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Ronan February 5th, 2008 05:27


Originally Posted by lindseyhunt1090 (Post 635358)
ok i think im going to order this

the bolt would move back and forth with a gun like this eh. its pritty expensive so it better lol.

Good gun, no blow back.

lindseyhunt1090 February 5th, 2008 05:29

does blow back meen the bolt goes front to back or that it has a recoil effect

Ronan February 5th, 2008 05:31


Originally Posted by lindseyhunt1090 (Post 635360)
does blow back meen the bolt goes front to back or that it has a recoil effect

blow back is when you shoot the slide or bolt moves back aand forth. On most AEG you can move the bolt manually to some extent.

lindseyhunt1090 February 5th, 2008 05:32

hmm shitty well ill find something ill let you guys no tomaorw what i find im gunna go to bed now tho lol its late thanks for all the help guys talk to you tomarow

Ronan February 5th, 2008 05:36


Originally Posted by lindseyhunt1090 (Post 635363)
hmm shitty well ill find something ill let you guys no tomaorw what i find im gunna go to bed now tho lol its late thanks for all the help guys talk to you tomarow

ttyl. Don't be shy, you can PM me anytime :p G/N

No_Way February 5th, 2008 06:23


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 635364)
ttyl. Don't be shy, you can PM me or No_Way anytime:p G/N

Fixed !

Drake February 5th, 2008 07:11

Man, the mere idea the remote possibility of poon and some of you guys turn to mush. Internet poon, at that. Pathetic. If this had been some dude asking you would have just told him to fuck off, read the FAQ and get age verified.

Some of you boys bring shame to the game, and I hang my head in disgust! :P

kalnaren February 5th, 2008 07:23

Wow, I have to say this was actually a really sad thread. I'm surprised lindseyhunt1090 found any answers in it. :rolleyes:

Ronan February 5th, 2008 07:29

Hey i was raised to be polite and helpful to the female gender!! lol

She got all the answers she needed and then some :)

CadetCatastrophe February 5th, 2008 07:49

wow, i love how like we are nice to her just cuz shes a girl... some guy comes in here and asks (aka matzella) and everybody just starts pounding on him.... now all that u guys can think of is pounding her, but in a different way...

Drake February 5th, 2008 08:39


Originally Posted by CadetCatastrophe (Post 635388)
wow, i love how like we are nice to her just cuz shes a girl... some guy comes in here and asks (aka matzella) and everybody just starts pounding on him.... now all that u guys can think of is pounding her, but in a different way...

Claims she's a girl.

Like Jesseeast claimed the pictures were of his little brother, some kids claim they're over 18, Atryu claimed he didn't know that boy was under 18 or Mr.Hitman claimed he saved ASC from the greatest scam since the PropsCan Group Order epic. :P

Personally I think Metzell still needed info and posed as a chick to con everyone into spoonfeeding his ass.


Crunchmeister February 5th, 2008 10:54

Well holy shit on a ham sandwich! What do we have here? I never thought this possible! I thought I'd have a better chance of seeing Michael Jackson in a willing, sexually active relationship with an adult woman than what I'm witnessing here. I still can't quite believe my eyes...

ASC members are being polite, respectful, and incredibly helpful to a noob that asks a bunch of questions that are already answered in the FAQs and guides. You guys are really rolling out the red carpet rather than pulling the welcome mat out from under a noob. How can this be?

Oh yeah, I guess the fact that the said noob has breasts makes all the difference in the world. Had a male (or non-gender-disclosed) noob shown up in here asking the same questions (and they have MANY times in my brief 3 months here) without reading the FAQs, they would have had Greylocks sicked on them, been raked across the coals multiple times, and been torn about 7 new assholes by now. And holy crap, with a comment like "just to make this easier on me and not make me look through old threads" would normally be greeted by an angry mob with torches and pitchforks. Wow.... what a difference it makes when a woman shows up!! It actually shows that ASC members actually have the capacity to be nice to noobs. Whoda thunk it? The mysteries of the universe never cease to amaze me...:confused:

Now that this is out of the way, welcome, Lindsey. Enjoy your stay. I'm sure you'll find this little online community quite informative and at times, entertaining.Seems like you have managed to avoid the "STFU AND GO READ N00B!!!" comments our new members tend to usually get hammered with. And as you've discovered, members here have the capacity to be quite helpful when they choose to be. Guess that's what happens when all the boys in the thread are drooling over the thought of a woman with a gun. lol

You say you served in the CF. Details please. I'm curious.

Ronan February 5th, 2008 10:58


On a more serious note:
See iv been right all along... ASC needs a feminine touch (Sorry TS you aren't enough:( )

Mapcinq February 5th, 2008 11:01

You have been violated...

Crunchmeister February 5th, 2008 11:05

Yes, I'm still rather in doubt about the authenticity of the female claim. Once I see an "age verified" tag under 'her' name, I'll believe it 100%. I'm willing to give 'her' the benefit of doubt, but this is the Internet, so yeah... I'm not holding my breath.

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