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warplane95 March 16th, 2015 20:19

VFC is in the top 3. not our fault

Derpnation March 16th, 2015 21:02

woah wait a second..warplane shows that you are from moncton? Like NB moncton?

targetGspot March 16th, 2015 22:11

I held off on doing a build up until I had a really good idea off what I wanted from it. I used, owned a bunch of different guns and still have 4 aeg's including my project gun. I found it impossible to buy a high rof gun with high fps. High fps out of box is easy, high rof out of box hard to find and very pricey. Getting av'd proved way more trouble than it was worth for me. So when I went ahead with a full buildup I opted to go nuts. The result is an awesome gun that resembles no actual m4 but has great rof and high fps. I gamed her all last summer after destroying the piston in test fires and replacing it before the season with no other issues. My budget was similar to yours and I stayed within it but with a bit of help from a couple spare parts and some discounted parts from a local shop. Make sure you ask around about compatibility first and make sure you know how to use a dremel if you decide to go ahead with a build.

chaz March 16th, 2015 22:14

Or just jump on the VFC band wagon :)

Derpnation March 17th, 2015 13:45

I'm going to save up for a VFC PDW I think and if I get AV'ed before then I'll have a look at the classifieds !!

brock0 March 17th, 2015 14:31

The PDW is nice if you don't mind having a battery box up front.

warplane95 March 17th, 2015 15:04


Originally Posted by Derpnation (Post 1938934)
woah wait a second..warplane shows that you are from moncton? Like NB moncton?

no, like moncton japan hahahahaha.
Yeah, moncton new brunswick :D

EOD Steve March 17th, 2015 15:32

Surprised nobody mentioned Krytac.
Stock for stock, they're better than VFC both internally (factory 3034 MOSFET, stronger gears) and externally (ingenious ambi-selector switch; better thought-out battery compartment and routing)

On another note, VFC is finally revamping their 2015 gearboxes for the VR series guns to improve the piston, tappet plate and gears. Downside - the solid bushings are replaced by bearings. Possible integrated MOSFET.

But North American market continues to get shafted with VR series engraved receivers for the most part.
Now if only there were guns with Avalon externals and Krytac internals....

Derpnation March 17th, 2015 18:24

Build or buy?

Originally Posted by warplane95 (Post 1939051)
no, like moncton japan hahahahaha.

Yeah, moncton new brunswick :D

Haha yeah I know stupid question but that's awesome!!! Anything you can tell me about getting started in our area?? I live in Harvey station/McAdam and will be in Saint John for 6 weeks! I've been to a field in Freddy but I really don't know of anymore places to be honest as for getting AV'ed in our area I'm guessing is a long shot😕 but who knows! Hopefully sometime I'll see you at a field!! I'll probably be busy this summer but I'll hit the fields big time before and during the fall hopefully if they are still open

brock0 March 17th, 2015 18:52


Originally Posted by EOD Steve (Post 1939059)
Surprised nobody mentioned Krytac.

Yuck, although I guess unless you splurge you'll only get the VFC logo too.

EOD Steve March 17th, 2015 19:14

Most licensed Daniel Defense, Noveske, Barrett, Colt, KAC VFCs have traditionally always sold for well north of $500, compared to $300 (as low as $230 USD) for VFC E-series or the now VR series.

But hey! at least Krytac's are engraved. Have you seen the G&G trades? LOL...

Just wait till Krytac releases their Warsport-licensed LVOA cerakoted replica, all of the AngryGun Wirecutter fanboys are gonna seppuku themselves.

Danke March 17th, 2015 19:34


Originally Posted by EOD Steve (Post 1939059)
Surprised nobody mentioned Krytac.

cry tac and let slip the squids of war.

That was a good movie (as I recall it at least).

brock0 March 17th, 2015 19:50

It's a tough life being a trade whore! :) An expensive one too... and I'm guilty as charged.

Zack The Ripper March 17th, 2015 20:16


Originally Posted by EOD Steve (Post 1939106)
Just wait till Krytac releases their Warsport-licensed LVOA cerakoted replica, all of the AngryGun Wirecutter fanboys are gonna seppuku themselves.

No, because I'm just going to buy the Krytac model as well. Their .22LR version as well.

Besides, KAC lower 'til I die. Ambidextrous for the win.

warplane95 March 17th, 2015 20:18


Originally Posted by Derpnation (Post 1939092)
Haha yeah I know stupid question but that's awesome!!! Anything you can tell me about getting started in our area?? I live in Harvey station/McAdam and will be in Saint John for 6 weeks! I've been to a field in Freddy but I really don't know of anymore places to be honest as for getting AV'ed in our area I'm guessing is a long shot�� but who knows! Hopefully sometime I'll see you at a field!! I'll probably be busy this summer but I'll hit the fields big time before and during the fall hopefully if they are still open

This summer i'll play with ANB (Airsoft New Brunswick), AV is super simple for the ANB forum.
Most of the game will happen in Moncton and Freddy. The last game will happenthe 2nd december.

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