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deep in the bush July 18th, 2009 22:07

The north
My God that is amazing. I want to take a holiday back north again to just Airsoft!!!

Frozen Tex July 18th, 2009 22:14

You'll be more than welcome to play with us. The more the merrier!

deep in the bush July 18th, 2009 22:23

I used to live in Churchill and Thomspson for years :)

Frozen Tex July 24th, 2009 14:04

Too damn many bugs last night... warm, too.

You've heard of Silent Sam? Meet Beekeeper Bob...
Too hot for the field jacket...
So I ditched it (thus presenting the bugs with a smorgasbord). I also had to borrow a gun from the resident airsoft expert after mine stripped a gear or something. He's gonna try to fix it for me.
Whilst our resident airsoft expert makes us drool over his assortment of guns...

We're slowly sucking some more guys in, and have hopes to play into the fall with a steady six or so. :D

Mitchell12 July 24th, 2009 16:49

Awesome stuff, Your start is much the same as here in Newfoundland. Our small Isolated group of 5 or 6 regulars has jumped substantially in just a few years and now we even have 2 teams within among us!

Frozen Tex July 24th, 2009 16:56

That's great; news like that gives us hope here in St. John's North.

Mitchell12 July 24th, 2009 17:00

One piece of advise... establish some form of leader or system. Because when more and more players start coming you'll at times have to make choices on rules and stuff, alot of arguing can happen and nobody likes that.

Frozen Tex July 24th, 2009 17:37

We've got a good leadership core now, i.e. the tiny handful that are playing and actually own our own guns. Not that I'm all that leader-ly, but the other two are. :)

zarbenglphen July 24th, 2009 23:15

Oh, that's not a bug hat. That's a "sniper veil", and it worked great. Nobody could see me and I won every game. I don't even think I was shot once, just kept blasting you fools that were giving away your positions slapping bugs.

The leadership thing will be a big step as our group matures. It's the balance of getting everyone involved and having a good time, but kicking out the troublemakers/lawyers.

Any visitors are always welcome.

Frozen Tex September 7th, 2009 15:31

Just When You Thought We Were Done...
... I post some pics from the last month.

Yeah, most of the pictures are of me... but it's my entry, Zarb was away for most of August, and frankly, I've got the best looking rig.

"He who dies with the most pouches wins!"

Mitchell12 September 7th, 2009 15:34

Looking awesome! kool stuff guys.

Assault Pioneer September 7th, 2009 16:21

how many are you up there?

Frozen Tex September 7th, 2009 16:51

It's small, yet. Three hardcore, with another three to five sometimes/possibles/hopefuls. We're expecting the "hardcore" number to grow over the off-season, as some others aquire gear.

Frozen Tex September 13th, 2009 13:03

A little scouting yesterday... Looking for a new area of operations. As well, we tested out our new Comtac II headsets from Huang. They worked awesome.

And our first tiny foray into video...

YouTube - Cassidy Point Scouting Sep 12 2009

aznpos531 September 19th, 2009 15:44


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1027566)
I love it when a plan comes together...

Loving the tactical cigar! Smoke signals come in handy when your radio breaks down! :p

I wanna come up to play with you guys! Looking good!

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