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QKLee11 February 21st, 2010 19:29

Canadian Load Out

Originally Posted by warbird (Post 1133038)
Random CANSOF guy;)

This will probably be my loadout for next summer. Wearing a Huang RRV. I'll be getting an Aimpoint with a Wilcox mount soon. I'm not sure if I should wear my headset over or under the balaclava. My C8 isn't exactly complete, but getting there. I'm also debating on using my CP Gear Hydration carrier...I'll be wearing black socks next time;)

Nice pic Pigeon, I am going to up load mine soon

The Mexinadian March 21st, 2010 15:35

Some lo res pics of us in the field.

warbird March 21st, 2010 17:24


Originally Posted by QKLee11 (Post 1169400)
Nice pic Pigeon, I am going to up load mine soon

Thanks, haha. Have you tried the vest on?

Texas May 3rd, 2010 14:44

full dress uniform (only for dress up)

combat uniform

simplified raid uniform

undress uniform (for using in the range of garrison)

Period for the reenact is years 2005-2008, pre-deployment order

Vince May 3rd, 2010 16:49

When the f*ck will people learn NOT to wear unearned badges????? For f*ck sake

Desmodus May 3rd, 2010 17:35


Originally Posted by Vince S (Post 1225762)
When the f*ck will people learn NOT to wear unearned badges????? For f*ck sake

Sadly, never. It pisses me off as well.

Point_Man May 3rd, 2010 17:52

I pm'd him about doing a pretty good job in regards to research and accuracy. You have to admit it's not bad. As for the cap badge, he did express the desire not to offend anyone and that his team doesn't use the beret often if at all. I don't think it was his intent to piss anyone off, rather Texas was just trying to emulate one of units as closely as possible. With the amount of airsofters replicating other nations, I think it's neat that someone chose to do a Canadian loadout.

Vince May 3rd, 2010 18:36

He's been told SEVERAL times by SERVING CF guys that they don't like him posing and still he does it...

And he can replicate the CF all he want WITHOUT rank slip-ons, branch tape, beret, cap badge and whatnot

Point_Man May 3rd, 2010 18:49

I hadn't realized it was mentioned several times already and that it was an issue. Don't get me wrong though; I fully understand why members would be upset. The only point I'm making is that as far as actual kit goes I've seen much worse is all.

Infidel May 4th, 2010 10:52


Originally Posted by Vince S (Post 1225850)
He's been told SEVERAL times by SERVING CF guys that they don't like him posing and still he does it...

And he can replicate the CF all he want WITHOUT rank slip-ons, branch tape, beret, cap badge and whatnot

Slip ons I don't care about, though should use a made up unit. What the hell is branch tape? Cap badge well I don't care for, it is a pride thing for people of that unit who have gone through the training. Beret... go for it mate, all the power to you. What I dont like is him having an issued vest.


RecceGod May 4th, 2010 13:00

I could not care less, as long as it's just for modeling and taking pics... if he starts bragging that HE IS from said unit and yadayadayada, or does stupid shit while wearing the cap badge/slip-on, then I'll have a problem...

However, to save people from getting in shit for the reasons mentionned above, just don't do it...

cooney May 4th, 2010 13:04


Originally Posted by Vince S (Post 1225762)
When the f*ck will people learn NOT to wear unearned badges????? For f*ck sake

hmm what happens if you have badges/patches on your Bdus but your cousin earned them :), I have badges/patches on my Korean Woodland Bdus but I'm not sure if I should take em off or not since if feels like I'm taking away his earned badge.

Desmodus May 4th, 2010 13:10


Originally Posted by Cooney (Post 1226429)
hmm what happens if you have badges/patches on your Bdus but your cousin earned them :), I have badges/patches on my Korean Woodland Bdus but I'm not sure if I should take em off or not since if feels like I'm taking away his earned badge.

I think you should take them off. If you yourself didnt earn them... then I dont think you should be wearing them at all.

Lerch May 8th, 2010 00:01

Just a few pictures from this week, I was the am driver for my battery so I didn't actually get out on the gunline aside from one illum. mission just so I could qualify on the LG1...
Tuesday, rain, fun
Wednesday, snow, fun
Thursday, sun and hot meals, awesome

And just for your viewing pleasure Vince, your DIS :D

Vince May 8th, 2010 00:18

Hhaahhaha glad you like it man! It looks awsome

Lerch May 8th, 2010 00:36


Originally Posted by Vince S (Post 1229343)
Hhaahhaha glad you like it man! It looks awsome

I had to keep my rifle in sight at all times, every time I'd go near the gun line the No1's and 2i/c's were eyeballing it with envy...

medhatboy May 8th, 2010 09:50

This is from a few years back.

Lerch May 8th, 2010 11:07

Hmm...looks like...Suffield?

medhatboy May 8th, 2010 12:55


Originally Posted by Lerch (Post 1229462)
Hmm...looks like...Suffield?

you got it.

sticks May 17th, 2010 01:53

This is my CF load out. It's not an issue style vest, i had a vest made custom from Tiger Tactical. But this is what i rock in the summer time.

Pretorian May 27th, 2010 15:41

Acid_Snake May 27th, 2010 16:13

Oh fantastic A2! Probably the best I've ever seen.

273BeLow June 14th, 2010 17:51

posted earlier on the introductiosn thread but thought I should add this here.

Just joined my canadian better half in a Canadian load out for airsofting over here.

Cadpat is UK bought but Canadian made, CF vest is from Canada on ebay. A&K Mk1 M249/C9 just using my 1911 for now may pick up a Sig 226 to stand in for the newer issue 225 although there should be a new high power on way from WE soonish hmmm!

images thanks to John/Scoutthedoggie

Also have a C8 project on the go just needs an inner barrel and the C8 body from DR!

Texas June 30th, 2010 16:07
I am in the middle


Ninja_En_Short June 30th, 2010 18:08

Little question from a CADPAT noob : what are you guys using as second line nowadays ? I saw a lot of stuff in these 78 pages but I have a hard time clearly understanding what the official issue is.
I mostly saw some gear at CPGear but no plate carriers, are you doing like germans with a bulletproof vest and a rig on top of it ?

Point_Man June 30th, 2010 18:13

Overall not bad. I second the point on scrim. It's more accurate without even if you're not wearing the night vision mount. Definetly a set of gloves for patrolling even if it's hot as balls. And a small nit picky point that's more a personal preference: unless you're wearing an undershirt underneath your OTW style shirt I think it's more comfortable to have it tucked into the pant and wearing a belt. I don't me it seems like that would chafe pretty badly afterawhile of walking around. Maybe it's just me.

Texas June 30th, 2010 18:20


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1265153)
Aside from the OD Body Armour, the dude with the boonie hat and goatee you guys look pretty accurate. I also don't think any Canadians have put scrim on their helmets for Afghanistan since 1-06, if so they are the rare exception. Just need some repro PAQ4s and PEQ2s on the rifles. Also, why is there a guy only wearing 1 glove, never seen anyone do that. And most guys tend to wear gloves when they are out patrolling.

Also, why is the person in TW CADPAT wearing a AR Boonie hat? Also he should tuck in his boot laces.

Why do you guys have MCpl, Sgt, etc rank insignia drawn on the armour? I've only seen one person do that overseas and it was a Major. Most common thing you'd see on the body armour is the person's blood type or Blood Type and ZAP number or nothing at all. Also, that guy's Sgt rank is missing the maple leaf.

Some weird looking slings and home made ones you guys have. More people tend to use a one point sling going from the rifle to their tac vest/chest rig, either buy one like the Spec Ops Wolf Hook, or made your own out of 550 Cord and a d-ring/carabeaner. The Vickers Combat Application Sling is also pretty popular. Some guys also use the one point slings that loop around the body, again they either buy one, use the issued one(Afghanistan issue) or use the issued 2 point sling and make it a one point.

Theres also no glass bottles of Pepsi overseas, its all tin cans of pop imported from the Middle East or something(its got Arabic writting on the cans)

good comments! thanks!
The dude with the boonie hat and goatee has his own CG634. For some reasons he didn't put it on for the foto...lazy :)
Gen 3 OD body armour is all we can have for this moment...cannoy find a material for maeking a repro of Arid ones and sure cannot buy issued one :)

Regarding the was an airsoft game of period 2006. Guy wanted to make "a palm" on his head as he has seen on some photos :))) Will recommend to remove.

PAQ4/PAQ2..we are working on that :p

Person in TW is from different photos ;) he is a beginner and still has to collect a lot of stuff... IOW: bad logistics :)

Regarding rank insignia...remains of folly. Seen few time the same and did. Needs to be cleaned long time ago.

Some slings are to be changed, some are alright...I use soft FN Minimi's sling and want to make one from a paracord

Regarding the was just an airsoft game..and it was what we have received at our "FOB" as a package :) BTW, good notes. I didn't thought about it at that moment :banghead:

Good ideas to work on


Originally Posted by Point_Man (Post 1265162)
Overall not bad. I second the point on scrim. It's more accurate without even if you're not wearing the night vision mount. Definetly a set of gloves for patrolling even if it's hot as balls. And a small nit picky point that's more a personal preference: unless you're wearing an undershirt underneath your OTW style shirt I think it's more comfortable to have it tucked into the pant and wearing a belt. I don't me it seems like that would chafe pretty badly afterawhile of walking around. Maybe it's just me.

Same, good notes. Thanks! Will work on it

Karlawson June 30th, 2010 18:27

I've got a mil-spec cad pat tunic and trouser combo. I believe that when you put rank badges on, you are somewhat mocking the men and women who serve to protect our country everyday. it is stealing their glory, and I don't agree with that. If you wear your kit and a forces member can plainly see that you are not in the cf, that's ok by me. (case in point, the pre-cadpat OD BDUs) And there is a difference between wearing it because you are proud of your country, and wearing it because you want people to think you are something you're not. just thought I'd put my two cents in. oh and by the way, my uniform is made by "CAMP/COMP" lol <- not sure how it's spelled. :wink:

Point_Man June 30th, 2010 19:03

2 Attachment(s)
Great effort guys. Here's a couple of more pics from my tour to give you guys some more ideas. The sling in the first picture I'm using is home made. I like prefered the one point that I could loop around my body.

Texas July 1st, 2010 03:21

What is the scope on your C7a2? Is that an Elcan SpecterDR?

Twin#1[Op-for] July 1st, 2010 03:23

Yes, that's a spectre

Point_Man July 1st, 2010 09:22


Originally Posted by Texas (Post 1265528)
What is the scope on your C7a2? Is that an Elcan SpecterDR?

Sure is. It wasn't issue though, I got a good deal on it before I left.

Roguer July 2nd, 2010 12:50

the new rig is supposed to be issued to troops overseas for trials sometime during 1-10 is what ive been hearin from guys who are over there right now.

Ninja_En_Short July 2nd, 2010 17:24

Ok so if I understand the regular grunt (no offense guys) is issued with an official LBE but is still free to use his/her own PC as long as it is approved ?

I think I saw some Eagle, Tactical Tailor, CPGear and HSGI stuff on pictures.

Texas July 3rd, 2010 08:03


Originally Posted by Point_Man (Post 1265162)
And a small nit picky point that's more a personal preference: unless you're wearing an undershirt underneath your OTW style shirt I think it's more comfortable to have it tucked into the pant and wearing a belt. I don't me it seems like that would chafe pretty badly afterawhile of walking around. Maybe it's just me.

I've found a few pics of CF operators using OTW untucked of pants

Point_Man July 3rd, 2010 09:46


Originally Posted by Texas (Post 1266594)

You took me too literally. I didn't say you couldn't. I only said it would have them tucked into avoid chafing. It's just personal preference. Do what you want so as long as your shirt tail isn't down to your knees. That would just look sloppy; even for soldiers that are on constant operations.

Ninja_En_Short July 4th, 2010 22:21

The only thing missing are integrated elbow protection.
Have some on my Crye, I would not remove them for anything.

Also noticed the C9 oriented toward the tanks has an M4 stock adapter. You have that on all C9 or is that a personnal custom ?

Lerch July 5th, 2010 00:25

All the C9A2's have collapsible stocks, prior to this though there were mods like cutting the A1 stock shorter and getting collapsible stocks fitted.

Ninja_En_Short July 6th, 2010 03:25

Other question an firearms, I know you guys got rid of thermhold mags a while back but are you going to had KA M5 RAS instead of standard handgard or any other upgrade on regular soldier assault rifle ?
And is there any other difference between C7/8 and M4 or M16A3/4 (I don't know which version it's based on) ?

pugs144 July 6th, 2010 08:03

I haven't heard anything about KAC's becoming standard issue.

ex July 6th, 2010 08:06

I have seen the KAC RAS used in AStan Though..Lots of Pics to support this. You just gotta dig.

Not Sure of this pics context so take it for what its worth.

pugs144 July 6th, 2010 08:10

Yeah, they're mostly private or unit purchased though.

Texas July 6th, 2010 09:05

gents, do you know is there a sense of using CamelBak Thermobak 3L in 3 Colour Desert or Coyote brown but with CADPAT Arid Hydration cover on it? Have you seen OPs using so way?

Lerch July 6th, 2010 09:27

Haven't seen them used with the cover, but I have seen various different colors of Camelbak used. I use the issued one, but my roomie uses a British one and some guys at work have CB carriers.

Texas July 6th, 2010 09:33

I have CF issued one in CADPAT TW and Arid hydration cover. Just thinking that TW straps are odd when using with Arid kit, but 3 Colour Desert CamelBak on the back is out of "harmony of Arid" also :)))

Infidel July 7th, 2010 04:30

Everyone over in Afghanistan right now is issued a CADPAT TW Hydration carrier and a 3L Camelbak bladder. They also have the AR Cover. Though some of the guys do have their own stuff, and you can get stuff at the various PX's.


Lerch July 16th, 2010 18:04

Pre-deployment comms check :p

Hot sunny day, I sweated my balls off.

Infidel July 19th, 2010 06:11

The one the guys im working with got, they have it all pimped out lol


Tom Swift July 30th, 2010 14:08

Thought some of you turd burgulars would like this... The Other Canadian SOF

Texas July 31st, 2010 05:34

yepp. this is CSOR's training

pugs144 July 31st, 2010 10:43

Yeah, those pics accompanied David Pugliese's article on the future of CANSOFCOM in the Ottawa Sun a couple of weeks ago.

Tom Swift July 31st, 2010 11:27


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1286934)
Yeah, those pics accompanied David Pugliese's article on the future of CANSOFCOM in the Ottawa Sun a couple of weeks ago.

link to an article?

pugs144 July 31st, 2010 12:27

Correction, that's the Ottawa Citizen:


Article on the way ahead for CANSOFCOM

mr_nuts31 July 31st, 2010 13:38


And is there any other difference between C7/8 and M4 or M16A3/4 (I don't know which version it's based on) ?
AFAIK, the C7 have a heavier barrel, full auto instead of burst fire, and the stock is retractable on the A2 version.

Here's a M16A4:

And here's a C7:

xxfogofwarxx August 13th, 2010 22:51


Originally Posted by mctaz (Post 244824)
the CF use goggles but i'm not sure is bolle

They are Oakley. All Ballistic eyewear in the CF is from Oakley; and we have a 60% discount with to purchase our own if we prefer.

xxfogofwarxx August 13th, 2010 22:54


Originally Posted by mr_nuts31 (Post 1287036)
AFAIK, the C7 have a heavier barrel, full auto instead of burst fire, and the stock is retractable on the A2 version.

Here's a M16A4:

And here's a C7:

The A2 also features the C79 3.5X optical scope with tritium sighting post, as well as an arctic trigger. ;)

JoWade August 14th, 2010 07:43

Yup CF issued ballistic lens are made by Revision and not Oakley. By the way mine in Afghanistan (REVISION) saved on of my eye when I got a shrapnel in it.

You are right for the C7


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1295792)
Yea you don't know what you are talking about. The issue BEW is made by Revision, and the ballastic goggles issued overseas, atleast the ones I saw and had were also by Revision. Lots of CF members just choose to purchase and use their own Oakley glasses. And no, there isn't a 60% discount on There is a Government Oakley Site that after sending in proof you are CF, LEO, etc you can purchase certain Oakley products at a discount, but it isn't 60%.

CF Issue BEW

CF Issue Goggles for Afghanistan

The C7A1 also has a Elcan C79 sight and the arctic trigger guard to... And I believe the C7 also has the arctic trigger guard. The C7A2 comes with the C79A1 or A2 sight. Also, the Elcan is 3.4x magnification AFAIK

Smartass August 15th, 2010 09:44

Assuming I don't choke on the price, where would I buy an Elcan C79 optical sight?

Texas August 15th, 2010 09:48

Smartass August 15th, 2010 10:10

Thanks Texas

Infidel August 18th, 2010 19:54

Skelator their are a number of goggles currently in trials, mine is the Revision one you posted but their are smaller ones and more profiled ones currently in the system for trials. I just have the revision ones because of the perscription inserts.


Infidel August 22nd, 2010 13:12


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1298567)
I know theres other ones on trial, we had more then the desert locusts on my tour as well. The point of that post was to point out the widescale issue of our BEW items and to discredit him(fogofwar) since he was wrong saying Oakley supplies all of our BEW.

True true... hell we dont even have Oakley Goggles as far as I am awar.


Loathing August 22nd, 2010 15:25

Don't have Oakley anything unless you buy it yourself or people get together and put an order in through that Government Oakley site. The prices are cheaper but it's a bit of a pain in the ass if your doing it just for yourself, and maybe it's just me but I don't feel too comfortable about faxing someone my DND ID.

Kingston just got the new Revision BEW maybe two-three months ago? Until then we still were getting the one with a green frame, no idea what company that was by. Still Revision or no?

Capt.Flan August 22nd, 2010 16:04


Originally Posted by Dogsbody (Post 1296419)
Assuming I don't choke on the price, where would I buy an Elcan C79 optical sight?

Wolverine supplies. Black rubber cover only.

About 1200$ Not all of them as tritium. Same reticule.

Infidel August 22nd, 2010 17:27


Originally Posted by Loathing (Post 1300881)
Kingston just got the new Revision BEW maybe two-three months ago? Until then we still were getting the one with a green frame, no idea what company that was by. Still Revision or no?

Ya just an upgraded model. Apparently the lenses dont scratch as easily. I will say that I have absolute faith in the BEW system.


Capt.Flan August 22nd, 2010 17:59


Originally Posted by Infidel (Post 1300947)
Ya just an upgraded model. Apparently the lenses dont scratch as easily. I will say that I have absolute faith in the BEW system.



A fragmented jacket ( from a 9mm P+ FMJ pistol round against close steel plates targets) did bounced back into my BEW safety lenses this summer at the range. Not even a scratch.


P.S. A also use Oakley's M Frame ( strike ), they are good ( vision, resolution, contrast,etc... ) but they scratch easily. A few ejected case into the lenses and they will wear fast. :(

greenknightscaptain September 16th, 2010 00:14

My CADPAT loadout-FL, USA
I'm a bit of a gearwhore. I had to have the CADPAT when I discovered it. It became my primary camouflage on OPs. In FL most of the games call for ACU, MARPAT, BDU etc., but I wear the CADPAT when I can. Here are some pics of my loadouts. Excuse the bad pics. I threw these together when I came accross this forum.

Standard Kit: Assault kit w/skate helmet
Another look usually when it's too hot out. OD hat w/ American flag
Sniper kit. Homemade Ghillie mane w/ Cadpat balaclava
My newest addition. Ghosts skull balaclava from COD:MW2.

ScarecrowM14 September 16th, 2010 12:37

i found a some CADPAT when i was in alberta at an airshow i got a hydration pack a carry pouch and a duffle all for like $100 THERE WAS SOOO MUCH MORE there was a ton of CADPAT and MARPAT(eeew MARPAT) gear there there were drop pouches assault bags hiking bags shirts those bumper stickers support our troops ones it was crazy i say u should go to the wataskawin airshow if your ever in Alberta up by Reddeer :infantry: :D

ScarecrowM14 September 16th, 2010 12:39

i love your ghillie tilly XD im making my own any tips??? im making a prone ghillie for woodland

Texas September 20th, 2010 04:21

YouTube - Canadian Special Operations Regiment

curious.. why do these OPs in CADPAT Arid pants and top is in TW? any reason for a such mixing of the camo?

greenknightscaptain September 21st, 2010 00:48

SEALs in Afghanistan do it as well. Marcus Lutrell mentions wearing bdu jacket with dcu pants on an OP. As said earlier your upper body at tree level is green and your lower body appears arrid and it breaks up your profile really well.

Infidel September 29th, 2010 07:08


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1318620)
To blend into the area they are in. Even in a woodland area the ground isn't always going to be green, there's dead/yellow grass, etc. The Brits do that alot in training and in Afghanistan.

Not any more, at least not any that I have seen in our AO. They have mostly been using their new Multicam uniforms for OTW. Alot of the Rear Ech types are still rocking the Desert DPM.

Also the Yanks here have 3 types of Cammo, the plain gray, the plain gray with some brown, and the new Mulitcams... hard to tell the difference between a Brit and a Yank now adays lol


Danke September 29th, 2010 12:05

Expanding on Mike's reply about the mixing of 2 colours of tops and bottoms; picture a man moving along seen from a few hundred meters away. The green top blends in with the foliage, and the lighter bottom blends in with the dead fall, or if it's winter you'll just have white bottoms on if you're in evergreens. This works really well.

The Canadian Army has done this for years, not just the SF guys.

For the SEALs mixing tops, it's been said that they do this to produce 2 smaller camo'd blobs vs. one big camo'd blob. If you can break up the pattern of the human body in this manner you'll make it harder for your opposition to see there's a person out there.

Infidel September 29th, 2010 12:06


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1323769)
Helmand province has a lot of green, seen a lot of pics rocking the woodland and desert dpm combo in the green zone. And yea they now have a pattern of multicam that is being worn now too so that would be replacing allthe dpm stuff. Also what are you referring to with the Americans? Plain grey, grey and brown? You mean their ACUs? Yea the ACUs with the brown mixed in was one of the trial patterns but multicam was the winner of that trial. And the Americans call it OEF-Pattern or something like that.

Right now the Yanks are rocking three Uniforms, just for the Army. All are ACU pattern Unfirom, but the most common is the Universal (I call it Plain Gray because thats what it is), then the one with some Brown thrown in to help blend in a bit (less common but still visible especially in some of the FOBs), then the new Multicams which alot of the new troops are coming in wearing.

Gotta say that Multicam would probably work quite nice here, but I'll stick with the Arid CADPAT lol


Infidel September 30th, 2010 06:09


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1323879)
You can always get a multicam chest rig and backpack. Rock that on top of your AR CADPAT

Ya I got a TT MAV for my Rig and a 5.11 72 Hour Rush for my day bag... both in CB. Its a good set up... on my Rig I carry Ammo, First Aid, and my related Sigs material and I dont get stuck in the air sentry hatch lol... I did when I wore the Issued vest.


Texas September 30th, 2010 15:27

I've tried to mix camo during the training raid last week. Works ;)
I am on the right

273BeLow November 1st, 2010 19:59

slight cross posting from SAW thread but getting my Canadian load out a little bit more true to form.

punk_newbie November 1st, 2010 23:55

Did you make a template to engrave the trademarks? If not how did you go about doing it?

Boris the Blade November 2nd, 2010 01:15

Nice markings! The real C9 also has several FN Herstal markings on it as well

273BeLow November 2nd, 2010 03:41


Originally Posted by punk_newbie (Post 1342203)
Did you make a template to engrave the trademarks? If not how did you go about doing it?

On of the guys at the Airsoft site I go to is a gfx designer and very kindly made them up. Will get it engraved in the future though!

sortie39 November 20th, 2010 02:44


Originally Posted by cskalex (Post 232981)

JTF2 Stuff

:twisted: :twisted:

looks cool.

ScarecrowM14 November 21st, 2010 05:49

ugh i got off my CADPAT fix lol im going MARPAT its just easier cuz my new core issues marpat gear instead or CADPAT :/

Mordarski J.A. November 28th, 2010 00:47

Gotta admit, I really like the C9A1. Only thing you have to do to make it a little more authentic is get the proper hand guards and a rear tactical grip. I know the grip is not 100% required, but I've never seen a C9A1 issued without one.

Infidel November 30th, 2010 11:03

Hows this?


Texas November 30th, 2010 11:24


Originally Posted by Infidel (Post 1359800)
Hows this?

these guys have better loadout :D

BTW, what's happend with your helmet? ;)

Infidel November 30th, 2010 11:43


Originally Posted by Texas (Post 1359818)
these guys have better loadout :D

BTW, what's happend with your helmet? ;)

I dont need a helmet... i've got a thick skull.


sortie39 November 30th, 2010 16:24

thanks for sharing!

Mordarski J.A. December 2nd, 2010 21:55


Originally Posted by Texas (Post 1359818)
BTW, what's happend with your helmet? ;)

Dammit son, "one man one kit"!!

rustysniper December 3rd, 2010 01:43
A bunch of old farts beatin`up on the US guys at Fort Ord California Oct 2010.

J.O.C. Task Force 10

sortie39 December 3rd, 2010 03:09


Originally Posted by rustysniper (Post 1361940)
A bunch of old farts beatin`up on the US guys at Fort Ord California Oct 2010.

J.O.C. Task Force 10

i wanna see more pics!!

Kimbo December 3rd, 2010 03:29


Originally Posted by sortie39 (Post 1361961)
i wanna see more pics!!

Conker December 25th, 2010 18:17

Personal picture of one of my friends currently in the Sandbox with the R22eR. As it's a personal pic I preferred blurring the faces, but you're not missing on much anyway, except maybe glasses and a few moustaches^^

Also, looks like the new MOLLE carriers to replace tacvests? I asked him what brand/model they are, but I don't know how often he has access to the internets, so I'm not expecting an answer anytime soon.

JoWade December 25th, 2010 19:56


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1375929)
Personal picture of one of my friends currently in the Sandbox with the R22eR. As it's a personal pic I preferred blurring the faces, but you're not missing on much anyway, except maybe glasses and a few moustaches^^

Also, looks like the new MOLLE carriers to replace tacvests? I asked him what brand/model they are, but I don't know how often he has access to the internets, so I'm not expecting an answer anytime soon.

Yup we are getting these. Still under testing tho.

rc_p120 December 26th, 2010 00:12


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1376008)
Probably a SORD rig as that was one of the final 2 picked for the MFR as the tac vest replacement(for Afghanistan/Operations), be a while before anything is issued forces wide)

TT 2 piece MAV is also being issued, I know the Patricia's got a number of them issued.

Is there going to be a forces wide new issue vest? Shouldn't it be something Canadian at least, like a CPgear design?

pugs144 December 26th, 2010 00:21

CP Gear's rigs were trialed and rejected. What will probably happen is once the design is finalized tenders will be put out to Canadian manufacturers

Tom Swift January 8th, 2011 02:45

Someone from either JTF2 or CSOR

ragnagna January 26th, 2011 22:55

Canadian loadout, almost finish! I only need to change some things (MOLLE Vest, tactical boots, pads,) and almost everything (BDU, helmet, covert, boots, webbing) is issued:


warbird January 27th, 2011 10:31

Nice !

Upnorth February 26th, 2011 18:56

HEy Lerch, isn't it you on that CP gear video ?

YouTube - CPGear Company Promo Video



Texas March 2nd, 2011 07:27

looking for photos of use of TT MAV 2-piece by CF operators in Astan of period around 2008

I will appreciate if anybody can help me with such photographs

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