Scooby Steve |
February 6th, 2008 14:06 |
Originally Posted by lindseyhunt1090
(Post 635208)
just to make this easier on me and not make me look through old threads can you just tell me where to get a good m4 or mp5 for under 500. that is metal and has some good features. also whats better gas or electric. my guess is gas. gimme a quick brief on some stuff i should look for and look out for
This is where I thought hell was going to be unleashed but it didn't happen. Amazing, thought I, but it's coming. Still didn't happen. As I recall, it was around 0300 so I thought I'd wait for the inevitable and in the meantime watch Ronan work his magic.
Originally Posted by Scooby Steve
(Post 635225)
You really should read the FAQs because all of your questions are answered there.
As for age-verification you have to meet with a Verifier and if it involves travelling or taking time from something else, well, you have to make that effort. There's a lot of great stuff in the sales forums.
Filling in your Profile would be a start.
This is post #23. After this I thought I was in an alternate universe.
Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers
(Post 636354)
we rly need a thread stickyed called "the water cooler"
This is post #187. Did anyone else notice that when Ronan "fixed" it in post #188 it became "we rly need a thread stickyed called "R onan's Shack"? I don't know if it was intentional but by not making the "R" bold it became Onan's Shack. Onan was a biblical character who spilled his seed upon the ground, what we would call masturbated.
The whole thing was very weird to see develop in real time.