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pusangani February 6th, 2008 10:29


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 635468)
Well holy shit on a ham sandwich! What do we have here? I never thought this possible! I thought I'd have a better chance of seeing Michael Jackson in a willing, sexually active relationship with an adult woman than what I'm witnessing here. I still can't quite believe my eyes...

ASC members are being polite, respectful, and incredibly helpful to a noob that asks a bunch of questions that are already answered in the FAQs and guides. You guys are really rolling out the red carpet rather than pulling the welcome mat out from under a noob. How can this be?

Oh yeah, I guess the fact that the said noob has breasts makes all the difference in the world. Had a male (or non-gender-disclosed) noob shown up in here asking the same questions (and they have MANY times in my brief 3 months here) without reading the FAQs, they would have had Greylocks sicked on them, been raked across the coals multiple times, and been torn about 7 new assholes by now. And holy crap, with a comment like "just to make this easier on me and not make me look through old threads" would normally be greeted by an angry mob with torches and pitchforks. Wow.... what a difference it makes when a woman shows up!! It actually shows that ASC members actually have the capacity to be nice to noobs. Whoda thunk it? The mysteries of the universe never cease to amaze me...:confused:

Now that this is out of the way, welcome, Lindsey. Enjoy your stay. I'm sure you'll find this little online community quite informative and at times, entertaining.Seems like you have managed to avoid the "STFU AND GO READ N00B!!!" comments our new members tend to usually get hammered with. And as you've discovered, members here have the capacity to be quite helpful when they choose to be. Guess that's what happens when all the boys in the thread are drooling over the thought of a woman with a gun. lol

You say you served in the CF. Details please. I'm curious.

for real, i was expecting a flamefest when i saw this thread was 10 pages long, go outside and meet a real chick lol

Crunchmeister February 6th, 2008 10:47

Yeah... I was amazed. I took no notice to the OP's user name at first. I saw the first post and seeing "I want a good gun for $300-400..." then the subsequent "spoonfeed me so I don't have to look it up myself..." comment, and couldn't figure out why everyone was being so nice. It was bordering on creepy, really... lol

And yeah, I think some guys need to go out and get laid without assistance from the Internet. lol

Blitzz40 February 6th, 2008 10:48

This is an Epic thread and must be stickied for 2 reasons!

First, how people are nicer to female noob, well i love that it shows that you have some education, and second because each Epic thread have his Epic post. And the palm goes to Savage Haggis for this post :
Lindsay, just a heads up to dealing with Ronan

It should be in the top 5 How to stab a guy, who want to f****, in the back
What a cruel way to cut a guy ambition.....................i really like you!!


Ronan February 6th, 2008 10:50

I would post what happen after but heh you guys are being jerk so :p

Mapcinq February 6th, 2008 10:53

This is just getting more and more confusing

Danke February 6th, 2008 10:57


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 636458)
I would post what happen after but heh you guys are being jerk so :p


Originally Posted by mapcinq (Post 636462)
This is just getting more and moe confusing

Any port in a storm!

Blitzz40 February 6th, 2008 10:58


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 636458)
I would post what happen after but heh you guys are being jerk so :p

Come on Ronan, real men can laught about themselves from time to time. If they dont people will do it for them!! ;)

What happen?

So do you have some photos to share ! ;)

Ronan February 6th, 2008 11:06


Originally Posted by Blitzz40 (Post 636472)
Come on Ronan, real men can laught about themselves from time to time. If they dont people will do it for them!! ;)

What happen?

So do you have some photos to share ! ;)

Actually i do have a picture on what i 'got' on my birthday night... but we aren't allowed to post nude pictures :( I'll show you at the Mill on the cam ;)

pusangani February 6th, 2008 11:13


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 636470)
Any port in a storm!

LOL I had a sleezy uncle who always used to say that (no he didnt molest me)

kalnaren February 6th, 2008 11:13


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 636475)
Actually i do have a picture on what i 'got' on my birthday night... but we aren't allowed to post nude pictures :( I'll show you at the Mill on the cam ;)

Nude little tabletop Dungeons and Dragons models don't count.

Blitzz40 February 6th, 2008 11:34


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 636479)
Nude little tabletop Dungeons and Dragons models don't count.

LoL you've just made me remember this Classic!

YouTube - Your helmet is so big ...

Ronan February 6th, 2008 11:39


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 636479)
Nude little tabletop Dungeons and Dragons models don't count.

I wouldn't know anything about that:rolleyes:

Danke February 6th, 2008 11:46


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 636478)
LOL I had a sleezy uncle who always used to say that (no he didnt molest me)


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 636496)
Oh, I see we ar both boy, now what do I do with my gigantic bonair?:rolleyes:

Of course I am only doing the joking here.

Cassius February 6th, 2008 11:50

Is that a 14 pages thread on Ronan trying to hit on a chick via internet?

Brakoo February 6th, 2008 11:52


Originally Posted by Cassius (Post 636507)
Is that a 14 pages thread on Ronan trying to hit on a chick via internet?

YES ! No wait it's meant to be a noob that's about to get flamed but somehow it turned in a totally different deal.

Hey Cassius you look hot in that skirt, wanna come over tonight ? ;)

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