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Yuu December 13th, 2007 21:54


Originally Posted by Griffin (Post 594783)
Try sending another email, I know his wife Jennifer told over phone other day they have been swarmed with emails.

I want too but, gah! They're already swamped with another E-mails. :mad:

kalnaren December 13th, 2007 22:05


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 594472)
My first A&A experience was a bit underwhelming, but partially due to the product I bought. The Firepower F4 carbine (yeah, piece of crap) essentially fired 10 rounds before the mechbox blew apart. And the KJW M9 shipped with a broken mag. But Mark accepted it back (at his expense for shipping) and we made arrangements to upgrade to the CA M15A4 instead. I had that and the new M9 mag in a few days.

So in the end, he made things right in a timely manner, and what more can you ask from a retailer? They'll get more of my business in the future for sure.

Still better than mine... 50% of my order was wrong and I had to send it back at my expense.

Rukus December 14th, 2007 12:04

Yah I had registered and activated my account, but the prices weren't there, I'll have to check again because apparently it takes a few min-hours for them to show up.


Originally Posted by Shooting Chef (Post 594502)
Hey Rukus...have you registered yet on the new site. If you haven't then that's probably why the prices are not showing. I had thesame problem but after I registered, the prices showed up.

NOTE TO FORUM MODERATOR...Please update the link on the Canadian Retailers to link to the A&A site:

Danke December 14th, 2007 12:54


Originally Posted by Rukus (Post 595175)
Yah I had registered and activated my account, but the prices weren't there, I'll have to check again because apparently it takes a few min-hours for them to show up.

I got an auto-reply when mine went live.

Styrak December 14th, 2007 16:18

Just registered and the prices aren't there.

Hectic December 14th, 2007 17:03

earlyer in the week I e-mailed Mark and he gave me acsess almost rite away
now i can see it all
cudos to Mark the new site is awesome and with a few more tweeks it will be by far the best airsoft web site around.

Styrak December 14th, 2007 17:16

Now the prices are showing up for me. Strange.

Hectic December 14th, 2007 17:23

I think Mark has to "grant you access" so that could be why it takes a bit of time I told him my ASC name and sent 2 e-mails back and forth just talking about prices and he gave me none maybe I was being a pest so he's like okay I gave you full access.

kalnaren December 14th, 2007 18:23

God forbid people should just be patient.

whoha December 15th, 2007 08:02

hi all,

thnaks for all the support here and the site is still a prject not done as I rolled it out before I had it all done but it was close enough to get it up. great feedback from everyone on the bugs and such and anything you find or want us to try and to the site let me know. I think the site is faster and once I find all my broken pictures i will start putting new items up. thanks again everyone.
oh remember filling out a false address is not a good thing to do.make sure you have in your birth date also if your asc approved this helps or if your on an airsoft team let me know as we are working on team rates for teams so that I can give some deals. Now as we move into the christmas season things will slow down as I'm one person and I check out every signup to keep underage and spammers out. so I'm away this weekend as I need a break so saturday night dec 15 till mid afternoon dec 16 I'm not around. if you need answers quick ask one of my gunsmiths thundercactus on asc



Tex December 15th, 2007 08:08

new site looks great and yes I would agree it is faster. I see no prices though is that just a bug? or part of the you checking every sign up? O never mind I did not sign in.

Skladfin December 15th, 2007 11:59

yay finally approved

Donster December 15th, 2007 12:03


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 595750)
yay finally approved


Actually_Infactually December 15th, 2007 12:14


Originally Posted by whoha (Post 595689)
Now as we move into the christmas season things will slow down as I'm one person and I check out every signup to keep underage and spammers out. so I'm away this weekend as I need a break so saturday night dec 15 till mid afternoon dec 16 I'm not around. if you need answers quick ask one of my gunsmiths thundercactus on asc

:eek: Taking the weekend off!? Who does that!? /end sarcasm

Definitely take that time off - in fact, take the whole weekend off, I would think most of us do. Don't burn yourself out. I am of the belief that people work to improve their quality of living and work should not detract from one's quality of living. Obviously there are periods in the year where there can be super long days but it shouldn't become the norm.

And from a completely selfish perspective, it would SUCK to lose a retailer because he worked so much and so hard that he lost interest and stopped enjoying it. My 2ยข.

Mr. G36! December 19th, 2007 15:21

Wow, still waiting! Either my account was overlooked, or Mark hates me, ha ha. I guess I'll have to contact him and see what's going on...

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