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The Chad June 15th, 2010 22:07


Originally Posted by dutch13 (Post 1255463)
wearing jump wings that haven't been earned insults former airborne...i know this for a fact...

What the airborne is known forever in the history books for is not insulting enough?

Seriously though. This is kind of a pathetic thread, I mean, why does it make so many poeple blush when someone wears an insignia?
I see punk rockers and those types wearing all sorts of shit and they DEFACE them. Why not direct your efforts to the people that do not wear them with respect and admiration?

I'm going to keep on proudly displaying my Canadian Flag and wearing my 2GSBN shirt or anything else I want because I earned the right to.

pugs144 June 15th, 2010 22:13


Originally Posted by The Chad (Post 1255471)
What the airborne is known forever in the history books for is not insulting enough?

What, Somalia? In the public eye maybe, but for those who served in the Regiment, Somalia is an unfortunate but very small footnote in the CAR's history.

The Chad June 15th, 2010 22:23

All I really wanted to say in less words is, why does it matter?

Fromt he outside looking in, it's like how we react to n00bs entering the sport. Or how seasoned skateboarders get upset when they see posers.

It's all vanity, grow some and realize that if you are or were CF you're doing all you do without expecting as much as a fucking thank you.

Didn't plan to offend anyone, just hoping some will realize how childish and selfish this is.

shiftsup June 15th, 2010 22:54

Does this kind of disapproval also apply to those wearing Second World War impressions in the field or at living history events?

I'll include the maroon beret with ww2 brass in this for arguments sake.

Just curious.

The Chad June 15th, 2010 23:05

I would say if you stopped shift, history will become farther and farther away. I always enjoy seeing what you're gonna show up with at FR games.

shiftsup June 15th, 2010 23:42

Yeah I don't have a big hard on for the rank and insignia myself. But they do add to the impression substantially.

I know some impressions could meet with more disapproval (5th Ranger/ 101st AB)than others (6FJR and FSSF *as those units don't exist anymore*).

Just not sure how wearing uniforms from more than 65 years ago could be understood as some sort of misrepresentation.

iceman3994 June 15th, 2010 23:50

Being retired CF and also Jump qualified both with my CF Jump Wings and my US Army Jump wings, I do not mind members wearing them as long as it is done on the Airsoft field and not down town Toronto in a bar trying to pick up women.

Airsoft is an escape from reality. Some people were not able to serve their country due to a medical condition or eye sight or some other thing. But for a moment every weekend they can imagine and experience to some extent teamwork, and being a part of a team or unit. Improving their skills.

Does it matter what they wear? No. It is about getting out and doing what you love. As long as respect to what you wear is shown then go ahead.

yourself June 15th, 2010 23:54

Well i think military insignias are fine, just not rank patches.

moz_boz June 16th, 2010 00:46

I would say that wearing a unit flash or insignia would be a way of showing your support for that particular unit, would it not?

Danke June 16th, 2010 01:45


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1255514)
Yeah I don't have a big hard on for the rank and insignia myself. But they do add to the impression substantially.

I know some impressions could meet with more disapproval (5th Ranger/ 101st AB)than others (6FJR and FSSF *as those units don't exist anymore*).

Just not sure how wearing uniforms from more than 65 years ago could be understood as some sort of misrepresentation.

Maybe if you were in your 80s and dressed in a 65 year old rig some folks would think you were posing

Percuvius June 16th, 2010 08:57

I worry about this as much as I worry about someone wearing an NHL sweater who has never played for an NHL team.

pugs144 June 16th, 2010 09:18


Originally Posted by Percuvius (Post 1255618)
I worry about this as much as I worry about someone wearing an NHL sweater who has never played for an NHL team.

Apples and oranges.

Spawn28 June 16th, 2010 09:33

Well all i can say is im gonna wear whatever i want at airsoft games and other than the game admin what gives you the right to get all pissy its a fuckin game i wear 3 different Rank insignias and multiple unit patches get over it. That being said i would never go downtown wearing any of it. Thats just stupid. If you get upset with a patch someone else is wearing at a GAME maybey you should take a step back and think ITS JUST A GAME!!!! we are here to have fun not critisize

ITS CALLED MILITARY SIMULATION FOR A REASON to simulate the MILITARY in any way you see fit.

Too each his/her own....Takes all kinds to make the world go round.... i could go on all day

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