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F!reStorm* October 9th, 2008 03:41


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 836418)
That's true, for that I need to wait for Pvt Vince to change his loadout for the tenth time this year.

haha, good one. ;)

Ronan October 9th, 2008 03:45


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 836367)
Whether markets are up or down, oil is up or down, makes absolutely zero difference to me. People always need my services, and pay, whether they can really afford it or not. Just like plumbers I suppose.

Some guys live big when the oil cash rolls in, but starve when the market sours. I fail to see how people can really barely make ends meet when they make $30K/month, and don't really own anything. But I digress.

I don't care about a couple dollars difference here or there. You pay what you need to get your product and get the job done.

Just what do you do btw? Feel free to PM the answer. I also know you do a lot of driving... is that just for airsoft games? :D

Rukus October 9th, 2008 09:36

Doesn't really make a difference to me I own some RRSP's but other than that my rate of pay doesn't change.

L473ncy October 9th, 2008 09:55

I was just saying use savings accounts to save your money but if you actually want to invest mutual funds are the way to go, they're not as volatile as penny stocks or blue chip's but you can sure as hell almost guarantee that you will get a good return over the long run (ie. 20-30 years down the road).

If you're young and have money to invest (like extra money kicking around) I would suggest that you get a super aggressive portfolio for the first few years and slowly get more conservative to a more conservative portfolio. This is what I'm going to do.

Penny stocks are fun to play with and super volatile so if you're up to the risk then pick up a few of those and see if you're right and turn a profit. They'll only go one way (up or down) so make sure you pick the right one.

808 October 9th, 2008 10:48

The only savings account I've ever owned is a Registered Savings Deposit account that acts as a buffer between my chequing acct and Registered mutual funds.

I used to trade regularly with Action Direct, and I recommend many of you give it a try one day.

And I strongly recommend each and every one of you get a Tax-Free Savings Account as soon as they are made available. Inquire with your local bank, or an Investors Group Financial Consultant to find out more. Yes, I work for Investors Group by day, no - not as a Consultant.

Because of frugal planning when I was 18 (and younger), my family and I are in a much better financial position than all of my friends of the same age.

Therefore, no, the recent financial issues in the world have not curbed my spending.

Donster October 9th, 2008 11:04

its times like this im glad i have a government job (lifeguard). they will always need me and my salary is contracted, so it wont go down.

huang October 9th, 2008 11:37

CAD to EUR 0.6451€
CAD to USD $0.8798

Chadillac October 9th, 2008 11:47

If your going to just keep your money in the bank, invest in a High Interest Savings account from ING. Essentially, any bank that does not have physical locations(e.g. ING) are able to offer a noticeably larger interest rate, due to lower overhead. I have a whack of money invested in the stock market, in particular GOLD. While gold has grown substatially, the gold companies stocks are not able to reflect that because of the steady downslide due to everyone selling in the low of the market. This is not smart. But really, what can you do... with the market in a low period, in some markets (cough, Oilsands) it is a good time to buy at a low. But enough about our state of affairs...BACK TO AIRSOFT!

grandjayson October 15th, 2008 10:39

Depends on what type of investor you are. But i guess if you have allotted portions of your monthly earnings to investments (paying yourself first), then this market thing won't affect you that much. Even if prices of AEGs go higher (coz you probably have your own already). So I guess, to save a bit, set your weapon to semi or fire at burst of 2 or 3 to save on bbs hehe.... Take advantage of the tax free savings next year (from your savings on bb costs)...

Skladfin October 15th, 2008 11:08


Originally Posted by Dusti69 (Post 840313)
i cant afford whole aegs cept for my kraken that i happened to have 80 dollars at the time. i can afford parts on occasion when i have a bit of money put together. or i have bought stuff with birthday or christmas money. my 416 was my b day present this year and for christmas i might ask for another aeg and use christmas money on airsoft

i have a pretty low budget and a reletively low income... hell might as well say zero since im no longer working at the hospital here
but thanks to ebay and ehobby im managing rather well in my opinion. sure i dont have a tm or ptw or anything but my aegs are pretty nice and have upgrades along with preventative upgrades and metal and wood bodies

if not for ebay and ehobby i wouldnt be able to afford shit with the bits of money i get here and there
plus the fact that airsoft is a lot cheaper down here

you have NO idea what we're talking about do you?

Skladfin October 15th, 2008 11:19

Have you watched or even touched the news lately?

Dusti69 October 15th, 2008 11:41

oh... heh sorry for another sleepless confused post on asc

my mother had $2200 invested in stocks that i had no clue about cuz they keep everything a secret. that is til all the stock market stuff crashed and she had to go meet with a guy about it

Disco_Dante October 15th, 2008 16:46


Originally Posted by 808 (Post 836700)

I used to trade regularly with Action Direct, and I recommend many of you give it a try one day.

If I remember correctly that was an Anarchist terrorist organization in BC back in the 80's.

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