View Poll Results: Would you rather:
This poll will close on October 8th, 2008 at 20:55 |
Get a kraken 'fixer upper' and convert it to a better one, or
ALLGAR, Alpha-Sierra, Amos, ancorp, AngelusNex, Apoc_, Auklin, Azriel_Strife, BlackViper7, blueDestiny, bodydropper, Boneyman, BORDENSNIPER, Burgoyne, byblos, cbcsteve, Chadillac, cloves, comrade1, Conscript, crocket74, Crunchmeister, CycloneCyno, Dao, Defcon_Carl, Delta1, Demichev, Donster, dpvu, Dusti69, DustMagnet, Flea-ish, Forever_kaos, GZA, h311boy, Hash Vapor, hot_shot under fire, J.Michael, j3anius, JacoNB, Jay Taris, Jayne Finch, jesster202, Jonboy2312, J~Rawk, Kingsix, KNIVEZS, Kokanee, L473ncy, lemegacool, Luckless, mack_silent, malachite, ManiacQc, Matty1020, Messy, MestHead, MickeyWang, Mikhail, MillerBRo, Mist3r.B, Mitchell12, Mystery,, panzergrenadier, Parafal, pusangani, Rainer, Relja, Saint_blackhand, sekuda, sharpshooter, ShaWdowS, Shawzy, ShelledPants, Skladfin, Strelok, THEDRAVEN, theshaneler, The_Decider, Thor 1308, Turnbull, T_A_N_K, Voice of Reason, wert, ZIP
86 |
56.95% |
Spend the money and get a new TM AK47
-=]MH[=-RaiDen, acidburn149, Aegiis, airborneboi69, Airsoft Team Altona, arman, blackm44, Brakoo, Capt. Tyco, Charley, Cheesevillage, ChopsticKs, Doc, Drake, dzik, e30_325i, F34N0R, Fidget11, gmds44, Gunny_McSmith, HaloSix4, Holy^Ghost, IronBoss, Janus, jaymz1911, JoeFriday, jonney., kidulan, KillerCreed, Kookamater, Ktown Militia, Manchilada, Marty249, max.power, Mentosice, Midgetkid, Monica, Monster1325, mrgruber, Murdoch, Nikodemus, paulwes83, peacekeeper, ponyone, Razzberry, Redneck Jimbo, rideout, SDS_ShooterMcGavin, share_the_pain, Shirley, Shrapnel[Op-For], SOCINCO, Spawn28, spl01t77, Stealth_Omega, Steggs, super_six_four, talphik, techobo, theguy, TokyoSeven, towellie, ujiro, vam907, VeZ
65 |
43.05% |
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