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Greylocks August 13th, 2006 16:41

There is no answer to your question.
It's like asking how much air do you breathe in a day; "it depends" is the only answer.

Rumpel Felt August 13th, 2006 17:23

Exactly. I wasn't trying to PROVE everything like most people like to try and reason it. In my opinion and experience .2's has just worked better for me. I should mention I don't hang back and try to pick people off that often either.

Deathcom4 August 13th, 2006 17:30

i try and use around 2 star mags indoor per game outdoors as little as 500 rnds

Droc August 13th, 2006 17:36

both wok, but if your upgraded, use .25g without question. They may move slightly slower, but they travel further, are not effected as much by wind or leaves, travel flatter. Rember, its 25% more mass then the .20g

LUTNIT already outlined some reasons, so Im not gonna hit on them, but there are several good threads discussing this.
Rember for GBBs, they are designed for .25g or heavier.

I use .25g
and only .25g
If I run out of .25g and have a bag of .20g sitting beside me, Ill run back to base for more .25g

Identity August 13th, 2006 18:17


Originally Posted by []D[][]\/[][]D

Originally Posted by LUTNIT
As long as your hopup is set right, both will have the same range, the 0.25's will have a tighter grouping at any range, the only advantage of 0.20's is they will get there faster but such a small difference in travel time is pretty much meaningless at the ranges airsoft is played at.

When I purchased my TM SIG 552 SEALs gun it came with a bag of 200 .25g BB's. I just tried them out for the first time today and you were right about the tighter grouping. I had to adjust my hop-up a little differently though cause like 75% of the settings I tried were totally inaccurate. But once I found that right setting, it was so accurate. When I was using .20g BB's, even with the right hop-up setting at least 2 out of 4 shots were inaccurate. Mind you, that I'm shooting my gun indoors and about 20 feet away from the target box. So the results would probably be different if I were outdoors and further away from my target.

You wont see the difference between hopup from 20ft away...
Hopup becomes effective when your target is 50ft and more away.

Bring your gun out one day.
Where are you located by the way? Im looking for a place to play which is close by where I live.... :(

O yeah acurracy for get that, theres no accuracy in airsoft unless your a sniper. Most poeple spray like mad. Im heavy on the trigger so most times I use more than 75% of the bag.

tunabreath August 13th, 2006 18:29

The line of reasoning that 0.05g shoudn't make much difference is silly. Yes, 0.05g wouldn't make any sort of difference for the items the size of what we manipulate in our lives daily. However, for a 0.20g BB that's a 25% difference in mass (more than the percent loss of velocity). When considering momentum (with the previously stated 1.79J example), the speed reduction still has less effect than the mass increase (.20g @ 400fps is about 24gm/s, .25g @ 370fps is about 28gm/s).

Deathcom4 August 13th, 2006 19:30

i think im going to start using .25 for now on

LUTNIT August 13th, 2006 20:27


Originally Posted by Droc
If I run out of .25g and have a bag of .20g sitting beside me, Ill run back to base for more .25g

I thought you used foul language when you ran out of 0.25's?

Droc August 13th, 2006 20:35


Originally Posted by LUTNIT

Originally Posted by Droc
If I run out of .25g and have a bag of .20g sitting beside me, Ill run back to base for more .25g

I thought you used foul language when you ran out of 0.25's?

sometimes both.
in a pinch, I can swamp to a backup pelvic thrust.

attack-beaver August 13th, 2006 21:28

most of the out door games i go to i'll shot off about 700-800 rounds thats normal for me but i double tap most of my shots and i very rarely use full auto on my G3 because theres not point most of bb's well either not make it to the target or miss so i use primally semi fire. indoor i'll use maybe around 600 thats good for me on a bad day i can easily get off 800+

GMTII August 13th, 2006 21:46


6ft4 August 13th, 2006 23:16

usually use at least 10,000 bbs for a day games.

gaifaun August 14th, 2006 00:02

I've got some pretty good deals for KSC .20 .25 TM .20 .25 .30 BBs here

Spitfire August 14th, 2006 04:06

i'd buy a bag of 0.2 bbs... 4000 should be ok for you if you aren't triggerhappy... also just shot if you can hit someone, don't just shot for fun :wink:

PS: also swiss quality :cool:

ILLusion August 14th, 2006 05:09

I've been in games where I've had to fire ZERO shots.

I hope that helps you much in your quest.

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