's land on distance shots with the 4-6xpower. The quick releases is a plus warranty is good as well.

Drache June 19th, 2008 20:07

Here's with the silencer on....

Blackspeed416 June 20th, 2008 12:25

Looks Good

Drache June 20th, 2008 12:58

Thanks! All it needs now is a VN mag to complete the exterior looks.....

Bissa June 27th, 2008 00:14

I just got my gun back. I got to game it on Sunday, after about 1500 rounds (I was doing a lot of suppressing fire) it is shooting ≈ 370 with .25s. It is a laser though almost dead on horizontally at 250 feet (I think I’m not incredibly good at distance estimations). i had to replace the hop up, and entire upper gear box, and the "brand new" barrel was rusted to the point that it would have failed catastrophically if used.

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