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MultipleParadox November 12th, 2014 08:38

Go have fun and keep your head high.

At worst, some jerk might laugh at you, then you can still shoot retard and laugh at him.

At best, you might just become an inspiration for others in similar situations or people with low self-esteem

As said before, if you choose your game right, with a mature player base, you should encounter no issues. The most important is to play at your own pace. Don't try to imitate the others if you feel you can't, adapt your play style to your body. Pretty much everyone has to do this anyway

Good luck

hollywood... November 12th, 2014 11:45

everyone is usually too busy laughing at me - so you are good to go!

FirestormX November 12th, 2014 12:14

It's unlikely that anyone will laugh at you. As stated, it's a pretty mature community, where gear is expensive, and assholes don't get invited out much.

You sound capable of playing, so I think you should be fine if you come out!

What area are you in? I'm sure there'll be ASC members around you who'll bring you out to your first game, if you would like some support. If you're in the Greater Toronto Area, you're welcome to come out with me and my friends.

Aper November 12th, 2014 12:20

All I got to say is don't limit yourself because you might get scared atbeing rejected for whatever handicap you might have. Like previously mentionned, 98% of the airsoft community is mature and very friendly, regardless if you're black/asian/handicapped/from Quebec.


nardac November 12th, 2014 12:47

If you're in the London area, I'd welcome you to come out to Nairn field. Just as the guys have said, let others know you will be playing with some limitations. There is always a role for everyone, maybe you won't be sprinting around the field, maybe stealth and ambush is your game. We have had players bring friends out who were still treated with respect, our field wouldn't stand for anything else. As stated by others, it's a pretty accepting group to join.

Kokanee November 12th, 2014 12:52

Try sniping, a lot less moving around quickly; might be more suited to you.

mrjaybles123 November 12th, 2014 15:38

Tanks guys for replying to this. This made me feel much better and alot less nervous :)

Enthusiast November 12th, 2014 15:54

I hope you will have fun.

waylander November 12th, 2014 15:56

It's always a bit nervous your first time out and I can understand how it would be even more so for you.

Don't stress too much about it, go have fun, find a role you can play even if it's "hold this trail" or "defend the base". At least you're out slinging plastic. As you get more used to it you can try more to the limit of your ability.

Last big game I played an older, heavier gentlemen carried a camp chair around with him. no one made fun of him for it

Red Dot November 12th, 2014 17:47

Play with friends, it's all good. Great hobby and helpful community. If you are comfortable and post where you are I'm sure others will come out from the forum and support you. I'm in the Toronto area and wouldn't mind company at some walk-on games over the winter. :)

HackD November 13th, 2014 14:54


Originally Posted by mrjaybles123 (Post 1919493)
Hey guys so I have this physical problem that affects my coordination or my motor skills like running, etc. So basically I want to get out and play but Im worried that people will laugh at me because of my problem. What should I do!?

Absolutely do NOT be afraid to enter into this sport as a physically limited or disabled player!

You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose!

I speak from experience.

I entered into this as a method of physio rehab after going through problematic hip replacement procedures. I also have brittle bone issues (i break easy) along with a host of other disease related physical health issues.

I have played for 3 years now - when i am well enough to do so. Never have i encountered issues with players or organizers.

I do advise you to fully disclose your limitations during any briefing made - so others are aware of your medical fragilities and play accordingly when you are in the cross-hairs.

HackD November 13th, 2014 17:26


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1919515)
I biffed it running across flat cement and smashed by $2,000 gun all over the ground.

You have physical limitations the same as everyone else. If you can traverse a variety of terrain and shoot straight, without keeling over from a heart attack, you can play. Just do it at your own pace. If you're in a wheelchair, then outdoor airsoft may not be for you.

Regarding the wheelchair - check this Cat out..

Hitting the keywords airsoft and wheelchair brings up a surprising number of hits.

As for I.. at the end of the 2nd season, when i found out that the hips weren't getting any better post-op, and weren't going to get any better .. i had the conundrum of dealing with a seeming 12 year old mind, trapped inside what was rapidly turning into an 80 year old body. Either i had to give it up, concede defeat and take up a lame sport like golf as the doctor recommended, or i could use an assistive device to enable playing on... enter the Redneck Wheelchair, based upon a very cheaply obtained ATV found on Kijiji.

Shirley November 14th, 2014 07:43

I always hear this same situation. I train people, I'm a personal trainer.
Here's a thought.
People are afraid to go to the gym because of how they look and perform.
Same thing applies to you and airsoft.
The difference is you get off your ass and go to the gym. They can laugh all they want, you gotta start somewhere.

Look at how many people out there that want to play Airsoft but can't because of costs and age.
If you have the option, then do it. Airsoft is intense, you'll sweat off calories and fat like no tomorrow, even standing in one spot.

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