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tintin1223456 January 20th, 2012 15:22

I just picked up this ICS GSG 522 for $149.99

It shoots 330 fps (.2g bb)
ROF is 16 rds

robp January 24th, 2012 23:43

Hey guys. Brand new here, played airsoft for my first time last Saturday.

I just bought this exact same gun. I can't find any information on it, except that it seems identical to the ICS GSG 522.

If anybody knows any more info on it, that would be great. I especially would like to be able to get another mag or a better battery if necessary?


robp January 24th, 2012 23:44

anybody ever heard of tactical force?

seems mysterious

Styrak January 25th, 2012 00:01

Yes, it's a company that rebrands shitty guns.

robp January 25th, 2012 01:42

Lol aaaawesome.
Thanks for the reply

tintin1223456 January 26th, 2012 11:00


Originally Posted by robp (Post 1594628)
Hey guys. Brand new here, played airsoft for my first time last Saturday.

I just bought this exact same gun. I can't find any information on it, except that it seems identical to the ICS GSG 522.

If anybody knows any more info on it, that would be great. I especially would like to be able to get another mag or a better battery if necessary?


It is an ICS GSG 522, on the box it even says "Made in Taiwan by ICS". Everything on this thing is plastic. It shoots 330 feet per second, and 16 rounds per second. It seems pretty accurate. I wouldn't pay $300 for it, but for $150 it is pretty good deal. If you want an extra mag, any "MP5" mag should fit. I think the battery is pretty good. It is a tight fit already, I don't think you will be able to get a larger battery in there. I wouldn't collapse and extend the stock too much, the plastic disc that locks the stock in place will eventually wear out, and your stock won't lock into the extended position anymore. That's what happened to my MP5 (Aftermath Lycaon), so I had to replace it with a full stock.

I have another MP5 (aftermath Lycaon). I tried to interchange some parts (front sight, stock), they don't fit. Probably because this is based off of a GSG-522, which looks like a HK MP5, but is slightly different.

venture January 26th, 2012 11:38

This gun is exactly as described in the post above. It is quite accurate, but as stated the compatibility is a bit off. TM MP5 mags sometimes have feed problems. We have switched to the GSG522 RIS instead of this ICS model. The 522 RIS takes TM mags and is fully TM compatible for parts. Plus it has a metal upper receiver.

JLiang January 26th, 2012 19:09

From what I've heard, I believe the GSG is the hunting version of the Mp5; Again, I could be completely wrong. I've seen those ICS's in stores, and I even got to feel one of them. The thing seems to be made from 60% plastic, with the metal parts being the mag jacket, the internals, the cocking handle, the stock, and the trigger assembly. It's pretty hefty, I'd say pretty good, but I chose a FAMAS over that purely due to it's longer barrel.

robp January 26th, 2012 19:29

really appreciate the feedback.

Venture - do you know if the MP5 mag on your website will fit this gun? If you're getting more in soon, I would most likely order a couple.


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