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pawscal September 4th, 2008 23:32


Originally Posted by scooby (Post 810555)
I play out at Georges field, and my custom built m4 is definitly the fastest shooting gun around.

His KWA does hall ass though!

Hmmm I Got a balls per second feature on my crony.....:D

Ronan September 4th, 2008 23:39


Originally Posted by scooby (Post 810555)
I play out at Georges field, and my custom built m4 is definitly the fastest shooting gun around.

His KWA does hall ass though!

Bah sorry but i hate those high RoF AEG's.... having an M4 shoot a stupid amount of BB's + mid/high cap just ruins my fun...

It's nothing personal, i just think it ruins the milspec side of the game.

Dracheous September 4th, 2008 23:57


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 810564)
Bah sorry but i hate those high RoF AEG's.... having an M4 shoot a stupid amount of BB's + mid/high cap just ruins my fun...

It's nothing personal, i just think it ruins the milspec side of the game.

ROF + airsoft = bullshit milspec.

Your PTW out of the box will shoot faster than the off the shelf M4A1 with a ROF 700rounds/min. That lands it at 11.6999999 rounds a second, out the box your average ((Quality Controlled)) AEG fires anywhere from 14-16rnds/sec.

Look at how crazy SAW builds get, when they push those for high ROF to "milsim" a SAW, M249 typically has a fire rate of 800-900rounds per min which is only 13.3333333/second.

Airsoft ROF's are very different from their real steel counterparts for the most part.

You're just afraid someone will open up on you and lace you with rounds.

Amos September 4th, 2008 23:58


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 810564)
Bah sorry but i hate those high RoF AEG's.... having an M4 shoot a stupid amount of BB's + mid/high cap just ruins my fun...

It's nothing personal, i just think it ruins the milspec side of the game.


Ronan September 5th, 2008 00:04


Originally Posted by Dracheous (Post 810571)
ROF + airsoft = bullshit milspec.

Your PTW out of the box will shoot faster than the off the shelf M4A1 with a ROF 700rounds/min. That lands it at 11.6999999 rounds a second, out the box your average ((Quality Controlled)) AEG fires anywhere from 14-16rnds/sec.

Look at how crazy SAW builds get, when they push those for high ROF to "milsim" a SAW, M249 typically has a fire rate of 800-900rounds per min which is only 13.3333333/second.

Airsoft ROF's are very different from their real steel counterparts for the most part.

You're just afraid someone will open up on you and lace you with rounds.

I'll make it simple, i have problems with people with regular type AEG's (AK, AR, MP5) that have crazy RoF like 30, 40 even freaking 50 rounds/second. Sure their guns will break quickly, but having those guys run around and do the work of a Uber SAW while only carrying a 'MP5' is just wrong.

I don't mind a SAW or similar weapon with crazy RoF (never said i did), hell if its going to make people keep their heads low and not pull a rambo or robocop then thats fine (honestly how many of us would run around while theirs a real SAW shooting us...).

Oh and i won't bother to reply to the last part. Troll bait is just that.

Dracheous September 5th, 2008 00:14

It's not a troll, its stating fact, ANYONE that has an issue with insane ROF is simply just afraid to be laced by the gun.

You said that you did not like high ROF "AEG's because it kills milsim, even your PTW ((which IS a glorified AEG)) fires over typical ROF's of its real steel counterpart. The problem is that your argument of "realistic ROF's" is flawed; the fact that you leave room for SAW's to have insanely higher rates even throws more holes in your milsim requirement. M249's don't actually fire ALL that much faster than your typical M4.

Ronan September 5th, 2008 00:19


Originally Posted by Dracheous (Post 810579)
It's not a troll, its stating fact, ANYONE that has an issue with insane ROF is simply just afraid to be laced by the gun.

You said that you did not like high ROF "AEG's because it kills milsim, even your PTW ((which IS a glorified AEG)) fires over typical ROF's of its real steel counterpart. The problem is that your argument of "realistic ROF's" is flawed; the fact that you leave room for SAW's to have insanely higher rates even throws more holes in your milsim requirement. M249's don't actually fire ALL that much faster than your typical M4.

Think what you want (like always:rolleyes: ) but having one guy with a relative small AEG have the ability to pin everyone down because of insane RoF (or simply spit bb's quick enough to take everyone down in 2 seconds) is ridiculous.

I'm really not sure how more clearer i can make it... do you want me to show it to you or something...?

Dracheous September 5th, 2008 00:26

One guy with a 10rnd/sec rate CAN hold down quite a few people if he knows what he's doing, heck its been done by people using pistols, no automatic fire there.

Styrak September 5th, 2008 00:33

Ahahaha....Ronan being blasted by everyone in this thread.

Ronan September 5th, 2008 00:43


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 810595)
Ahahaha....Ronan being blasted by everyone in this thread.

No just the same troll that follows me around. Someone give him a medal:D

Skladfin September 5th, 2008 00:44

sigh, those 2 are at it again...

Dracheous September 5th, 2008 00:48

Ronan get stuffed,

There is a flaw in what you said, it is simply not true that insane rates of fire are ruining milspec of the game. If someone wants to dump their 80rnd mid cap in 3 trigger pulls, that's a tactical advantage for the other team, draw the fire and avoid getting hit by it. Empty guns can't kill you.

"Relatively" smaller guns should have faster ROFs, ie. an MP5k has a huge ROF advantage over the M4A1, with the MP5k at 15rnds/sec. But you dilute your own claims of milsim by stating that SAW's are fine for the insane rates of fire when that's the only weapon out there you DON'T want shooting insane since the Airsoft guns have anywhere from 2-3000 rounds. Meaning lots of trigger pulls before he's out. Then it comes back to ammo capacities and other huge conflicts of milsims and this being a game.

Grow a pair and stop complaining about ROF.

Styrak September 5th, 2008 00:53

How about you two girls argue in PM's instead of mucking up this media thread

georgehutchison September 5th, 2008 21:15

Only issue with 27 rps is my low cap mags empty in about 1 1/2 seconds. I cant hold a team down with that. maybe if I become the worlds fastest mag switcher everyone might have a bit of trouble but if anything ROF seems more like a really neat novelty. then again the person aiming the gun is the most important. with 27 shoots a second if you cant aim you can waste a LOT of ammo really fast. The first time i used my new gun I was excited and blew though a 100 round mag in the first 2 minutes of the game. I realized how stupid I was when the first shot missed the other 30 missed too.

Yes by the way I forgot about scoobys gun. you really cant get out of the way from that thing. really is the nicest at the field.

Azriel_Strife September 11th, 2008 19:10

3 Attachment(s)
More KWA M4A1 Pics, Got mine for $500 Shipped from Mopic a couple months ago. MOPIC RULES!

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