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FOX_111 December 14th, 2009 22:26


Originally Posted by naminator (Post 1123681)
Or if you really want to fuck with peoples minds.... Play Barbie Girl by Aqua on loud speakers, or some other absolutely annoying but oddly catchy tune that makes you want to dig out your ear drums with a rusty fork.

It work both ways you know.

Unless YOU like Barbye Girl.

six4 December 14th, 2009 22:39

I used this song for background during my "Mogadishu Themed" mini-series of games.....

YouTube- Sami Yusuf Who is the loved one (English-Turkish)

During some of our local games at Bigfootgames, I play stuff like this through the p/a sytem that Bigfoot games has throughout the field.

YouTube- Rainbow Six Soundtrack

YouTube- Black Hawk Down soundtrack

Mp3 players and limewire makes this possible,,lol

Ghost Nine December 17th, 2009 17:44

Music = Distraction = Reduced Situational Awareness = Death

Well, not that many players use situational awareness to their advantage in the first place. :P

Listening to an unsuspecting target walking into my line of fire is music enough to my ears.

Happy hunting.

Wrath144 December 21st, 2009 22:05

When I need a morale boost I just PWN MOAR!!

thecyberpunk December 22nd, 2009 20:10

Here's a video a friend of mine did on the subject, observe the various effects different tunes have on their morale:

YouTube- Musical Convoy

Zk08 June 23rd, 2010 14:56

anything metal! it was my way to get pumped before speedball games! i always play as front player... and it still a good way for airsoft im a kind of kamikaze shock trooper im always one of the first to get hit and i always take 3-4-5 with me :P

teriases June 23rd, 2010 15:25

Music Morale booster?
Purple haze ;)

I love the smell of napalm in the morning!

Rooster June 23rd, 2010 17:04

Holy Necro post Batman!

But on the subject I always listen to "Rooster" by Alice in Chains on my way to a game. lol get's me pumped up..

Oddly though that's not where I came up with my username...

PaddMadd June 24th, 2010 17:42

Metal works quite well.

Especially the song "Lies Lies Lies" by Ministry, anyone who's seen Battle for Haditha will know what I mean.

FOX_111 June 26th, 2010 19:40

Playing the jaw harp on the feild will bring joy to your side and a serious WTF the the other side.

I'll try that next game.

Rooster June 27th, 2010 02:45

Fuck that, bust out the didgeridoo!

Kokanee June 27th, 2010 09:24

This is the most retarded idea I have ever heard. In all seriousness, playing music during a game just doesn't work. Two ways I've seen it done;

A) MP3 player and headphones: Running around with music blasting in your ears, it's pretty hard to hear anyone coming up behind you. I remember this one fellow who I was able to walk right up behind and mercy because he had the music cranked.

Later in the day, after doing nothing but getting whacked by other players constantly, he was complaining about "cheaters"....oh bother.

B) Attach speakers to you w/ mp3 player: So you've got your angry white man music blasting out loud, and you're having a great time. Unfortunately you are broadcasting your exact location to everyone else.

In short, if you want to listen to music while playing airsoft, then the sport might not be for you. Try hitting up some paintball fields that host speedball tournys.

AngelusNex June 27th, 2010 09:48

run around with a banjo as your secondary.

Rugger_can June 27th, 2010 10:03


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1262862)
This is the most retarded idea I have ever heard. In all seriousness, playing music during a game just doesn't work. Two ways I've seen it done;

A) MP3 player and headphones: Running around with music blasting in your ears, it's pretty hard to hear anyone coming up behind you. I remember this one fellow who I was able to walk right up behind and mercy because he had the music cranked.

Later in the day, after doing nothing but getting whacked by other players constantly, he was complaining about "cheaters"....oh bother.

B) Attach speakers to you w/ mp3 player: So you've got your angry white man music blasting out loud, and you're having a great time. Unfortunately you are broadcasting your exact location to everyone else.

In short, if you want to listen to music while playing airsoft, then the sport might not be for you. Try hitting up some paintball fields that host speedball tournys.

Agreed. Music is for BEFORE the game to get you in the mood. Not during.

PaddMadd June 27th, 2010 20:30


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1262877)
Agreed. Music is for BEFORE the game to get you in the mood. Not during.


There's better things to do on an airsoft field, like say playing airsoft.

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